Parihasaka Yoga
Definition.–The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the Sun should attain
Vaiseshikamsa and join the 2nd house.
Results.-The person witty speaker.
Remarks.-People of jolly temperament take things easy and lightly while there are some who take even trifles as serious. Humour is the spice of life
and all cannot claim it with equal facility. The Sun occupies some Navamsa and its lord should be in the 2nd besides attaining Vaiseshikamsa.
It will be seen that a planet can occupy its own Rasi, its own Amsa, its own Drekkana, etc., in which case it is said to be in Swarasi or Swakshetra,
Swahora, Swadrekkana, etc. In all these cases it is in Swavarga. There
are Shodasa Vargas or sixteen types of divisions. A planet can therefore occupy its own varga sixteen times. Astrological writers have attached great significance to the special distinction of a planet being in its own varga more than once. The following are the important Amsas (distinctions)
often alluded to in the astrological literature.

When a planet attains Vaiseshikams, it is par excellence.