If Śani is in Randhr Bhava, one will be wealthy, sick, will not have many sons, will be weak sighted and fickleminded.
If Śani is placed in Dharm Bhava, one will hold the flag of Dharma aloft, be a great expert, be greatly wise and just and one will have sons.
Should Śani be posited in Karm Bhava, one will have good mental disposition, will be wealthy, chief of his caste and happy.
If Śani is placed in Labh Bhava, the native will be of lordly disposition and famous; he will be a scientist and an expert in the use of weapons (and in surgery).
If Śani is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will blame others, be burdened with heavy expenditure and be unhappy.
Should Śani be in a Bhava, along with its lord, the benefic and malefic results will be dependent on both.
A Grah in fall, or inimically placed will adversely affect the Bhava in question. Whatever has been said in regard to the 12 Bhavas with reference to Lagn equally applies, when counted from Candr.
The results of various Bhavas can be predicted from Candr and from Lagn. Such results for every Rāśi can be predicted accurately. The results of Bhavas will be wither, if three, or more Grahas are posited in one Bhava.
Ch. 22. {Implications of Karm Bhava}
One’s obtainment of wealth (i.e. one’s livelihood) is the product of his own inner nature. Such wealth is acquired through the Grahas posited in Karm Bhava counted from Lagn, Candr and Sūrya, or the respective Navamshas. Money comes through father, mother, brother, relative, elder (preceptor), wife and low class men according to the Grah concerned be Sūrya etc., as indicated by the position in Karm Bhava from Lagn, or from Candr.
If Karm Bhava is without a Grah, then the strongest among Candr, or Sūrya should be considered. The lord of the Rāśi, in which Karm’s lord is posited may also be considered. (That is the said Navamshas will denote the kind of livelihood). Should the lord of such Amsh be Sūrya, the person earns through fruits, trees, medicines, metals, sculpture, betting, falsehood, cheating and royal sources.
Candr’s Amsh in such case indicates: pearls, carriers run in water, husbandry, water, clothes etc., cows, buffaloes, sugar, female’s company, chanting Mantras, hymns and the like and worship of Gods.
Such Amsh of Mangal denotes: teaching, Mantras, bravery, weapons (or surgery etc.), fire, medicines, selling in marker and through Kshatriyas (i.e. persons of royal scion).
In such Amsh of Budh, the livelihood is through: writings, drawings, literature, mathematics, bets, dancing, donations (i.e. the person will receive donations in marriages, Shraddas etc.), education and loving speech.
Should such Amsh be of Guru, the means of livelihood will be from: education, worship of Gods (i.e. temple priesthood, Mantras, Japas, exposition of Mantras, knowledge of the three periods (i.e. Jyotish), Sakunas and royal favours.
Should Śukr be the lord of such Amsh, the livelihood will be through: cows, buffaloes, horses, elephants etc., the company of women, medicines, beautification, singing etc. and one will be happy through these.
Should the said Amsh be of Śani, the source of living will be: fruits, leaves, carrying loads, labour, base men, servants, sales of grain and inferior grains (Khubhanya) (?) labour carrying loads, base deeds, sesame, salt, grains, vegetables, grass, firewood, water etc.
Should the Grah, owning the Amsh, be very strong, one will earn money effortlessly and, if the Grah owning the Amsh is in deep fall, the results mentioned will manifest in little proportion.
The Jyotishi should advise (the means of livelihood) in the direction of the country indicated (by the study of the Kundali), or the country suitable to Karm Bhava from Lagn.
The sages say, that, if the said Bhavas receive Drishti from their own lords, then, the native will earn in his own country and, if the said Bhavas receive a Drishti from, or are yuti with other Grahas, the livelihood will be in other countries.
If the lord of the said Amsh is posited in a movable Rāśi, or Amsh, the native earns even, when in other countries/places and be happy; if the lord of the said lord of the Amsh is posited in a fixed Rāśi, or Amsh, the earnings will be only in his native country and, if the lord of the Amsh is placed in a dual Rāśi, or Amsh, the earnings will be anywhere.
Should the lord of the said Amsh be in retrograde motion money will be acquired in many ways. And one’s earning will be proportionate to one’s own luck. The results have already been enumerated in full.
Even one strong benefic in Karm Bhava from Candr, not receiving a Drishti from, or not yuti with malefics, is enough to make a person enjoy fame for him and his family till the end of the Yuga. The counting applies similarly to Lagn also.