If you are born in India you need not change the latitude, longitude or time zone.
Just type your date of birth and the time of birth. You will instantly know the degrees,minutes, seconds, the Rasi and the Nakshatra in which the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. Your Rasi and your Nakshatra are important points in a horoscope. Even while performing a lot of important rituals & poojas your Rasi and your Nakshatra are required.Rasi & Nakshatra calculator
The sign in which the moon is placed in a chart and the Nakshatra or star constellation in which it is placed, is very important as they play a major role in judging the horoscope and the events of your life.
If you don't know your Rasi or the moon sign, or want to know the Rasi and Nakshatra position of the moon for any given day and time, use this calculator.