Ch. 17. The Effects of Ashtak Varg
The following are the Ashtak Varg places in the several Ashtak Vargas of Sūrya and other Grahas: Benefic dots from Lagn, Sūrya etc. should be marked on the ground (nowadays on paper) and added together.The Dasha effects arising out of the 12 Rāśis should be determined for the several Grahas. In the Dashas of the Grahas, which contain no benefic dots, or, which are placed in fall, or in an enemy’s Bhava will bring about diseases, financial loss, grief etc.
If there are one, two, or three dots only, predict loss of money, grains and cattle. With four dots, the effects are medium, i.e. not bad and not good. Should there be five dots, all desires will be fulfilled. The results relating to a Grah in own Bhava, in exaltation Bhava, or in Upachaya Bhava should be deduced, as told above. The results arising out of benefic dots (in each Ashtak Varg) should be understood, as mentioned earlier.
The goods delivered be good Bhavas will be of twofold auspicious. Should it be otherwise, the results are also otherwise. In such manner, the results of the 12 Bhavas commencing from Lagn should be deduced. The physical growth, possessing limbs, or otherwise should be known from Lagn. Truthfulness, prudence and wealth are to be known from the second Bhava. One’s voice, strength, courage and co-born should be estimated from the third Bhava.
One’s comforts (happiness), relatives, mental disposition and mother should be assessed from the fourth Bhava. One’s nature, extent of mental calibre and sons are to be known from the fifth Bhava. The sixth Bhava helps to know about one’s cousins, enemies, wounds etc. The seventh Bhava should be consulted in respect of one’s progenic ability, marital success etc. The eighth Bhava reveals diseases, death etc. The ninth Bhava is called Bhagya Sthan (luck), Guru Sthan (elders and preceptors) and Dharm Sthan (virtues).
The tenth Bhava speaks of one’s profession, living, courage, prowess, learning and fame (seen and heard). One’s wealth, monetary gains etc. should be known from the eleventh Bhava. The twelfth Bhava is known, as the Bhava of expenses and sins.This is how a wise Jyotishi should assess the twelve Bhavas. Whichever Bhavas are occupied by malefics, will yield unpleasant results. Benefics cause fruition of the Bhavas they occupy. Grahas of mixed disposition will give mixed results.
Even though a Grah is bad by nature, should it be in a friendly, or exalted Rāśi, only auspicious results will be felt. Similarly benefics in inimical Bhavas, or in fall, will turn bad and give bad effects.
Only after assessing the effects, as above, one should predict the various events.
One’s own ability to influence (the matter in the world) and about his father should be known from Sūrya. His mind, the extent of wisdom and about his mother should be known from Candr. Mangal rules brother, Sattva Gun and landed property.
Awareness, speech, act and wisdom are under Budh. His physical soundness, wisdom, sons and wealth are governed by Guru. Śukr governs his marriage (and that, which he is bound to perform in his family) and the pleasures out of marriage and conveyances. His longevity, means of livelihood and death are governed by Śani. Should the Grahas be devoid of strength at birth, the effects they generate will be equally weak. This does not, however, apply to Śani. The reverse holds good in his case.
The effects revealed by the various Bhavas will be in proportion to the benefic dots in the Bhavas occupied by them. The results of the Dashas cannot be estimated without such Ashtak Varg Kundalis.
Take the Ashtak Varg Kundali of Sūrya and find out the benefic dots. The Rāśi, which is ninth from the Rāśi occupied by Sūrya is related to one’s father. The Shodhya Pind should be multiplied by the said figure of benefic dots and the resultant figure should be divided by 27. When Śani transits the particular asterism, as denoted by the remainder in the above process will cause death of the native’s father.
The stars in Kon position to the earlier mentioned star will also function similarly. It should be a Chidra Dasha to cause such an effect. The transit of Śani in the 9th Rāśi from Candr Rāśi may also cause the native lose his father. For this, either Dasha of Sūrya, or Candr should also be in simultaneous operation.
Note the lord of the Navamsh holding the 4th lord. In the Dasha of the said Navamsh lord, the native’s father may die. Alternatively, death of father can occur in the Dasha of the lord of the fourth Bhava. Note the owner of the eighth Bhava from the ninth Bhava (i.e. Bandhu Bhava). When such Dasha of a Grah posited in Lagn, the native shall and at no time later than that, perform the last rites of his father.
The native’s mother has the same fate (of passing away) in the Dasha of the 9th lord posited in the eleventh Bhava, or in Lagn. It has special effect, if this counting is done from Candr Rāśi. Thus, would the native complete the obsequies of his father (and mother), if any undone.
Should one be born in the 3rd Bhava of the father’s Lagn, he will inherit paternal money. One born in a Lagn, which is tenth from that of the father, will acquire such qualities, which are equal to his father’s. Even, if the lord of such Rāśi occupies Lagn, the native will be superior to the father.
Note the Rāśi, which has no Bindus in Sūrya’s Ashtak Varg. The month indicated by the particular Rāśi should be avoided for negotiating marriage and other such auspicious functions.
Such months corresponding to the Rāśis without Bindus may give rise to disputes, tiredness, grief etc.One should act after knowing sucheff ects