Interpretation of Different Navamsha Lords
Sun as Navamsha Lord
If the navamsha has Leo ascendant, then the Sun is the navamsha lord, the native has a beautiful and well-proportioned body, beautiful curly hair; lustrous; rich, religious, happy, courageous, serious minded and expert in love making; sinful, insane, cruel, vulgar an lazy; lives in the company of mean and wicked persons.
Moon as Navamsha Lord
If the navainsha has Cancer ascendant, then the Moon is the navamsha lord, the native has a. medium built, expressive and compassionate eyes, smooth’ skin and is glorious, affluent, virtuous, religious; enjoys life living tastefully; blessed with children; happy family life; hospitable and affectionate; benefits from business related to agriculture and water related pursuits.
Mars as Navamsha Lord
If the navamsha is either Aries or Scorpio ascendant, then Mars is the navamsha lord; the native is rich, happy, expert; destroys enemies; medium built, fair complexion, bright golden hair and round eyes; dirty nails; wicked, envious, over-sexed and vulgar, atheist, cruel, miser, dull and unhappy; prone to pitta, fever and head injuries.
Mercury as Navamsha Lord
If navamsha is either Gemini or Virgo ascendant, then Mercury is the navamsha lord, the native has beautiful and expressive eyes, long and curly hair, lovely complexion, broad chest, symmetric teeth and a well-proportioned body; expert in trading, wealthy, learned, judicious, poised, happy and blessed with gems, jewels and good clothes; intelligent and. free from enemies.
Jupiter as Navamsha Lord
If navamsha is either Sagittarius or Pisces ascendant, then the Jupiter is the navamsha lord, the native is tall, attractive and good looking; lovely skin, beautiful hair, smooth and silky palm with beautiful fate lines and hypnotic blue eyes (like blue lotus flower); large belly; wise, virtuous, courageous, wealthy, hospitable; musical talents; rich voice; loved by women, respected; good children and faithful friends.
Venus as Navmasha Lord
If navamsha is either Taurus or Libra ascendant, then Venus is the navamsha lord, the native is attractive; has beautiful hair, long neck, beautiful dark eyes; graceful body; beautiful navel; charitable, modest, rich and prosperous, affectionate, poetic, virtuous, does noble deeds; tasteful; good children; possesses gems and jewels; enjoys women endowed with divine beauty.
Saturn as Navamsha Lord
If navamsha is either Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant, then Saturn is the navamsha lord, the native is lean, thin and charming; attractive personality; brown hair; expressive eyes; independent, highly intelligent and very wealthy; weak, sinful, atheist, hot tempered, dependent on others; suffers loss of wealth on account of legal proceedings, punishment or theft.
Comments :
- Again one important factor that can be easily seen is, that the navamsha of benefic planets gives mostly good characteristics and of malefic planets just the opposite. We have seen that in Drekkana too.
- Also each navamsha has some contradictions too. There is a blend of good and bad in some of them. We can understand it like this: if there is benefic influence then mostly the positive qualities prevail and in case of malefic influence the negative qualities dominate.
- “Benefits through agriculture and water resources” – certainly has a very broad area. Besides food grains and all sort of food products- these days flowers and horticulture is also a part of the agriculture. Similarly fishing, marine transport, business concerned with ships or large vessels, services in naval force ete. are part of water resources.