31.Mahaganesha nirbhinna vighnayantra praharshita
Bhandasurendra nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini.
Mahaganesha nirbhinna vighnayantra praharshita: Who rejoices when that Ganesha destroys the magical devices placed by Bhandasura as obstacles to Her victory.
Bhandasurendra nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini: Who counters by Her own missiles the rain of missiles directed against Her by Bhadnasura.
32.Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashakrutih
Mahapashu patastragni nirdagdhasura sainika.
Karanguli nakhotpanna rarayana dashakrutih: Who out of Her finger nails recreated all the ten Incarnations of Vishnu to destroy the Asuras slain by Him in His incarnations and now recreated magically by Bhanda out of a missile of his.
Mahapashu patastragni nirdaghasura sainika: Who burned to death the armies of demons with the fire of the great missile pashupata.
33.Kameshvarastra nirdagdha sabhandasura shunyaka
Brahmopendra mahendradi devasamstuta vaibhava.
Kamesvarastra nirdagha sabhadasura shunyaka: Who with the flames of the missile Kamesvara caused the destruction of bandha and also of his Capita Sunyaka.
Brahmopendra mahendradi devasamstuta vaibhava: Whose manifold powers (displayed in the fight with Bhanda) are praised by Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.
34.Haranetragni sandagdha kama sanjiva naushadhih
Shrimadvagbhava kutaika svarupa mukhapankaja.
Haranetragni sandagdha kama sanjiva naushadhih: The life giving herb, that revived the god of love (kama – deva) who had been burnt to death by the fire of Shiva’s eyes.
Shrimadvagbhava kutaika svarupa mukhapankaja: Whose lotus face represents the Vagbhava – Kuta of the pancha dashakshari – mantra which is subtle form of the Devi.
35.Kanthadhah katiparyanta madhyakuta svarupini
Shaktikutaika tapanna katyadho bhagadharini.
Kanthadhah katiparyanta madhyakuta svarupini: Whose middle region from the neck to the waist is represented by the central part (Kamaraja – Kuta) of the same Mantra.
Shaktikutaika tapanna katyadho bhagadharini: Whose form below waist is identical with the last part (Sakti – Kuta) of Pancha – dashakshari Mantra.
36.Mulamantratmika mula kutatraya kalebara
Kulamrutaika rasika kulasanketa palini.
Mulamantratmika: Who is the original Mantra (Mula-mantra, here Pancha – dashakshari) itself.
Mula-kuta-traya-kalebara: Whose body is identiacal with Pancha – Dashakshari Mantra with all its Kutas or combination of letters.
Kulamrutaika rasika: Who (as the Kundalini) revels in the nectar flowing from the Sahasrara through the whole of the Kula path (i.e.the Susumna).
Kulasanketa palini: Who guards the esoteric doctrine of the Kaulas.
37.Kulangana kulantastha kaulini kulayogini
Akula samayantastha samayachara tatpara.
Kulangana: Who is the Female Element (Kundalini) in the Kula Path.
Kulantastha: Who is the innermost Reality of the Kula Path.
Kaulini: Who is called Kaulini, the core of the Kaula form of worship.
Kulayogini: Who is the Deity of the Kaulas.
Akula: Who is also the Akula (Siva) who is in the thousand-petalled lotus above the Kula Path.
Samayantastha: Who is likewise the center of the Samaya doctrine (in which the worship is done internally through meditation and which holds Siva-Sakti as of equal importance in all respects).
Samayanchara tatpara: Whom the Samaya tradition of worship is dear.
38.Muladharaika nilaya brahmagranthi vibhedini
Manipurantarudita vishnugranthi vibhedini.
Muladharaika nilaya: Whose chief residence is the Muladhara.
Brahmagrandhi vibhedini: Who in Her ascent from the Muladhara breaks through the Brahma-grandhi (the Barrier of Brahma to the subtle dimension).
Manipurantarudita: Who then emerges in the Manipura – chakra.
Vishnugranthi vibhedini: Who then breaks through the Vishnu – granthi (the barrier to still subtler dimensions).
39.Agya chakrantaralastha rudragranthi vibhedini
Sahasraram bujarudha sudhasarabhi varshini.
Agya chakrantaralstha: Who next abides in the center of the Agya – chakra.
Rudragrandthi vibhedini: Who finally breaks through the Rudra – granthi (the barrier to the subtlest dimension).
Sahasraram bujarudha: Who then ascends to the Thousand – petalled Lotus known as the Sahasrara.
Sudhasarabhi varshini: Who sends streams of Nectar (spiritual bliss) from the Transcendant moon in the Sahasrara.
40.Tadillata samaruchih shatchakropari samsthita
Mahasaktih kundalini bisatantu taniyasi.
Tadillata samaruchih: Who shines like a steady flash of lightning.
Shatchakropari samsthita: Who then establishes herself above the six Chakras.
Mahasaktih: Whose immense joy consists in Asakti (union with Shiva)
Kundalini: Who resides in the Muladhara as the Kundalini (the coiled power).
Bisatantu taniyasi: Who is as fine and firm as the fibre of a lutus stalk.
41.Bhavani bhavanagamya bhavaranya kutharika
Bhadrapriya bhadramurtih bhakta saubhagya dayini.
Bhavani: Who is Bhavani, the consort of Bhava (Shiva).
Bhavanagamya: Who is realized through devoted meditation.
Bhavaranya kutharika: Who is verily like an axe for clearing the jungle of Samsara (transmigratory existence) in which the Jiva is caught.
Bhadrapriya: Who is fond of everything auspicious.
Bhadramurtih: Who is the embodiment of auspiciousness.
Bhakta saubhagya dayini: Who grants all-round advancement to devotees, both in the spiritual and the material fields.
42.Bhaktipriya bhaktigamya bhaktivashya bhayapaha
Shambhavi sharadaradhya sharvani sharmadayini.
Bhaktipriya: Who is fond of true devotion.
Bhaktigamya: Who is attained through true devotion.
Bhaktivashya: Who can be won over through true devotion.
Bhayapaha: Who dispels all fear.
Shambhavi: Who is known as Shambhavi, the Consort of Shiva.
Sharadaradhya: Who is adored by Sharada (the Consort of Brahma).
Sharvani: Who is the consort of Sharva or Shiva.
Sharmadayini: Who is the bestower of happiness.
43.Shankari shrikari sadhvi sharachandra nibhanana
Shatodari shantimati niradhara niranjana.
Shankari: Who is Shankari the Consort of Shiva, who is inseparable from Her.
Shrikari: Who is the spouse of Vishnu, who brings prosperity to devotees.
Sadhvi: Who is a paragon of virtue.
Sharachandra nibhanana: Whose face shines like the autumnal moon.
Shatodari: Who has a very slender waist.
Shantimati: Who is full of peace.
Niradhara: Who has no support other than Herself. But supports everything else.
Niranjana: Who is free from the stain of ignorance.
44.Nirlepa nirmala nitya nirakara nirakula
Nirguna nishkala shanta nishkama nirupaplava.
Nirlepa: Who is free from all affectations of external contacts.
Nirmala: Who is free from all impurities.
Nitya: Who is eternal.
Nirakara: Who is not limited to and by any form.
Nirakula: Who is never agitated.
Nirguna: Who is beyond the three Gunas of Prakrti – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
Nishkala: Who is the Partless Unitary Whole.
Shanta: Who is ever serene.
Nishkama: Who is free from desires.
Nirupaplava: Who is free from afflictions.
45.Nityamukta nirvikara nishprapancha nirashraya
Nityashuddha nityabuddha niravadya nirantara.45
Nityamukta: Who is eternally free.
Nirvikara: Who is not subject to change.
Nishprapancha: Who is beyond the sphere of multiplicity.
Nirashraya: Who is not dependent on anything or anyone.
Nityashuddha: Who is eternally pure.
Nityabuddha: Who is the ever – awake Consciousness.
Niravadya: Who is flawless.
Nirantara: Who is without any division, being eternal by nature.
46.Nishkarana nishkalanka nirupadhir nirishvara
Niraga ragamathani nirmada madanashini.
Nishkarana: Who has no cause for Hersef, as she is the first cause.
Nishkalanka: Who is without any stain.
Nirupadhi: Who has no limitations.
Nirishvara: Who has no over – lord.
Niraga: Who is without passions.
Ragamathani: Who destroys all passion in the minds of devotees.
Nirmada: Who is without pride.
Madanashini: Who destroys all pride.
47.Nishchinta nirahankara nirmoha mohanashini
Nirmama mamatahantri nishpapa papanashini.
Nishchinta: Who is free from all doubts and anxieties.
Nirahankara: Who is without any egoism.
Nirmoha: Who is free from false view of things.
Mohanashini: Who dispels all illusions.
Nirmama: Who is devoid of self-interest in any matter, as She includes everyting in Herself.
Mamatahantri: Who destroys the sense of self – centredness in devotees.
Nishpapa: Who is sinless.
Papanashini: Who destroys sins together with the root of all sinful tendencies.
48.Nishkrodha krodhashamani nirlobha lobhanashini
Nis0amshaya samshayaghni nirbhava bhavanashini.
Nishkrodha: Who is without anger.
Krodhashamani: Who destroys the tendency to get angry.
Nirlobha: Who is free from greed.
Lobhanashini: Who destroys greed in Her devotees.
Nisamshaya: Who has no doubts.
Samshayaghni: Who effaces all doubts.
Nirbhava: Who is not involved in the cycle of births and deaths.
Bhavanashini: Who frees devotees from involvement in the cycle of births and deaths.
49.Nirvikalpa nirabadha nirbheda bhedanashini
Nirnasha mrutyumathani nishkriya nishparigraha.
Nirvikalpa: Who is without any modifications, as she is pure consciousness.
Nirabadha: Who can never be sublated.
Nirbheda: Who is beyond all differences.
Bhedanashini: Who destroys the sense of differences.
Nirnasha: Who is deathless.
Mrutymathani: Who destroys the fear of death.
Nishkriya: Who is without involvement in action.
Nishparigraha: Who needs no gift, as everything in the universe is hers.
50.Nistula nilachikura nirapaya niratyaya
Durlabha durgama durga duhkhahantri sukhaprada
Nistula: Who is peerless.
Nilachikura: Whose locks of hair are shining black colour.
Nirapaya: Who is imperishable.
Niratyaya: Who is indestructible.
Durlabha: Who is difficult to attain.
Durgama: Who is hard to approach.
Durga: Who is difficult of access.
Duhkhahantri: Who puts an end to sorrow.
Sukhaprada: Who bestows all happiness.