Sun would be the owner of the first hora and the second hora would belong to the Moon.
The native born in the first hora of Libra is rich, luxurious and popular; tall with strong bones; round face, beautiful eyes and high nose. The native born in the second hora of Libra is rich from many sources, deceitful, afraid of illegal acts; prefers to stay at one place; has short feet, round eyes and thick and black curly hair.
Moon would own the first hora and second hora would be owned by Sun.
The native born in the first hora of Scorpio is eager, courageous, vicious, competitive and valiant, rich and romantic; has pale eyes with red corners. The native born in the second hora of Scorpio serves others; takes loan and remains indebted; many friends; bright and sparkling eyes; may also suffer from eye diseases; tall, big and firm.
The first hora would be of Sun and the second hora would be owned by Moon.
The native born in the first hora of Sagittarius lives away from parents in childhood or parents may abandon him/her; chaste; big mouth, sharp features and broad chest. The native born in the second hora of Sagittarius is learned, eloquent speaker, fortunate, famous and generous; has tall and proportionate body with long arms and beautiful eyes.
Here the first hora would be of Moon whereas the second hora would be owned by the Sun.
The native born in the first hora of Capricorn is fortunate, deceitful, rich, and fond of spicy and good food; dark complexion, smaIl nose and deer like eyes; charming personality. The native born in the second hora ‘of Capricorn is stupid,
aggressive and brave, gets involved in terrible and violent activities; undertakes long journeys; tall, dark-complexioned; hairy skin; drowsy eyes with red corners.