On being asked by Yudhishthir about the grandeur of holy places like Kashipuri, Kapardishwar & Gaya. Narad said —
Just as Lord Mahadev is supreme among all the deities, in the same manner Kashipuri holds a significant status among all the places of pilgrimage. Hence an individual should make it a point to visit Kashi once in his life time. The famous Shiva linga Kopardishwar is installed at Kashi and is said to fulfill all the desires of a man. Performance of various rituals at Kashi liberates a man from all his sins-all his flaws are eliminated automatically just by residing in Kashi.
A devotee who regularly practices meditation in the temple of Lord Kapordishwar attains Yogasiddhi within six months. Worshipping Lord Kapardishwar after taking a holy dip in Pishach-mochan kunda liberates a man from gravest of sin like ‘Brahmahatya’, etc. Gaya is considered to be a sacrosanct place of pilgrimage and various rituals for the pacification of the souls of dead ancestors are performed here. Anybody who offers Pindadaan and tarpan at Gaya not only liberates his ancestors but also himself. There is a very famous Banyan tree named Akshayvat at Gaya. Gaya is situated at the bank of river Falgu.
According to Sutji, all the Puranas are nothing but the mediums through which Sri Hari manifests himself—Brahma Puran is said to be the Forhead of Srihari, Padma Puran is said to be the ‘heart’ of Srihari, Vishnu Puran is said to be the ‘right arm’ of Srihari. Shiva Puran is said to be the ‘left arm’ of Srihari. Shrimad Bhagawat is said to be His ‘thigh’, Narad Puran is said to be His ‘navel’, Markendeya Puran is said to be His ‘right-foot’. Agni Puran is said to be His ‘left foot’, Bhavish Puran is said to be His ‘right-knee’, Brahma Vaivratapuran is said to be His ‘left-knee’. Linga Puran is said to be His ‘right ankle’, Varaha Puran is said to be His ‘left ankle’ Skanda Puran is said to be the hair on the body of ‘Sri Hari.
Vaman Puran is said to be His Skin
Kurma Puran is said to be His Back
Matsya Puran is said to be His Stomach
Garuda Puran is said to be His Bone-narrow
Brahmanda Puran is said to be His Bone.
So, all the Puranas being manifestation of different parts of Sri Hari’s body are very sacred and capable of bestowing salvation.
Once, Sages requested Sutji to describe about Sri Ram’s return from Lanka. Sutji narrated the same tale, which Sheshnag had once told Vatsyayan.Sheshnag said–After the killing of demon king Ravan, Sri Ram appointed Vibhishan as the king of Lanka. He then decided to return to Ayodhya on Pushpak-Viman, which Vibhishan had presented to him. He along with Sita, Laxman, Sugreev and Hanuman boarded the aircraft and flew towards Ayodhya.The earth looked beautiful from such a high altitude and Sri Ram was continuously describing about the importance of various places over which the aircraft flew. As the aircraft was about to enter the airspace of Ayodhya, Sri Ram recognized Bharat, who was living at Nandigram at that time. Bharat had vowed not to enter Ayodhya till the return of Sri Ram, hence he stayed at Nandigram situated at the outskirts of Ayodhya awaiting Sri Ram’s return. He led an austere life as the result of which he had become weak and feeble.
On seeing Bharat, Sri Ram instructed Hanuman to inform him about his (Ram’s) arrival. Hanuman went to the hermitage of Bharat and informed him about Sri Ram’s arrival. Bharat’s joy knew no bound and he expressed his desire to reward Hanuman for bringing such auspicious news. Bharat then accompanied Hanuman and went to meet Sri Ram.Sri Ram’s heart was filled with grief when he saw Bharat, who looked like a hermit in his ‘Valkal’ and ‘Kaupin’. On the other hand Bharat cursed himself for being the cause of Sri Ram’s miseries. Bharat asked for Sri Ram’s forgiveness and said—‘O Lord! You had to go into exile only because of me. I can never be absolved of my sin.’
Sri Ram consoled him and after taking Bharat into his embrace enquired about his welfare. He told Bharat that he had to undergo the sufferings of exile because of his own destiny.’You are not at fault. Don’t curse yourself for my misery.’ said Sri Ram. At last all of them including Bharat boarded Pushpak Viman and the aircraft took- off for Ayodhya.Continuing with Sri Ram’s tale, Sheshnag said–When Sumanth brought the news of Sri Ram’s arrival at Ayodhya, people danced in joy, Preparations started being made for Sri Ram’s grand reception. The whole city of Ayodhya was decorated with rows of lighted lamps.
Sri Ram and Sita alighted from the Pushpak Viman and both of them were carried in a palanquin to the palace. People stood in queues on both sides of the road with folded hands. Sri Ram blessed them by raising his hand.First of all Ram went to meet Kaikayi who was full of remorse and guilt. Sri Ram consoled her and then went to meet Sumitra to pay his obeisance to her. At last, he went to meet his own mother–Kaushalya, who was dying to see him. Kaushalya blessed Sri Ram, Sita and Laxman. Bharat then instructed the royal astrologers to decide upon an auspicious moment for Sri Ram’s coronation. Thus Sri Ram became the king of Ayodhya. During his reign peace and prosperity prevailed everywhere. People were virtuous and there was no sign of sin.
People of Ayodhya lived peacefully during Sri Ram’s reign until one fateful day when they were struck by a bad news–Sri Ram had abandoned Sita after a Washerman leveled an unfair charge against her character. Such was the greatness of Sri Ram that opinion of each and every individual was given due respect irrespective of his position and status. One day, Sage Agastya arrived in the royal court of Sri Ram. After the formal Salutations were over. Sage Agastya complimented Sri Ram for killing Ravana.
Sri Ram asked Agastya–‘Who was Ravana– the tormentor of deities? I am anxious to know about the origin of his whole clan.”
Sage Agastya replied–Vishrava was the grandson of Lord Brahma. His father was sage Pulastya. Vishrava had two wives–Mandakini and Kaikasi. Mandakani’s son was Kubera while Kaikasi was the mother of Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishan. Kubera ruled over Lanka. One day, Kubera, came to see his parents boarded on his aircraft–Pushpak Viman. After he returned to Lanka, Ravana, who was very much impressed by Kubera’s royal appearances asked Kaikasi–“Who was this fellow? From where did he acquire such an amazing aircraft.”
Kaikasi revealed to Ravana that the guest was none other than his step-brother Kubera. She said–“Kubera is the son of your step mother–Mandakini. He has made his mother proud by his conduct but I am ashamed of you, because of your inconsequential existence. You are no better than a worm.”
Ravan decided to prove his mother wrong by acquiring insurmountable power and authority. Ravana went to the forest and performed an austere penance for ten thousand years by standing on one foot. He fixed his gaze at the sun and never for a moment did he remove his gaze from it. Kumbhakarna and Vibhishan also engaged themselves in austere penance. At last, Lord Brahma became pleased and blessed Ravana with a vast kingdom. Ravan then started tormenting his step-brother Kumbhakarna. He snatched Kubera’s Pushpak Viman and drove him out of Lanka. Ravan then turned his attention towards the deities and drove them out of heaven. The deities went to seek the help of Lord Brahma who in turn took them to Lord Shiva. Even Lord Shiva was clueless about the means by which the indomitable Ravana could be subdued. Ultimately all of them including Lord Shiva went to Lord Vishnu and sought his help.
Lord Vishnu assured them by saying —
“I shall take incarnation as Ram at a place called Ayodhya. Presently, Ayodhya is being ruled by Dashrath, who inspite of having three queens, does not have any son. I shall manifest myself as Ram. Don’t worry! I shall eliminate the menace called Ravana.” Sage Agastya also told Sri Ram that Ravana belonged to the caste called ‘Brahmrakshas’. This way, Sage Agastya after having finished his narration looked at Sri Ram anticipating further queries.