Hasta nakshatra (Corvi) is the 13th of the 27 nakshatras
Spread from 10: to 23:20’ Kanya.
Deity Surya
Ruling planet is Moon
Symbol – closed hand
It is Brahmin by cast
Its Pancha bhoota element is fire
Its Ayurvedic nature classification is Wata
Alphabets correspond to are – Pu, Sha, Nu, Tha
Given here are the qualities of the nakshatras as given in the 3 great scriptures.
Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira says one born in Hasta will be Enterprising, intelligent, shameless, drunkard, cruel and thievish.
Yavan Jataka of Yavana says one born in Hasta will be a learned man, a thief, enthusiastic, will serve others, live in foreign lands, be valorous and addicted to females.
Taittiriya Brahmana an ancient Vedic text says Hasta is ruled by Savitar, the creative form of the Sun God. Its power is the ability to gain what we are seeking and place it in our own hands (hasta sthapaniya agama shakti). Its higher basis is the seeking of gains. Its lower basis is the process of gaining. These three together place what one wishes to gain in ones own hand. Hasta gives the ability to achieve our goals in a complete and immediate manner. Such goals are usually creative in nature. Savitar is the creative will that builds up the universe with all of its beauty. His productions are most wonderful.
It is a light or swift constellation and is good for sports, enjoying items of luxury, starting industries, skilled labour, medical treatments, starting education, starting journeys, seeing friends, buying and selling, the performance of spiritual activities, decorations, fine arts, exercise, and for giving or receiving loans.