Now the Yogas for evils to father.
194. Early Loss: Saturn in the ascendant, Mars in the 7th and the Moon in the 6th from the ascendant will not allow one’s father live long.
195. Father’s Death at the Time of Marriage: The native will lose his father at the time of his marriage if the ascendant is occupied by Jupiter and the 2nd house by the four planets, viz Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Mercury.
196. If the Sun is with a malefic planet, or between malefic planets, as the 7th from the Sun is spoilt by malefic occupation, one’s father will be killed, i.e. will not live long.
197. The survival of the father will be difficult, i.e. doubtful, if the 7th, 10th and 12th are respectively occupied by the Sun, Mars and Rahu.
198. Mars in the 10th house identical with an enemy’s sign will take away one’s father early.
199. The Moon in the 6th, Saturn in the ascendant and Mars in the 7th house – this Yoga will kill one’s father early.
Notes: There is a well-known Yoga that Saturn in the ascendant and Mars in the 7th cause mental derangement. The present Yoga, an additional role played by the Moon by her being in the 6th house, diverts its attention to cause early death of father. When such joint (or enlarged) Yogas are formed, the ones in formation by lesser number of planets will remain cancelled, and the larger one will operate.
200. The child would have been discarded by its father before its birth, or the father will die soon after the child’s birth, if the Sun is aspected by Saturn and gets Aries or Scorpio Navamsa.
201. The 4th, 10th and 12th occupied by malefic planets indicates that the native will lose his parents early and will wander from one place to another.
202. Should Rahu and Jupiter be together in an inimical sign which is the 4th or the ascendant, the person will not see his father in his 23rd year. That is, father’s death will take place in 23rd year.
203-204. (a) The Sun and the Moon are in order indicative of one’s father and mother. If the Sun is aspected by malefic planets or is between malefic planets, evils to father will come to pass. (So also, the Moon indicates evils for mother.)