Ch. 28. Qualities of Constellations
The person born in Ashvini Nakshatr will be scholarly, steady, expert, faithful to his duties and an important personage in his family. He will have self-respect and eat little. He will enjoy a high degree of respect and be of medium status.
One born in the Nakshatr Bharani will have quietly disposed mind. He will be unsteady in thinking, be after women, dear to his brothers, self-respected, courageous, helpful to friends, long lived and with less number of sons.
The person at whose birth the star Kritika rules will have no ability of rectify (wrong course), will be strong, fickle minded, he will have various food stuffs at his disposal and be extremely brilliant. He will have many dwelling places and be very talkative.
Should Rohini be one’s natal Nakshatr, one will have plenty of hair on the upper portion of the body, will head a folk, have marks on this back, face and sides, will cheat others, be ominous to his mother, be wealthy and learned. The person born in Mrigashira Nakshatr will be fickleminded, will have a broad body, will be sickly, prone to several accidents in boyhood, enthusiastic and will have many enemies and miseries.
The native with Ardra, as his natal Nakshatr will have wavering mind, be a crafty speaker and will steal other’s money, be self-respected, will have few sons, be long lived and will have royal money. The native born in Purnavasu will be liberal in giving away donations, be happy, of good qualities, a dunce, sick and suffer from thirst. He will be satisfied with small income and be little wise.
The native of Pushya Nakshatr will be very angrily disposed, be intelligent, bold, talkative, learned in many branches, be helpful to his relatives, a their, wealthy and independent.
The native, who has Aslesha, as ruling Nakshatr will be cruel (or of malefic tendencies), fickleminded, eloquent, will lead mean, be bestowed with wisdom, will have a lot of money, will have income in multiple ways, will have sons and will be cunning.
Should Magha be one’s birth Nakshatr, one will be wise, modest, have many persons to serve him, enjoy luxuries, respect Gods and his father and be very industrious. The native, who has Purvaphalguni, as his natal Nakshatr will be an affable speaker, liberal in donations, mean minded (or depressed), be burdened with varied expenses, have obedient servants, be famous, dear to the king and will fear war.
Should Uttaraphalguni be one’s birth Nakshatr, one will be liked by his wife (or women), be fortunate, will lead men, be wise, have income from the sovereign, many wives, will have a liberal mind, be luxuries and will talk much. Should one be born in Hast, one will be sensually disposed, clever, good in speaking and be disposed thievishly. He will be rich and be intent on living in foreign places. He will show enthusiasm in war, be very expert and will destroy enemies.
If Chitra should be one’s birth Nakshatr, one will like bad women, be sinful, enthusiastic in several ways, argumentative in nature, will have luxurious robes, live in foreign countries and be happy. One born in Swati will be mild, happy, compassionate, affable, virtuous, will incur debts, live in foreign places, be hatefully disposed to his relatives, be simple in dress and will have few sons.
Should Vishakah be one’s birth Nakshatr, one will be odiously disposed, will utter too much, have sons, wife, money, any wisdom and be respectful towards the learned, preceptors and Brahmins and be liberal in donations. He will suffer from eye diseases. The native, who has Anuradha, as his birth Nakshatr will be troubled by hunger and thirst, grievous, kind, virtuous and fortunate. He will wander and live in foreign places.
The native of Jyeshtha Nakshatr will be satisfied virtuous have many sons and friends and be quite angrily disposed. He will be troubled by relatives and be principally placed among his own family.
One born in Mul Nakshatr will be wise, happy, rich, prone to diseases and be a big thief. He will be fortunate, unsteady in mind, eldest among co-born and be a king.
One born in Purvashadha Nakshatr will be firm in friendship, modest, will have many sons, lead men, be intelligent, will consume savoury food, will have pleasure from wife and will be dear to the king.
Should one be born in Uttarashadha Nakshatr, one will like fun, be modest, will have many enemies, be distressed, will have distinguished knowledge, will wander, will have many wives and be kind.
The native of Shravan Nakshatr will have knowledge of Vedas (or be proficient in Pure Knowledge) will live in foreign countries, will have an exalted wife, be wealthy and famous, will have few sons, many enemies, be troubled by several expenses, be a lord and be happy.
One with Dhanishtha, as birth Nakshatr will be wealthy, liberal in donation, courageous, will lose his wife, be happy in foreign countries, be a liar, be talkative and like dancing and singing.
The person born in Shatabhisha Nakshatr will be foul-mouthed, or garrulous, be a cheat, a dependent, will lose his sons and brothers, be wealthy and fickleminded. He will be of miserly disposition, be cunning and will destroy his enemies.
One born in Purvabhadra Nakshatr will be adulterous, will have no permanent residence, be difficult to be won over, will enjoy, will get money from sovereign, base, dutiful and long-lived.
One born in Uttarabhadra Nakshatr will be a good speaker, be happy, will have children and permanent enemies, be virtuous, timid, greedy and intent upon massing money.
The native of Revati Nakshatr will enjoy full span of life, be fortunate, be at the disposal of women, will have self-respect and pride, will be full of spirit, very courageous and spiteful.
The two Pakshas, viz Shukla and Krishna Pakshas, will yield little results, while the results obtained from the strength of the Nakshatras will confer goods on the native should these Nakshatras receive a Drishti from benefic Grahas, or be in their company, the extent of good is full.