Mercury takes about 28 days to transit a sign. The following are the effects of Mercury’s transit, as per your Rasi, i.e. the Indian moon sign. Given here are the general effects as given in the classical Vedic astrology sastras. However they can vary quite a bit based on your individual horoscope.
All Rasi and Nakshatra transits of Mercury in 2025.
If you don’t know your Rasi, click here to know online now.
You can also check how to see transit from your chart from the example given here
To see the transit results of Mercury from your Janma Nakshatra click here
Transit results of Mercury from natal Moon, i.e. your Rasi, i.e. the sign in which Moon is placed in your horoscope.
1st house> Worries, headaches, injury to lips or tongue, sore throat, hoarseness of voice and tonsillitis, bad associations and accusations. Transit of Mercury in the 1st house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best should be the focus during this time. You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances. You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle. Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and experience to avoid any glitch in your life. Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of it.
2nd house> Recognition of merit, praise from friends and authorities, due. promotion, change for the better, study of new subjects, good income, success in undertaking’s. Transit of Mercury in the 2nd house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems. This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of knowledge. This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savor exotic culinary delights. However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a near friend.
3rd house> Misunderstanding with relatives and co-workers, worries, expenditure, loss of a kin. Transit of Mercury in the 3rd house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings. Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life. Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any loss of wealth. This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress and unexpected hassles in your endeavors.
4th house> Good name, good income, success in competitive examinations, study of new subjects popularity and enjoyment of luxuries. Transit of Mercury in the 4th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be honoured. Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex. At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the family. You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with.
5th house> Bad associations, bad name quarrels with co-workers, misunderstandings with family members, failure in examination. Transit of Mercury in the 5th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved ones. Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk to your life. Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out. This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort. There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction.
6th house> Good name, success in undertakings, income fair from business, fulfillment of desires, study of new subjects, good health. Transit of Mercury in the 6th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the same. You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings. This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be heightened. Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment. However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies. You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer. It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you during this particular period.
7th house> Ill heath, worries, false accusations trouble from servants and superiors, hill health of wife and children, disappointments. Transit of Mercury in the 7th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavors. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be troublesome.
8th house> Good news, good income, success in official work, arrival of friends and relatives, enjoyment; of luxuries. Transit of Mercury in the 8th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect financial stability and gain in financial ventures. Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would increase. This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also remain happy and content during this particular period. This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make right decisions. Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also expect help from all the sides. However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay.
9th house> Worries, increased expenditure, loss or wealth, sore throat, bad luck. Transit of Mercury in the 9th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don’t have to regret any of your actions done at this time. Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new. Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons. Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels. During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labor from you in order to accomplish any task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard. Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind.
10th house> Good income, study of new subject, interest in religious matters and occult subjects, happy ceremonies, luxuries. Transit of Mercury in the 10th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavors. Professionally a very good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on time. Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time. Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavors will be gainful for you and you may expect other monetary gain as well. This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social welfare work. Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would find calmness in life during this particular time.
11th house> Gain of cattle, increase in income, happiness from friends & women, good name & fame and happiness. Transit of Mercury in the 11th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavors, businesses and investments are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity especially during this time. Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and very cordial in your behavior. At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may also expect to get some favorable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort. Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people flock around you.
12th house> Good income, general success, good name, happy ceremonies. Transit of Mercury in the 12th house from Natal Moon : During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish any of the task undertaken by you. Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect and try and keep your honour in the society. You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase. You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you during this particular point of time.