Kurma Yoga
De-finition.-When benefics occupy the 5th, 6th and 7th and join their exaltation, own or friendly Navamsas or when benefics occupy the 1st, 3rd and 11th identical with their exaltation, own or friendly signs, there results what is called Kurma Yoga.
Results.-World famous, princely enjoyments, righteous, courageous, happy, helpful to others, leader of men and a man of mild temperament.
Remarks.-Opinion is divided as regards the exact interpretation of the word mitramsakarasiyatah which may mean a friendly sign or a friendly
Navamsa. Some authorities suggest that as in the second part of the stanza the rvord mitrochasantsthah has been used, it is more reasonable to interpret that the reference is to friendly Rasis. It is of course somewhat difficult to conceive of a planet occupying a particular house identical with a friendly Navamsa since two sets of combinations are given. I am inclined to accept the views of Prof. Rao, that the first set of combinations would be partly in reference to the Navamsa disposition while the second one is to be applied solely to the usual Rasi dispositions. In other words, Kurma Yoga is said to arise (a) if benefics occupy the 5th, 6th and 7th houses and join own, exalted and friendly Navamsas or (b) if benefics occupy the lst, 3rd and llth ideDtical with their exalted, own or friendly places. I have my own doubts as to the correctness or otherwise of the interpretation given above. Therefore readers must accept my remarks with a certain amount of reservation. So far as the results are concerned, Kurma Yoga seems to indicate reputation. fame and influence but not much wealth.