When the Dasha of Mangal posited in Kumbh rules, the subject will forsake his religious conduct, he will be proud, be subjected to misery caused due to penury, he will take to bad ways and also lose his issues.
Should Mangal be in Meen, in such Dasha, the native will be sick, lose children and he will be troubled by heavy expenditure. He will fall into debts, live in foreign places and he will be afflicted by wounds etc.
When Mangal occupies the same Rāśi and Navamsh, the native will become world famous. The results of the Bhava, as occupied by Mangal will be doubly felt. He will be a noted person in the army and become strong.
Mangal, if in debilitation Amsh, makes the native in his Dasha wander and unhappy. The good results, that are likely to mature will be burnt. The person will give up good things and run after bad ones.
In the Dasha of combust Mangal one will be worried with all sorts of troubles and will be intent on destruction. Should Mangal be otherwise (i.e. not eclipsed, not fallen etc.) or, if Mangal is placed in Bhavas relating to good Yogas, the effects of the concerned Rāśi will come to pass.
Should Mangal be in Randhr Bhava, there will be misconception with one’s enemies, death and litigations. All kinds of hindrances will occur for the sake of relatives, one’s prestige will be at stake. In the Dasha of Mangal facing upwards, posited in exaltation, or in Karm, or in Labh Bhava, the native acquires kingdom. He will gain over his enemies, he will have many conveyances, army (or followers) conquering neighbouring kingdoms and he will enjoy wealth.
Ch. 12. The Effects of Budh Dasha
In the Dasha of Budh, one will distribute his knowledge (i.e. be engaged in teaching etc.), one will be with relatives, earn wealth through agriculture, yagya’s etc. and one will do his own professing (befitting his birth). He will be an expert sculpture and will master other allied arts and will know music and enjoy vocal and instrumental music. He will acquire all domestic vessels (i.e. he will be well-equiped), conscientious and be an enthusiastic speaker.
He will love his partner, be modest, learned, acceptable to his preceptors and he will suffer only to small extent from diseases. He will be amidst his relatives and friends and be prone to danger from weapons and the like.
He will be fortunate, he will not have wealth amassed, he will be troubled by wind, phlegm and bile and he will be distressed.
Following verses explain the results of Budh Dasha with specific reference to individual Rāśi and Amsh, as described by the masters of the yester years.
Should the Dasha of Budh, who is in Mesh be in progress, the native will have enthusiasm towards science, be intelligent, valorous, indulge in lies, have no wealth, but have an eye on other’s money. When Budh is in Vrishabh, in such Dasha, the person will prove unfavourable to his mother (or he will prove unlucky to his mother).
He will enjoy wealth and fame. He will also incur debts for his relatives, he will have an ill-disposed wife and children and he will suffer from throat diseases.
Should Budh be in Mithun, in his Dasha, the person acquires many kinds of wealth and enjoys various pleasures. He will have many children and wives. He will have two mothers, be dear to his cousins and intelligent.
The person will be troubled by his relatives, keen to live in distant countries and will have less comforts. He will acquire money through poetry and arts.
These are the results for Budh Dasha, when the Grah is in Kark.
When Budh is in Simh and his Dasha is in progress, the person will be deprived of wisdom and wealth, will have no pleasure through his brothers and relatives, he will hate women (or wife), but he will be a celebrated person among the public.
During the Dasha of Budh, who is in exaltation, one will acquire wisdom and wealth. He will become a writer and he will be interested in poetry. He will know politics and overcome his foes.
In the Dasha of Budh, who is in a Multrikon Bhava, one will be famous and be interested in living in foreign countries and will acquire wealth by virtue and vigour.
When Budh is in his own Rāśi, or Navamsh, the subject will become defective of a limb, he will have enmity with his men and he will be deprived of pleasures, cattle and wealth.
In the Dasha of Budh, who is in Tula, the native will become a good speaker and will develop deformity of the eyes. He will not be peaceful. He will become an expert in sculpture etc. His means of livelihood will be trading, or marketing. He will be put to grief by elephants and horses.
When Budh is in Vrischik, in such Dasha, the subject will be ready to accept whatever will be given (or donated) and will be pleased even with an iota. He will develop illicit relationship with an domestic servant. He will have troubles in this household and he will suffer from penury.
In the Dasha of Budh in Dhanu, the subject will become leader of a group and Minister. He will acquire two names, i.e. titles etc. He will gather through agriculture, cattle and grains.
Should Budh be in Makar, the native will in such Dasha incur debts, be inclined to do other’s work (i.e. at the disposal of others), live in other countries, be on the move, be in the company of mean people, be in the grip of illusions and have physical pains.
When Budh is in Kumbh, in such Dasha, the brilliance of the native will be affected and he will have limited food. He will be penniless and he will be put to grief by his relatives. He will have a wicked wife (or he may be head of a band of mean women) and he will live in distant places.
In the Dasha of Budh in Meen, the native will widely master the meanings of the Ved, he will be inclined to give donations and gifts and he will be chief of men and be dear to them.
When Budh is in his Neech Rāśi, in such Dasha, one will have mental agitation and will be deprived of his vitality and relatives. He will earn his bread by husbandry, he will live a trifling life, he will be afflicted by diseases and he will live in other’s abodes.
Should Budh be in fall in the 8th Rāśi, in such Dasha, one will be troubled by poison, weapons and quadrupeds. He will be intent on causing harm to the public at all times and doing vicious deeds and he will have little vitality.