Different Planets as Saptamsha Lords
In the saptamsha of the Sun, the native is brave, powerful, steady, well mannered and famous.
In the saptamsha of the Moon the native is pious, religious, gentle, noble and romantic.
In the saptamsha of Mars the native is unbearable, full of vitality, powerful and egoist.
In the saptamsha of Mercury, the native is amiable, eloquent speaker, efficient, attractive, learned, poetic and skilled in arts and crafts.
In the saptamsha of Jupiter, the native is steady, wise, talented, meritorious and prominent among wise persons.
In the saptamsha of Venus, the native is sensuous, romantic, luxurious, fond of musical arts and humour.
In the saptamsha of Saturn, the native is stupid, lazy, wicked and immoral.
Before giving any prediction, it must be carefully seen, whether a planet is exalted, debilitated or in its own sign.
Comments :
- Before giving any prediction on the basis of the spatamsha or any other devisional charts, the overall assessment of a planet is a must. For example if we see that there is Jupiter’s Saptamsha or Trimshamsa and immediately we start referring to the above interpretations, this would be a big mistake. First of all We should assess the strength of Jupiter in the natal chart, the malefic and the benefic aspects on it, and then only we should proceed further.
- The above interpretations are general, obviously on the basis of beneficance and maleficance of a planet. The important inference we can draw from these interpretations is, that the vargas or the rashi divisions owned by benefic planets should be considered benefic and the vargas owned by malefic planets should be considered malefic.
- The easy way to judge the basic promise of a chart at a glance, on the basis of vargas or divisional charts is, see how many divisional charts are owned by benefic or malefic planets. We will discuss it elaborately in the next chapter by giving detailed illustrations. .