Ch. 25. Strī Jatak
The effects of various combinations and Dashas should be equally applied to both females and males. The effects applicable to women, as denoted by their Janm Kundalis shall be restricted to them alone, if those are of such nature. The rest shall be applicable to their husbands.
The female’s widowhood should be deduced from Randhr Bhava. Her husband’s luck and happiness are noted from her Yuvati Bhava. Her appearance is indicated by her Lagn. Her children and wealth depend on her Dharm Bhava. Benefic Grahas, which are strong will produce auspicious results, if they are connected with the said Bhavas. Malefics give bad effects in such cases. The Bhavas, that are not occupied by their lords should be evaluated in such a manner.
Should both Lagn and Candr be in even Rāśi/Amsh (i.e. female Rāśis and Amshas), the girl will possess a true feminine disposition. If benefics lend their Drishtis, or join Lagn/Candr, as above, she will be lucky, chaste and famous.
Trimshamsh effects should be declared with reference to the strongest of Candr and Lagn. The lord of such Trimshamsh should also be strong. The female born in a Rāśi of Mangal and in the Trimshamsh of Mangal will give birth to a dead child and will not be of good qualities. Should the Trimshamsh be that of Budh (in Mesh and Vrischik), she will be cunning, will follow dirty principles and have few issues.
Should the Trimshamsh (in Mesh, or Vrischik) at birth be that of Guru, she will beget offspring, be burdened by expenses galore and be dear to her partner. Should the said Trimshamsh be of Śukr, she will beget daughters and will indulge in secret (unsanctioned) sexual pleasures.
Being a Mesh, or Vrischik, if born in a Trimshamsh of Śani, the female will be a servant and be vicious in several ways. The position of Sūrya in Trimshamsh in similar manner may also yield similar results.
Should the birth in a Rāśi of Budh fall in Mangal’s Trimshamsh area, the female will be addicted to another man. She will have few issues. And in Budh’s Trimshamsh she will be supreme of the family and, if in the Trimshamsh of Śukr, she will have cattle, wealth and luxuries. In the Trimshamsh of Guru, a female born in a Budh’s Rāśi will be devoted to her husband exclusively, be dear to him.
If Guru is in his own Bhava, or in his exaltation Rāśi, the same effects will prevail. Is she is born in Budh’s Rāśi, in Śani’s Trimshamsh, she will equal a neuter, will give birth to dead child (or her children will die) and she will not live with her husband. If a Rāśi of Guru rules at birth, the female born in the Trimshamsh of Mangal will be a domestic servant and will be famous, if in the Trimshamsh of Guru, she will be very rich and in Budh’s Trimshamsh she will be adored by all.
She will have sons, if the Trimshamsh be of Śukr. She will also be virtuous and dear to her husband. The Trimshamsh of Śani will make her poor, beget daughters and independent at all times. When birth falls in a Rāśi of Śukr in the Trimshamsh of Mangal, she will be wicked, like quarrels, hate her husband and will have a bad history. If the Trimshamsh is that of Budh, she will take pleasure in poetry, arts, singing and playing instruments; she will be beautiful and virtuous.
She will be bestowed with husband, sons and wealth, if the Trimshamsh is that of Guru. Should the Trimshamsh belong to Śukr, she will have all luxuries, be sharp and dear to all. If the birth is in Śani’s Trimshamsh, she will remarry. She will beget dead children of lose children and be always sick. Now a Rāśi of Śani at birth. Should the Trimshamsh belong to Mangal, she will be a servant, an unchaste woman and she will be getting dead children. Budh’s Trimshamsh indicates, that she will not be loyal to her husband, be unchaste and cunning. She will be dear to her husband, lucky and widely famous, if born in Guru’s Trimshamsh.
If born in the Trimshamsh of Śukr, she will be of lordly disposition, be barren and be devoid of good history. She will take to bad traditions and will be very unlucky, if born in Śani’s Trimshamsh. With regard to those females born in Simh: In the Trimshamsh of Mangal, she will be very talkative, unchaste, be in distant places and will resemble men in appearance and qualities. In the Trimshamsh of Budh, she will be devoted to her work, but be not chaste. She will be dear to king, will not have many issues and be always sick, if born in the Trimshamsh of Śukr. She will be healthy and poor, if Śani is the ruler of Trimshamsh.
She will be liked by the king, if born in Guru’s Trimshamsh. Now the various Trimshamshas of Kark at birth. She will be self-willed, sensual and will lose children, if the Trimshamsh is that of Mangal. The issues and longevity are limited by Guru’s Trimshamsh. Budh’s Trimshamsh will make her an artisan. She will be either barren, or have children dead, if it is Śukr’s Trimshamsh. Śani’s Trimshamsh will deprive of her husband and she will eke out her food with difficulty.
The Jyotishi should predict the effects of Trimshamsh, as detailed above. Such Trimshamsh effects should be predicted through Candr and Sūrya, or through Lagn and Candr.
One’s husband will be wretched, if Yuvati Bhava is vacant, be weak and receives a Drishti from malefics, but not from benefics. Should Budh and Śani be in Yuvati Bhava, she will beget a husband equal to a neuter. She will be barren and unlucky. She will always be away. Should Yuvati Bhava be a movable Rāśi, or its lord is placed in such Navamsh, her husband will like to be away from home; and a fixed Rāśi will make him stick to home.
Should Sūrya be in Yuvati Bhava, she will be given up by her husband. Early widowhood is caused by Mangal in Yuvati Bhava. If Śani is in Yuvati Bhava and receives a Drishti from malefics, she will remain unmarried, or she will become a widow and go to other men.