Libra is an Air sign represented by the balancing scales, which are also used to signify justice. This sign is related to the planet Venus, and takes special delight in all things beautiful, including music, design, architecture, and fair relationships.
Children born under this sign will favor harmony and order. The bodily organs associated with Libra are the kidneys. Kidneys purify our blood, which is akin to how Libra takes pleasure in pure things. What is necessary in life can also be made beautiful, according to Libra. Librans gravitate to symmetrical beauty (again, note the kidneys).
Do not be surprised if Libra children are neat and orderly! Early in life they will heed your words about keeping their room tidy, but do not expect this kind of obedience in every facet of their upbringing! They may find their own ideas much more interesting than yours, so you will also find yourself having stimulating conversations with children of this sign. In fact, Libra is the sign associated with the law. Not necessarily lawyers one sees on TV, but the law itself: a pure set of ideas created for the purpose of maintaining harmony for humanity. Libra is a noble and high-minded sign.
Nothing will upset Libra children more than unfairness. Whether this is encountered on the playground with peers or at home with siblings, you will know their bitter reaction to being treated unfairly, or even witnessing a lack of fairness. It may be necessary to explain at an early age the hard truth that life is full of injustices. Libra prefers black and white. Hopefully you can be the one to gently help your young Libra understand that sometimes the truth lies in the gray area of emotion, and begin to help them cope with that by establishing what fair relationships are about.