Comments :
- The sign occupied by the drekkana lord in the natal chart is important in deciding the number of siblings. For example the drekkana lord is posited in Taurus in the natal chart, which is the sign number 2; native may have two siblings.
- If the drekkana lord in the drekkana as well in the natal chart is aspected, conjunct or posited with benefics, the siblings live a long and healthy life. If other wise they suffer and are short lived.
- If the drekkana lord is posited with friendly planets, then the native has harmonious relationship with his/her siblings. If with neutral planets the native has normal or little relationship with siblings. And if with inimical planets the native has bitter relationship with them.
- If the natal lord is posited with friends or in a friendly sign in the drekkana chart and the drekkana lord is also posited in the natal chart with friendly planets in friendly house then relations with siblings are close and intimate. If otherwise then there would be enimity.
If drekkana lord is a male planet, the first sibling is a brother; if female planet then first sibling is a sister. If natal lagna lord is a male planet and is posited with friends the native has good relations and comforts from brothers. If the natal lagna lord is a female planet and the similar conditions prevail then the native has good relations and comforts from sisters. If drekkana lord is posited in the 6th or 8th house, the native may commit suicide.
Comments :
- If the drekkana lagna lord is posited with a male planet in drekkana chart then the native has brothers and if with a female planet then sisters.
- If the drekkana lord is a male planet the native has brothers and if a female planet then sisters.
- If the birth lagna lord is a male planet and is posited with friendly planets and with the drekkana lagna lord, the native has brothers and relationship with them is harmonious. If otherwise the results are opposite.
- Suicidal Tendencies: If the drekkana lagna lord is posited in the 6th or 8th house in the natal chart, the native has suicidal tendencies or inflicts self injury. But if it is positedlaspected with malefics then this ill effect gets cancelled.
If the drekkana lord – posited/aspected with malefics is in 6th or 8th house, the first sibling dies either in the womb or in a accident after falling from a height. If it is with the Moon and posited/aspected with benefics then the native is beautiful, charming and has a hairy skin. And if it along with the Moon is posited/aspected with malefics then the native suffers problems in the back and ear and also has enmity with siblings; picks unwanted quarrels with enemies.