Moola nakshatra (Scorpionis) Spread from 0: to 13:20’ Dhanu Rashi, the ruling planet is Ketu. Symbol – a bunch of roots tied together, deity ‘Nirithi’ or ‘Alakshmi’. It also means the ‘opposite’ or ‘reverse’.
It is the birth star of Lord Hanuman and Goddess Saraswati.
Given bellow are the qualities of the nakshatras as given in the scriptures. This is the only site where you will get authentic information about Nakshatras from 3 great scriptures.
The one marked 1 is from the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
The one marked 2 Is from Yavan Jataka of Yavana
and the one marked 3 is from Taittiriya Brahmana an ancient Vedic text.
1 One born in Moola is Proud, rich happy, good, steady and enjoying.
2 One born in Mula will trouble others, be honourable, wealthy, will ensure progress of others’ work, be a liar, lustful and slim.
3 Mula is ruled by Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction. It has the power to ruin or destroy. Its basis above is breaking things apart (barhana shakti). Its basis below is crushing things. Through these three one gains the power to destroy destruction. In bringing afflictions Mula Nakshatra allows us to destroy their root, as long as they don’t overcome us. It shows the necessary destruction to proceed a new creation. Nirriti is Alakshmi or the denial of Lakshmi (abundance and prosperity). She is Kali or the negative effect of time that we must protect ourselves from or use to our advantage.