Some Important and Vital Clues from Manasagari
If the saptamsha lord is posited/aspected with the Moon or any other benefic planet in the saptamsha chart, the native is famous, glorious, aggressive and hot tempered; has siblings and many friends
In the saptamsha chart, the period (dasha) of the; strongest malefic planet (which is debilitated too), is bad for the sibling. This does not include the Sun.
A planet in the last sapamsha (in its last degrees), if posited in its own sign or is exalted (in the saptamsha chart) makes the native expert in horse riding, courageous and abandoned by brothers and family.
Comments :
Here the term ‘horse riding’ should be liberally applied to motor cycle racing, car racing or any similar sport which requires dare-devilness.
If a planet is either exalted or posited in a benefic sign in the saptamsha chart, the native becomes fortunate, respected by the ruler and attains all-round success.
If either the Sun, Jupiter or Mars, is posited in the 3rd house in the saptamsha chart, the native becomes rich through honest and justifiable means and begets a son only after his father’s death. If either of the Moon, Venus or Mercury, is posited in the 3rd house, the native begets a daughter only after his father’s death.
Comments :
Here a very specific clue has been given about the promise of a child and longevity of native’s parents.
If most of the planets are exalted in the saptamsha chart, the native is very rich and prosperous, if debilitated, the native is poor.