Here the first hora would be of the Sun and the second would be owned by the Moon.
The native born in the first hora of Gemini is rich, expert in many arts, intelligent, brave and fond of sex; has medium built, soft hair and well shaped nose. The native born in the second hora of Gemini is obsessed with sex, brave, gentle, active, good speaker and adulterous; has big and soft eyes.
First hora would be of the Moon and the owner of the second hora would be Sun here.
The native born in the first hora of Cancer is restless, cunning, ungrateful and has a sharp intellect; is muscular, well proportioned and tall; has small eyes, dark complexion and gaps in upper teeth. The native born in the second hora of Cancer is interested in gambling, fond of travelling; gentle, hot tempered, well built; has broad chest.
Sun would be owner of the first llora and the second hora would be owned by the Moon.
The native born in the first hora of Leo is bold, deceitful and happy; steady; tall, big and well built; has blood shot eyes. The native born in the second hora of Leo is fond of good and delicious food, good clothes; gets easily attracted to opposite sex; has few sons; enjoys life; donates for religious works and does Yajna (Homa); keeps permanent friendships; well built.
Here Moon would own the firstho1;a and the second hora would be owned by Sun.
The native born in the first hora of Virgo is eloquent speaker; fond of good music; gets attracted toward beautiful women; sings well; humble, well mannered and fortunate; pleasing and attractive personality. The native born in the second hora of Virgo is short; prominent veins; understands scriptures and their meaning very well; a writer; knowledge of many languages; respected by people; happy; controversial; serves others; fluctuating fortunes.