The death of a native will be through royal displeasure, or one’s own weapons, if Mangal is in Bandhu Bhava, Sūrya is in Yuvati Bhava, Śani is in Karm Bhava, while Randhr Bhava has some Grah in it. If Śani is in Dhan, or in Bandhu Bhava, while Candr is in Karm Bhava and Mangal is in Yuvati Bhava, death of the native will be caused by worms.
Should Bandhu and Karm Bhava contain malefics, while the decreasing Candr is in Randhr, Vyaya, or Ari Bhava, the native’s end will occur, while he is on journey, or through a thunderbolt. Should Sūrya and Mangal be in Vyaya Bhava, Candr and Rahu in Yuvati and Guru in a Kendr, the native will die in a distant place, or in a temple, or garden.
Should the lord of Randhr be in Randhr Bhava, identical with a watery Rāśi, or in Ari, or in Vyaya Bhava, the native’s death will be through cruel animals, snakes, or through falling in a well or, while in his own abode. If Ketu is in Randhr Bhava, while Randhr’s lord is in a Kendr, malefics in Vyaya Bhava and Lagn’s lord is devoid of strength, the native’s death will be due to his resorting to bad ways. Should Lagn be in Visha Ghatika Muhurta, while Randhr Bhava has a malefic in it, the death will be through poison, fire, or weapon.
The same results can be expected, if Randhr’s lord is fateful in degree yuti with a malefic. Should Mangal and Śani exchange their Rāśis, or Navamshas, be in fateful degrees (of those Rāśis occupied by them) and are placed In Kendras (from Lagn), the native’s death will be through sovereign wrath, or by being impaled by a spear, or some such killing weapons. Should Candr be in Lagn, Sūrya in Randhr without strength, Guru in Vyaya Bhava, while a malefic is in Bandhu Bhava, the native’s death will take place following the removal of his hands and eyes, or through weapons by mean elements at night.
If Mangal and Budh are posited in Randhr Bhava, while Lagn’s lord is in the Rāśi, or Amsh of a benefic Grah, the native’s death takes place through flies, venomous reptiles etc. Should there be many Grahas in Bandhu Bhava, while Randhr’s lord and Lagn’s lord are together, the death of the native will come to pass along with many persons. Should Lagn’s lord be yuti with Putr’s lord and Randhr’s lord in any Rāśi, the native will die along with his son. If it is a combination of Lagn’s lord, Yuvati’s lord and Randhr’s lord, the native dies along with his wife.
Naturally, if a Dasha is at its end, the death will occur in a simple way (i.e. not by cruel, or painful means and in the mid of an untoward Grah’s Dasha death will be cruel corresponding to Randhr Bhava. The place of death will correspond to the Rāśi, or Navamsh, or Randhr’s lord.
According to the Rāśi and Amsh, the place, whether on land, or in water and the direction of death should be guessed. If Lagn is a Rāśi, which is strong in nights, death will come to pass in a night. And day Rāśis at birth will bring about the end in day time. If Lagn is vacant, these results will come to pass. If, however, there be a Grah, the effects relating to that Grah shall also be weighed.
The state of unconsciousness preceding one’s death will correspond to
the Navamshas elapsed (i.e. the period in terms of Navamshas passed in the particular natal Lagn), this is, when a benefic is in Lagn. If Randhr’s lord is in his own, or exaltation Rāśi, or Navamsh, it has to be trebled.
When Lagn’s lord is in a watery Navamsh, or a watery Rāśi, Candr, or Śukr give a Drishti to Bandhu Bhava and Randhr and Vyaya Bhava are occupied by malefics, the native will be killed in the middle of water, i.e. mid-river etc. Should Lagn’s lord be in Randhr Bhava in Navamsh, or be combust, or even in an enemy’s Rāśi, one will die in a country, where one has no relatives and in a natural course.
Note Navamsh’s lord occupied by Lagn’s lord. If the said Navamsh’s lord is posited in Lagn in Janm Kundali along with Lagn’s lord, or receiving a Drishti from Lagn’s lord, death will occur in a place other than the one of birth. Lagn and its lord can also be replaced with Candr Rāśi lord in the said combination. Should the natal Lagn be in a Bhava of Guru, or in such Vargas, the soul attains heavens. If a Rāśi of Śukr, or the Rāśi of Candr be Lagn, the departed soul reached the Mane’s world.
If a Rāśi of Mangal, or Simh be the natal Lagn, mortal’s world will receive the soul. Should Ketu ascend, the person goes to Mrityu’s Loka, i.e. hell. Should Budh and his Rāśi ascend, one will assume the kind of a brutal animal. Should Śani, or Rahu ascend, or, if Śani’s Rāśi is Lagn, the person is destined to take rebirth, as a devil etc.
Should a Rāśi be without any Grah in it, or does not receive a Drishti from a Grah, the effects arising out of the ownership of the Bhava of the Grah (and the effects due to that Grah’s nature) will prevail. Should Guru be at the end of Lagn or, if Sūrya is in Lagn owned by Guru, the native will attain final emancipation i.e. the Lord’s Lotus Feet.
Whenever (something) has been stated in works about Jyotish relating to auspicious effects, that has been stated here (in this work).
Ch. 27. Lost Horoscopy
If a querist does not have the knowledge of his birth year, Ayana, Ritu, month etc., Paksh, day, Navamsh, Dwadashamsh, Lagn, Star and Janm Rāśi, he can gain the information from a Jyotishi. The querist should come to the Jyotishi, when the sky is clear (i.e. cloudless) with dakshina, flowers, fruits etc. and declare such a purpose.
The clarity of the sky is a good augury for Prashn. One should not give predictions, when there is a state of cloud in the sky, rain, thunder etc. The offerings of flowers etc. are considered to be good omens.
The Jyotishi should work out the Lagn prevailing for the time of query (which is called Arudh Lagn, or Prashn Lagn) after evaluating (the sincerity of the querist and the omens existing around. From these (i.e. from the Kundali cast for the time of query) the birth year, Ayan, month, Nakshatr and the Rāśi can be estimated through several principles.
The Navamsh position of Guru will correspond to the Arudh Lagn Navamsh, or the Udaya Lagn (the strongest of the two), or the Konas from there.