Ch. 39. Raja Yoga
1-2. O excellent of the Brahmins, I now narrate below the Raja Yogas, making one entitled to royal honour. These were told to Parvati by Lord Shiva once upon a time, the gist of which is, as follows.
3-5. Raja Yogas are to be known from the Karakāńś Lagna and the natal Lagna. On the one hand the pair of Atma Karak and 5th Karak should be considered and on the other hand the natal Lagnas Lord and 5ths Lord should be taken into consideration. The effects, due to such association, will be full, or a half, or a quarter, according to their strengths.
6-7. Maha Raja Yoga. Should Lagnas Lord and 5ths Lord exchange their Rāśis, or, if Atma Karak and 5th Karak (Char) are in Lagna, or in 5th House, or in the exaltation Rāśi, or in own Rāśi, or in own Navāmśa, receiving a Aspect from a benefic, Maha Raja Yoga is produced. The native so born will be famous and happy.
8. If Lagnas Lord and Atma Karak are in 1st, 5th, or 7th House, conjunct with, or receiving a Aspect from a benefic, a Raja Yoga is formed.
9-10. Should there be benefics in the 2nd, the 4th and the 5th, counted either from Lagnas Lord, or from Atma Karak Rāśi, one will become a king. Similarly malefics in the 3rd and 6th from Lagnas Lord, or from Atma Karak Rāśi will make one a king.
11. One will be related to royal circles, if Venus is the Karakāńś, or in the 5th there from, or in Lagna, or in Arudh Lagna, receiving a Aspect from, or conjunct with Jupiter, or Moon.
12. Even, if a single Planet gives a Aspect to the natal Lagna, or Hora Lagna, or Ghatik Lagna, the native will become a king.
13-14. If the Shad Vargas of Lagna are occupied, or receive a Aspect from one and the same Planet, a Raja Yoga is doubtlessly formed. Accordingly, if the Aspect is full, half, or one fourth, results will be in order full, medium and negligible.
15. If the 3 Lagnas (natal, Hora and Ghatik) are occupied by Planets in exaltation, or in own Rāśi, or, if the natal Lagna, the Dreshkan Lagna and the Navāmśa Lagna have exalted Planets, Raja Yoga is formed.
16. If Moon and a benefic are in the Arudh Lang, as Jupiter is in the 2nd from the natal Lagna and both these places are receiving Aspects from Planets in exaltation, or Planets in own Rāśi, there will be a Raja Yoga.
17. If Lagna, 2nd and 4th House are occupied by benefics, while a malefic is in 3rd House, one will become a king, or equal to a king.
18. The native will be wealthy, if one among Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury is exalted in 2nd House.
19. If 6th, 8th and 3rd House are occupied by debilitated Planets, as Lagnas Lord is exalted, or is in own House and gives a Aspect to Lagna, there is a Raja Yoga.
20. Again a Raja Yoga is formed, if 6ths, 8ths and 12ths Lords are in fall, or in inimical Rāśis, or in combustion, as Lagnas Lord, placed in his own Rāśi, or in its exaltation Rāśi, gives a Aspect to Lagna.
21. If 10ths Lord, placed in his own House, or in its exaltation Rāśi, gives a Aspect to Lagna, a Raja Yoga is formed. Similar is the case, if benefics are in Kendras.
22. If the Atma Karak Planet is in a benefics Rāśi/Navāmśa, the native will be wealthy. If there are benefics in Kendras from Karakāńś Lagna, he will become a king.
23. If the Arudh Lagna and Dar Pad are in mutual Kendras, or in mutual 3rd/11th Houses, or in mutual Konas, the native will doubtlessly become a king.
24. If two, or all of House, Hora, Ghatik Lagnas are receiving a Aspect from exalted Planets, a Raja Yoga is formed.
25. If House, Hora and Ghatik Lagnas, their Dreshkanas and Navāmśaas, or the said Lagnas and their Navāmśaas, or the said Lagnas and their Dreshkanas receive a Aspect from a Planet, a Raja Yoga is formed.
26-27. If Arudh Pad is occupied by an exalted Planet, particularly Moon in exaltation, or by Jupiter and/or Venus (with, or without exaltation), while there is no Argala by a malefic, the native will become a king. If the Arudh Pad is a benefic Rāśi, containing Moon, while Jupiter is in 2nd House, the same effect will prevail.
28. Even, if one among 6ths, 8ths and 12ths Lords, being in debilitation, gives a Aspect to Lagna, there will be a Raja Yoga.
29-31. The native will become a king, if a Planet, ruling 4th, 10th, 2nd, or 11th, gives a Aspect to Lagna, while Venus gives a Aspect to the 11th from Arudh Lagna, as Arudh Lagna is occupied by a benefic. The same effect will be obtained, if a debilitated Planet gives a Aspect to Lagna and is placed in 6th, or 8th House. Again similar result will prevail, if a debilitated Planet, placed in 3rd, or 11th House, gives a Aspect to Lagna.
32. I now tell you of the Raja Yogas, based on the Planets with different dignities and on the Aspects and Conjuncts of the Planets.
33-34. 9ths Lord is akin to a minister and more especially 5ths Lord. If these two Planets mutually give a Aspect, the native will obtain a kingdom. Even, if these two are conjunct in any House, or, if they happen to be placed in mutually 7th places, one born of royal scion will become a king.
35. The native will attain a kingdom, if 4ths Lord is in 10th House and 10ths Lord is in 4th House and, if these Planets give a Aspect to 5ths and 9ths Lords.
36. If the Lords of 5th, 10th, 4th and Lagna are conjunct in 9th House, one will become a ruler with fame, spreading over the four directions.
37. Should the Lord of 4th, or of 10th House join either the 5ths Lord, or 9ths Lord, the native will obtain a kingdom.
38. If 5ths Lord is in Lagna, 4th, or 10th House, conjunct with 9ths Lord, or Lagna Lord, the native will become a king.
39. Should Jupiter be in his own Rāśi identical with 9th House and conjunct with either Venus, or 5ths Lord, the native will obtain royal status.
40. Two and a half Ghatis from mid-day, or from mid-night is auspicious time. A birth during such an auspicious time will cause one to be a king, or equal to him.
41. Should Moon and Venus be mutually in 3rd and 11th House and receiving Aspects from each other, while they are placed elsewhere, a Raja Yoga is obtained.
42. Should Moon, endowed with strength, be Vargaottāńśa and receives a Aspect from four, or more Planets, the native will become a king.
43. One will become a king, if Lagna in Uttamāńśa receives a Aspect from four, or more Planets, out of which Moon should not be one.
44. If one, or two, or three Planets are in exaltation, one of a royal scion will become a king, while another will be equal to a king, or be wealthy.
45. If four, or five Planets occupy their exaltation Rāśis, or Moolatrikona Rāśis, even a person of base birth will become king.
46. If six Planets are exalted, the native will become emperor and will enjoy various kinds of royal paraphernalia.
47. Even, if one among Jupiter, Venus and Mercury is in exaltation, while a benefic is in a Kendr, the native will become a king, or be equal to him.
48. If all benefics are relegated to Kendras, while malefics are in 3rd, 6th and 11th House, the native, though may be of mean descent, will ascend the throne.
Ch. 40. Yogas For Royal Association
1. If 10ths Lord is conjunct with, or receives a Aspect from the depositor of Amatya Karak, or even, if 10ths Lord is conjunct with, or receives a Aspect from Amatya Karak himself, the native will be a chief in the kings court.
2. If 10th and 11th House are devoid of malefic occupation and devoid of Aspect from a malefic, while 11th House receives a Aspect from its own Lord, the native will be a chief in the kings court.
3. Should Amatya Karak and the depositor of Atma Karak be together, the native will be endowed with great intelligence and will be a kings minister. (Karakendr is interpreted here, as the depositor of Atma Karak. Similarly Amatyesa means the depositor of Amatya Karak)
4. If Atma Karak is strong and is with a benefic, or Amatya Karak is in its own House, or in exaltation, one will surely become a kings minister.
5. There is no doubt in ones becoming a kings minister and famous, if Atma Karak is in 1st, or 5th, or 9th House.
6. If Atma Karak, or Amatya Karak is placed in a Kendr, or in a Kon, the native will beget royal mercy, royal patronage and happiness thereof.
7. Should malefics be in the 3rd and the 6th from Atma Karak, or from Arudh Lagna, or in 3rd and 6th House, one will become Army chief.
8. If Atma Karak is in a Kendr, or in a Kon, or in exaltation, or in its own House and gives a Aspect to 9ths Lord, the native will be a kings minister.
9. If the Lord of the Rāśi, where Moon is placed becomes Atma Karak and, if this Lord is placed in 1st House along with a benefic, the native will become a kings minister at his advanced age.
10. Should the Atma Karak be in 5th, 7th, 10th, or 9th House and happen to be with a benefic, one will earn wealth through royal patronage.
11. If the Arudh of 9th House happens to be itself the Janm Lagna, or, if Atma Karak is placed in 9th House, the native will be associated with royal circles.
12. One will gain through royal association, if 11th House is occupied by its own Lord and is devoid of a Aspect from a malefic. The Atma Karak should at the same time be conjunct with a benefic.
13. An exchange of Rāśis between 10ths Lord and Lagnas Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner.
14. If Venus and Moon are in the 4th from Karakāńś Lagna, the native will be endowed with royal insignia.
15. Should Lagnas Lord, or the Atma Karak be conjunct with 5ths Lord and be in a Kendr, or in a Kon, the native will be a king, or minister.