Should Sūrya and Candr be in Lagn and benefics be in a Bhava other than a Kendr, or Randhr Bhava, one born in Gulika’s Muhurta will live up to 36. If Lagn falls in a fixed Rāśi and Randhr’s lord is in Lagn, while Randhr Bhava has a benefic in it, the life span is only 40.
When Lagn’s lord is in the 8th Navamsh and Randhr’s lord is in Lagn Navamsh along with malefics, the span of life is only 50. Should the Kendras be devoid of Grahas and Lagn’s lord be not associated with malefics, while malefics are in Putr Bhava, a life span of 60 should be declared. If Lagn’s lord is weak and is in Vyaya Bhava, the person lives for 60 years, provided Guru is not in Lagn. When the ruler of Randhr Bhava is in a Kendr, Mangal in in Lagn and Sūrya along with Śani is in Sahaj, or Ari Bhava, the person will live up to 44.
Should Candr be in Vargothamamsh, receiving a Drishti from malefics and occupy Lagn, while benefics are without strength, the person lives up to 48 years.
If benefics are in malefic Rāśis and Navamshas other than Kendras, while malefics are in Kendras, the longevity is only medium.
Śani is a dual Rāśi, which is rising, while Candr is in Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, the life span is 52 years.
Should Sūrya be in Lagn, identical with Kark, or Vrischik along with malefics, while Candr is in Dhan Bhava and Guru is in any Rāśi other than a Kendr, the person lives for 50 years.
If malefics are in Bandhu and Randhr Bhava from Lagn, or in the 4th and the 8th from Candr and do not receive a Drishti from, or are not yuti with benefics, the person had only medium span of life.
Should Guru and Śukr be together, while malefics are in Bandhu and Karm Bhava and Candr is in Vyaya Bhava, the life span is medium.
If Lagn’s lord is in a Navamsh of Śani, while Candr along with Randhr’s lord is in Ari/Randhr/Vyaya Bhava, the native so born will live 58 years of his life. A Raj Yog is formed, when all Grahas are posited in Ari,
Randhr and Vyaya Bhava. Such Raj Yog gives the native a life span of 58 years.
Should malefics be in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th Bhava, with reference to Lagn’s lord, while there are no benefics in Randhr Bhava the native lives for 60 years. When the lords of Lagn and Candr Rāśi are combust, or are in Yuvati and Randhr Bhava and Guru is in a Bhava other than a Kendr, the longevity of the person is 65 years.
The Yog of Sūrya, Mangal and Śani in Lagn, while Guru is devoid of strength and Candr is in Putr, or Vyaya Bhava, gives a longevity of 70 years.
Should there be a minimum of four Grahas in the first four Bhavas commencing from Lagn, the native is blessed with long life, wisdom and wealth. If there are four, or more Grahas in the next four Bhavas the longevity is sixty, while a similar disposition from Dharm Bhava onwards in the last four Bhavas makes a person short lived.
If malefics occupy Bhavas owned by malefic Grahas, or Bhavas considered evil, while benefics are in Kendras, the person’s longevity will be 80 years. Should there be a mix it is only 60. When Guru and Candr are in Bandhu Bhava, Lagn’s lord is in Labh Bhava with strength and benefics (or Budh) are in Karm Bhava, the person lives up to 80.
Should Sūrya, Mangal and Śani be in Kendras obtaining Dhanu, or Meen Amshas, while Guru is in Lagn and the rest are in any Bhava other than Randhr Bhava, the native lives up to 85.
Should malefics be in malefic Bhavas and benefics be in benefic Bhavas, while Lagn’s lord has strength, long life may be predicted. Mangal in Randhr Bhava, Sūrya in Lagn and Guru in a Kendr: this Yog gives a longevity of 100 years. Should the Kendras, Konas and Randhr Bhava be not occupied by malefics, while Lagn’s lord and Guru are in Kendras, the native lives up to 100.
Such a person is free from diseases, enjoys all kinds of happiness and strives for a common cause. Should Sūrya, Mangal and Śani be in moveable Navamshas, while Guru and Śukr are in fixed Navamshas and the rest of the Grahas are in dual Navamshas: this Yog gives a long lease of life, weapons and kingdom.
A person lives for one hundred years remaining free from diseases, if in his nativity benefics are in Bandhu, or Dharm Bhava and in odd Navamshas, malefics are in Lagn and in even Amshas and Candr is in Lagn with full rays (i.e. full Candr in Lagn).
If Lagn’s lord has great strength, not receiving Drishti from malefics, but receiving Drishti from benefics only and be in a Kendr, the native has long lease of life and is of virtuous and royal disposition. If Randhr’s lord excels the ruler of Lagn in strength and is in a Kendr, while malefics are in Randhr and Vyaya Bhava, the native is short lived, or in the case of medium life, it is with hardships. Now, the combinations for extraordinary span of life.
Should Budh, Guru and Śukr be in same Rāśi, or Navamsh, or occupy Lagn, while Śani is in Dharm Bhava, the native lives for a Yuga with the help of chemical tonics, or boosters.
Should Guru, Budh and Śani be disposed anywhere in Bandhu, Ari, Randhr and Vyaya Bhava, but be together in one Navamsh, the native lives for 2000 years.
All the Grahas in the Navamshas of Dhanu and Meen and in Kendras, Dharm, or Dhan Bhava, in the Rāśi Kundali, make a person follow ascetic course in the very boyhood, live for a full Yuga and write many works relating to Shastras.
If Sūrya, Mangal and Guru be in Navamsh owned by Śani and are posited in Kendras, or Dharm Bhava in the Rāśi Kundali, while Candr is at the end of a Rāśi in Lagn, the person lives for a Yuga with wealth.
If the Dharm’s lord is in Dharm Bhava in Drishti to Mangal, while Candr is in Vrischik Navamsh, or Mesh Navamsh there obtains a Muni Yog in the nativity and the person becomes a superior sage, writes many works relating to Shastras and lives for a Yuga.
If Candr is not decreasing (i.e. be waxing) and occupies a friendly Rāśi and friendly Navamsh coinciding with Labh Bhava, or Lagn, while Dharm Bhava has Śani in it, the person lives for uncountable years.
If Śani and Guru are together in Dhan, Dharm, or Karm Bhava and in one Navamsh, while Sūrya and Budh rise in Lagn, the native is liked by the sages and has a long lease of life.