Canto III – The Night Rangers One day when the three of them had finished all their small chores and done pooja and eaten their simple meal, they sat outside, under the shade of a beau... Read more
Agastya said, “Rama, it is right indeed that you should always think of your wife’s happiness, for very few women would have been ready to forego their comfort and pleasures, to... Read more
Canto II – Panchavati Thus months and years passed by in happy companionship as the three of them wandered in the forest of Dandaka going from ashrama to ashrama. Everywhere they were... Read more
The Ramayana By Rishi Valmiki Chapter 3 Aranya Kanda Canto I – The Forest Dwellers Though the forest looked dark and gloomy from the outside yet as they went into it they were amazed t... Read more