In Kanya, the portion of 5 degrees following the exaltation zone (i. e. from 15 1’ to 20”) is Multrikon for Budh and from 20 degrees onwards it is to be treated, as his Swakshetr. Thus it has a triple role for Budh.
The first three degrees of Vrishabh are Candr’s exaltation portion, while the rest is her Multrikon. For Śukr up to 20 degrees in Tula are her Multrikon and the rest is her own Bhava, (i.e. Swakshetr).
The first twenty degrees of Simh is Sūrya’s Multrikon. The remaining portion is his own Bhava. Śani has the same arrangement in the Rāśi Kumbh, as Sūrya has in Simh. It is Multrikon upto twelve degrees in Mesh for Mangal, while rest is his Swakshetr. For Guru, the first five degrees in Dhanu are Multrikon and the rest is Swakshetr.
Notes: Readers are referred to Saravali (Ch. 3) for Multrikon, Swakshetr, Deep exaltation etc.
As Rahu, Ketu have not been dealt with, I give below some information in this regard: Vriddha Samhita and Jyotishamrita state, that Kumbh and Vrischik are owned by Rahu and Ketu in their order. Veemesaram, a Tamil work calls Kumbh, as Rahu’s own Bhava, but nothing is allotted to Ketu.
Both are exalted in Vrischik and are in fall in Vrishabh, as per Jatakalankaram (Tamil) and Veemesaram. Jatakachintamani agrees with this, only for Rahu, while it mentions, that Ketu is exalted in Mithun and is in fall in Dhanu. Syama Sangraham says, that Mithun and Dhanu are exaltation and Neech for Rahu and the reverse is true for Ketu.
Sarvartha Chintamani gives Vrishabh-Vrischik, as exaltation and debilitation for Rahu and Vrischik Vrishabh, as exaltation and debilitation for Ketu. Bhavartha Ratnakara states, that Rahu is exalted in Vrishabh and Ketu in Vrischik and Rahu has Mithun and Kark, as his Multrikonas, while Ketu’s Multrikonas are Dhanu and Makar.
Also see Uttara Kalamrita, Slokas 19-20 of Ch. IV, for more information. There are, thus, varied views in this regard. Take the Multrikon Bhava of a Grah. The lords of the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th, the 10th and the 11th from that Bhava are inimical to that Grah. This rule does not apply, if the said Bhava happens to be the exaltation Bhava.
The rulers of other Bhavas than the ones mentioned above are friendly. There are three kinds of relationships of Grahas, viz. friendly, inimical and neutral.
Notes: For example, Mangal has his Multrikon in Mesh. The 10th from there is his exaltation Bhava. Hence, Śani is neutral to Mangal. Also see Phala Deepika, Ch. 2, Sloka 21.
There is temporary friendship between Grahas, if they are mutually in the 3rd and the 11th, or the 12th and the 2nd, or the 4th and the 10th.
The eight quarters commencing from the East are serially lorded by Sūrya, Śukr, Mangal, Rahu, Śani, Candr, Budh and Guru. These quarters have strength at all times.
Notes: See note given under Sloka 2 of Ch. II for details of directions with reference to Rāśis.
The Grahas cast full Drishti on the 7th from their position. The Drishti is 3/4th on the 4th and the 8th Bhavas. It is only half on the 5th and the 9th Bhavas. A quarter glance is made on the 3rd and the 10th Bhavas. From Sūrya onwards, the Grahas have rays thus: 20, 8, 10, 10, 12, 14 and 16. The 12 Rāśi possess the same rays, as their lords do.
Notes: Mangal has special full Drishti on the 4th and the 8th, Guru can effectively lend full Drishti on the 5th and the 9th, while Śani can give a full Drishti to the 3rd and the 10th Bhavas. These are additional Drishtis allotted to these three Grahas. For more information, refer to Ch. II of Jataka Parijata and S. 14 of Ch. II Brihat Jataka.
Sūrya, Guru and Mangal are masculine Grahas, while Rahu, Śukr and Candr belong to female group. Śani and Budh are eunuchs.
Notes: Ketu is also a eunuch, as per Phala Deepika, Ch. 2, Sloka 27.
Brahmins are presided by Guru and Śukr. The royal lot is ruled by Mangal. Candr is Vaisya. Budh is of mixed breed. Śani is considered to be a Sudra (4th caste), while Rahu is an outcaste (5th caste). Rahu, Śani, Ketu, Sūrya, Mangal and the dark fortnight Candr are malefics.
Budh, Guru, Śukr and waxing Candr are said to be benefics. Budh and Śukr have Rajo Gun, while Guru, Sūrya and Candr are Sattvic Grahas. Mangal, Śani and Rahu possess Tamo Gun. These qualities are reflected in their actions. The following humours are peculiar to the respective Grahas: Bile Sūrya and Mangal, Wind Candr and Śani, Wind PhlegmŚukr and Candr, Budh has a mixture of the three humours.
Sūrya is of dark red colour. Candr is white. Deep red is the complexion of Mangal, while Budh is of green grass colour. Guru is golden yellowish. Śukr is whitish. Śani’s colour is blue mixed with black. Mandi, the son of Śani, has many colours. Rahu’s colour is dark collyrium (blue mix).
Although the Rāśis have pleasing colours, these are changed according to the occupants. Should a Grah be alone in its own Rāśi, or Navamsh, the effects revealed are according to its nature. This is true, when it does not receive a Drishti from, or is not yuti with others. If it be in other’s Bhava, or receives a Drishti from, or is yuti with others, the results are influenced accordingly.
Sūrya’s body is square; his eyes are pink in colour and he has sparse hair on his body and head. He does not live for a long time in one place. He is of lazy disposition. His knees are weak. He has pleasing face and delivers pleasing speech. Notes: He has stout legs (Saravali).
Dasadhyayi suggests, that these can be profitably used in regard to diseases in Prashn: Sūrya causes damage to eyes, loss of hair and thirst, fever etc. by bilious temperament. See Phala Deepika, Ch. II, Sloka 8, for more information.
Candr is tall, tender-natured, brilliant in mental disposition, kind, skilled in policy, or politics and has mixed humour of wind and bile. She wears white robes and ornaments. Her body resembles a well-drawn circle. (Imagine the full Candr, which is a perfect circle)
Notes: According to Phala Deepika, she has a mix of both youth and old age. She is mainly phlegmatic. She does not have much hair. Vide Saravali, Candr is fickleminded, phlegmatic and rheumatic in constitution.