pretasapa yoga
Definition.-The Sun and Saturn in the 5th, weak Moon in the 7th, Rahu in Lagna and Jupiter in the 12th give rise to Pretasapa yoga.
Results.-Children will die through the curses of Pretas or manes of the dead.
Remarks.-The individual soul just after its release from the mortal coil is supposed to be in a state of transition for the period of the death ceremonies which generally lasts for two weeks. The disembodied soul in this state of transition is termed Preta. It is held that the preta reaching a higher or lower plane of existence, consistent with its karma during its sojourn on the earth, depends entirely upon the satisfactory performance of the obsequies by the sons or dependents of the deceased concerned. When these ceremonies are not properly performed, the Preta is denied safe-conduct in the ethereal regions with the result curses are sent to the persons responsible for such omission. The yoga in question reveals death of children from the curses of such Pretas. Whether or not we believe in such things death means disappearance of some mysterious force from the physical body and this subtle force cannot go to nothingness nor could it have come from nothingness. It is far more reasonable to suppose that the soul or the subtle aspect of existence moves on to a different plane, invested with karma done during its sojourn on the earth plane. The sages must have seen the further evolution of the soul, after death here, through intuition, and because known laws of science cannot explain the mysteries of life and death it does not mean that existence ends with physical death.
When the weak Moon is in the 7th, Rahu is in Lagna, and the Sun and Saturn are in the 5th, the Moon becomes subject to a series of afflictions –
Kethu’s association, Rahu’s aspect and Saturn’s aspect. The Moon-Rahu-Saturn connection, in any form, is always indicative of the influences of what are generally known as devils, spirits, ghosts and other destructive denizens.