HYMN LVII. Soma Pavamana. 1. THY streams that never fail or waste flow forth like showers of rain from heaven, To bring a thousand stores of strength. 2. He flows beholding on his way all we... Read more
HYMN XLV. Soma Pavamana. 1. FLOW, thou who viewest men, to give delight, to entertain the Gods, Indu, to Indra for his drink. 2. Stream to thine embassy for us: thou hastenest, for Indra, to... Read more
HYMN XXXII. Soma Pavamana. 1. THE rapture-shedding Soma-drops, effused in our assembly, have Flowed forth to glorify our prince. 2. Then Trita’s Maidens onward urge the Tawny-coloured... Read more
HYMN XX Soma Pavamana. 1. FORTH through the straining-cloth the Sage flows to the banquet of the Gods, Subduing all our enemies. 2. For he, as Pavamana, sends thousandfold treasure in the sh... Read more
HYMN X. Soma Pavamana. 1. LIKE cars that thunder on their way, like coursers eager for renown, Have Soma-drops flowed forth for wealth. 2. Forth have they rushed from holding hands, like cha... Read more
Translator Ralph T.H. Griffith THE NINTH BOOK – Page 1 HYMN I. Soma Pavamana. 1. In sweetest and most gladdening stream flow pure, O Soma, on thy way, Pressed out for Indra, for his dr... Read more