Should Śani be in Vrishabh, in such Dasha, one will get titles, be very intelligent, become a king, or his equal, serve in a war and one will show too much of interest in doing virtuous acts.
During the Dasha of Śani in Mithun, the native will be impatient, will enjoy children, wealth and happiness, but he will lose through women and thieves. He will be keen to do the jobs of others and will be troubled through battles.
During the Dasha of Śani in Kark, one will be worried and dependent upon others; one will be deprives of mother, children and relatives; one will grow short of sight and hearing, but be intelligent.
Should Śani be in Simh Rāśi, or in Simh Navamsh, in such Dasha, one will be subjected to various diseases, one will develop misunderstandings with sons, wife and relatives and will command wealth through cows, buffaloes, horses etc.
During the Dasha of Śani posited in Kanya, the native will attain learning and will produce (money) by his labour.He will have fear from Brahmins and water. But he will be dear to preceptors,Brahmins, Yogis etc.During the Dasha of Śani,who is in his exaltation Rāśi,one will gain wisdom and wealth.People will regard his learning. Naturally money will come to him and he will have happiness.
During the Dasha of Śani in Vrischik, one will kill, or capture insects, will wander aimlessly, speak untruth, will not be kind (to others) and will remain at the mercy of mean people for his livelihood.
In the Dasha of Śani posited in Dhanu, one will enjoy health, be respected by the sovereign, or be a king himself; one will acquire money through profession, or creatures; one will be with sons and wife and will be active, as though in a war front.
When Śani occupies Makar,in such Dasha,one will have money byputting abundant labour,will be fortunate, dear to barren, or older ladies and lose money through the confidence he reposes (in others). Should Śani be in his Multrikon Bhava, in such Dasha, one will derive comforts. He will be chief among his caste men.He will be wise and wealthy through agriculture, cattle and grains. He will have sons.
Should Śani be in Meen, in such Dasha, one will acquire money only with slight enthusiasm. He will head a group of villages in the city and he will be desirous of young women and at the same time final emancipation.
Should Śani be combust, in such Dasha, one’s income and expenditure will be in equal ratio; one will be unhappy, sometimes fraudulent, one will be widely famous, but be afflicted by worries.
The results for Rāśi and Amsh positions have thus been said and the predictions should be based on whichever is stronger. Should they be equal in strength one should assume balanced results.
These are the results of various Dashas of the Grahas. One should fully understand the native before predicting the events and predict accordingly.
Ch. 16. Miscellaneous Dasha Effects
If the Grah is of a mixed nature, in such Dasha, the results relating to one’s house, or abode and to one’s happiness and money will only be weak. He will have a tendency to live in others’ houses, be respected by the public and learned. During the Dasha of a Grah, that is in his retrograde motion, one will have prestige and valour and be wealthy. Should the Grah be in a good Rāśi, or good Navamsh, avoiding Ari and Randhr Bhava, one will acquire a kingdom of his own.
Should a Grah be in debilitation, or in inimical Bhavas, at the same time being in its retrograde motion, in such Dasha, one will indulge in bad acts; one will be reviled by his relatives; one will live in foreign countries and one will be dependant upon others.
During a sub-period of Rahu Dasha, when Rahu is placed between (malefic) Grahas, there will be extreme grief for 2 years. Should a sub-period and an inter-sub-period be of two mutually inimical Grahas, one will be deprived of his relations and suffer from diseases.
Even though a Grah by nature be auspicious, it yields only inauspicious results, if it is in the company of Rahu. In the end of such Dasha, one will be exposed to diseases grief and displacement.
In the Dasha of a Grah, that is inimical to Lagn’s lord, or the lord of Candr Rāśi, one will be wandering, banned from his country (or lose his kingdom) and will be insulted by enemies, when seeking their protection. Even good Grahas will produce malefic results in their Dashas in the event of their occupying inimical, or debilitational Bhavas, or Ari of Vyaya Bhava from Lagn. The Grahas, that are placed in inauspicious Bhavas will also give bad results.
If Śukr in in his own Bhava identical with Randhr Bhava, he makes one sick, should he also join malefics in such condition, at the end of Śukr Dasha, death is caused. Should Lagn’s lord be in Randhr Bhava, yuti with malefics, he inflicts death in his Antar Dasha. The Dasha of Randhr’s lord posited in a Kendr will prove auspicious. Should he be, while being so, eclipsed, or yuti with Rahu, according to the wise, death is inflicted upon the native.
Should there be doubts about Lagn’s lord, or a Grah in Randhr Bhava killing the native, it happens only at the end of the Dasha of the said Grah. Those, that are in own Rāśis, or in exaltation Rāśis, if in a Kendr, or in the 11th Bhava to another Grah, they become Karakas, or the latter. The Grah, which occupies the 10th Bhava of the Grah referred to, as latter, it assumes special importance.