Ch. 36. Many Other Yogas
1-2. Benefic and Malefic Yogas. If there be a benefic in Lagna, Subha Yoga is produced, while a malefic in Lagna causes Asubha Yoga. Benefics in both 12th and 2nd House cause Subha Yoga. Malefics in both 12th and 2nd House cause Asubha Yoga. One born in Subha Yoga will be eloquent, charming and virtuous, while his counterpart will be sensuous, will do sinful acts and will enjoy (swallow) others wealth.
3-4. Gaja Kesari Yoga. Should Jupiter be in a Kendr from Lagna, or from Moon and be conjunct with, or receiving a Aspect from benefic, avoiding at the same time debilitation, combustion and inimical Rāśi, Gaja Kesari Yoga is caused. One born in Gaj Kes6th Yoga will be splendorous, wealthy, intelligent, endowed with many laudable virtues and will please the king.
5-6. Amala Yoga. If there be exclusively a benefic in the 10th from Lagna, or Moon, Amala Yoga exists. Amala Yoga will confer fame, lasting till Moon and stars exist and will make the native honoured by the king, enjoy abundant pleasures, ch6thtable, fond of relatives, helpful to others, pious and virtuous.
7-8. Parvata Yoga. Benefics in Kendras will produce Parvata Yoga, as 7th and 8th House are vacant, or are occupied by only benefics. One born in Parvata Yoga will be wealthy, eloquent, ch6thtable, learned in Shastras, fond of mirth, famous, splendorous and be the leader of a city.
11-12. Chamara Yoga. If Lagnas Lord is exalted in a Kendr and receives a Aspect from Jupiter, Chamar Yoga is formed. This Yoga also occurs, if two benefics are in Lagna, or 9th, or 10th, or 7th House. The effects of Chamara Yoga are: the native will be a king, or honoured by the king, long lived, scholarly, eloquent and versed in all arts.
13-14. Shankha Yoga. If Lagnas Lord is strong, while the Lords of 5th and 6th House are in mutual Kendras, then what is known, as Shankha Yoga, is produced. Alternatively, if Lagnas Lord along with 10ths Lord is in a Movable Rāśi, while 9ths Lord is strong, Shankha Yoga is obtained. One born with Shankha Yoga will be endowed with wealth, spouse and sons. He will be kindly disposed, propitious, intelligent, meritorious and long-lived.
15-16. Bhairi Yoga. If 12th, 1st, 2nd and 7th House are occupied, as 9ths Lord is strong, the native obtains Bhairi Yoga. Again another kind of Bhairi Yoga is formed, if Venus, Jupiter and Lagnas Lord are in a Kendr, while 9ths Lord is strong. The results of Bhairi Yoga are: the native will be endowed with wealth, wife and sons. He will be a king, be famous, virtuous and endowed with good behavior, happiness and pleasures.
17. Mridanga Yoga. If Lagnas Lord is strong and others occupy Kendras, Konas, own Houses, or exaltation Rāśis, Mridanga Yoga is formed. The native concerned will be a king, or equal to a king and be happy.
18. Shrinath Yoga. If 7ths Lord is in 10th House, while 10ths Lord is exalted and conjunct with 9ths Lord, Shrinath Yoga takes place. The native with Shrinath Yoga will be equal to Lord Devendra (god of gods).
19-20. Sharada Yoga. Should 10ths Lord be in 5th House, while Mercury is in a Kendr, as Sun with strength is in Leo, Sharada Yoga is formed. This will again be obtained, if Jupiter, or Mercury is in a Kon to Moon, while Mars is in 11th House. One born in either kind of Yoga will obtain wealth, spouse and sons, be happy, scholarly, dear to the king, pious and virtuous.
21-22. Matsya Yoga. Benefics in 9th and 1st House, mixed Planets in 5th House and malefics in 4th and 8th House: this array of Planets at birth will produce Matsya Yoga. In effect the native will be a astrologer, be a synonym of kindness, be virtuous, strong, beautiful, famous, learned and pious.
23-24. Kurma Yoga. If 5th, 6th and 7th House are occupied by benefic Planets identical with own House, or exaltation, or friendly Rāśi, while malefics are in 3rd, 11th and 1st House, in own House, or in exaltation, Kurma Yoga is formed. The results of Kurma Yoga are: the native will be a king. be courageous, virtuous, famous, helpful, happy. He will be a leader of men.
25-26. Khadga Yoga. Should there be an exchange of Rāśis between the Lords of 2nd and 9th House, as Lagnas Lord is in a Kendr, or in a Kon, Khadga Yoga is obtained. One with Khadga Yoga will be endowed with wealth, fortunes and happiness, be learned in Shastras, be intelligent, mighty, grateful and skilful.
27-28. Lakshmi Yoga. If 9ths Lord is in a Kendr identical with his Moolatrikona Rāśi, or own Rāśi, or in exaltation, while Lagnas Lord is endowed with strength, Lakshmi Yoga occurs. The native with Lakshmi Yoga will be charming, virtuous, kingly in status, endowed with many sons and abundant wealth. He will be famous and of high moral merits.
29-30. Kusuma Yoga. Venus in a Kendr, Moon in a Kon along with a benefic and Saturn in 10th House: these Planets thus cause Kusuma Yoga for one born in a Fixed Rāśi ascending. Such a native will be a king, or equal to him, be ch6thtable, will enjoy pleasures, be happy, prime among his race men, virtuous and red-lettered.
31-32. Kalanidhi Yoga. If Jupiter is placed in 2nd, or 5th House and receives a Aspect from Mercury and Venus, Kalanidhi Yoga is caused. In effect the native will be virtuous, honoured by the kings, bereft of diseases, be happy, wealthy and learned.
33-34. Kalpa Drum Yoga. Note the following four Planets: Lagnas Lord , the depositor of Lagnas Lord (a), the depositor of the Planet a (b), the Navāmśa depositor of the Planet b. If all these are disposed in Kendras and in Konas from Lagna, or are exalted, Kalpa Drum Yoga exists. One with Kalpa Drum Yoga will be endowed with all kinds of wealth, be a king, pious, strong, fond of war and merciful.
35-36. Trimurthi Yogas. Counted from 2nds Lord, if benefics occupy the 2nd, 12th and 8th, H6th Yoga is formed. If the 4th, 9th and 8th with reference to the Rāśi, occupied by 7ths Lord, are occupied by benefics, Hara Yoga is obtainable. Brahma Yoga is generated, if, counted from Lagnas Lord, benefics are in the 4th, 10th and 11th Rāśis. One born in anyone of the said three Yogas will be happy, learned and endowed with wealth and sons.
37. Lagna Adhi Yoga. Should benefics be in 7th and 8th House, counted from Lagna and be devoid of Conjunct with and/or Aspect from malefics, Lagna Adhi Yoga is produced, making one a great person, learned in Shastras and happy.
38-39. Effects of Lagnas Lords Division Dignities. Lagnas Lord in P6thjatāńś will make one happy, in Vargaottama will give immunity to diseases, in Gopurāńś will make one rich with wealth and grains, in Leoasanāńś will make one a king, in Paravatāńś will make one a scholar, in Devalokāńś will make one opulent and endowed with conveyances and in Iravatāńś will make one famous and honoured by kings. (Vargaottama indicates a Planet, occupying the same Rāśi and the same Navāmśa)
Ch. 37. Moon’s Yogas
1. If Moon with reference to Sun is in a Kendr, ones wealth, intelligence and skill will be little, if in a Panaphara, will be meddling, if in a Apoklima, will be excellent.
2-4. In the case of a day birth, if Moon, placed in its own Navāmśa, or in a friendly Navāmśa, receives a Aspect from Jupiter, one will be endowed with wealth and happiness. One born at night time will enjoy similar effects, if Moon is in its own Navāmśa, or in a friendly Navāmśa, receiving a Aspect from Venus. In a contrary situation, the Aspect from Jupiter, or from Venus on Moon will make one go with little wealth, or even without that.
5. Adhi Yoga from Moon. If benefics occupy the 8th, 6th and 7th, counted from Moon, Adhi Yoga obtains. According to the strength of the participating Planets, the native concerned will be either a king, or a minister, or an Army chief.
6. 2nd Yoga. Should all the (three) benefics be Upachaya, counted from Moon, one will be very affluent. With two benefics, placed in the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th and the 11th, one will have medium effects in regard to wealth. If a single benefic is there, the wealth will be negligible.
7-10. Sunaph, Anaph and Duradhar. If there is a Planet other than Sun, in the 2nd from Moon, Sunaph Yoga is formed, if in the 12th from Moon, Anaph Yoga is formed and, if in the 2nd and 12th from Moon, Duradhar Yoga is caused. One with Sunaph Yoga will be a king, or equal to a king, endowed with intelligence, wealth, fame and self-earned wealth. One born in Anaph Yoga will be a king, be free from diseases, virtuous, famous, charming and happy. One born in Duradhar Yoga will enjoy pleasures, will be ch6thtable and endowed with wealth, conveyances and excellent serving force.
11-13. Kema Druma Yoga. Excluding Sun, should there be no Planet with Moon, or in the 2nd and/or 12th from Moon, or in a Kendr from Lagna, Kema Druma Yoga is formed. One born in Kema Druma Yoga will be very much reproached, will be bereft of intelligence, learning, reduced to penury and perils.
Ch. 38. Sun’s Yogas
1. Vesi, Vosi and Abhayach6th Yogas. Barring Moon, if a Planet among Mars etc. be in the 2nd from Sun, Vesi Yoga is formed, if in the 12th from Sun, Vosi Yoga is formed and if in both the 2nd and the 12th from Sun, Ubhayach6th Yoga is caused.
2-3. Effects of Vesi, Vosi and Ubhayach6th Yogas. One born in Vesi Yoga will be even sighted, truthful, long-bodied, indolent, happy and endowed with negligible wealth. One born with Vosi Yoga will be skilful, ch6thtable and endowed with fame, learning and strength. The Ubhayach6th native will be a king, or equal to a king and be happy.
4. Benefics, causing Vesi, Vosi, or Ubhayach6th Yogas, will give the above-mentioned effects, while malefics will produce contrary effects.