In this chart,Mercury is in his own house Virgo with Venus. The native will be of an intellectual type and will shine well. The Sun is in the next house aspected by Jupiter in Aries. It shows that the father will be honoured by Government and occupy a high position. Since Mars occupies the next house to the Sun, owned by him, the father will have some landed property. The Govement of Saturn and Ketu in Cancer into Leo owned by the Sun, shows that the father will have a Government job. The native will also have a decent job and will own property earned by his father. His finances will be secure and earned with very little labour. Saturn’s transit on Jupiter will take him to high position and at the end of his life he will own a religious institution’by the seaside. He will spend a happy life from 68 to 73 in that institution and will also have a few children not of a very high status.