243. Single-handedly, Jupiter in the ascendant with all his rays (i.e. not being in combustion) and with exceeding strength can counter all the evils just as a devout prayer to Lord Siva dispels evils.
244. The ascendant should be in a benefic planet’s sign with a benefic’s aspect on it. All benefics should be strong and malefics be weak. In such a case, evils will go away as the sins of a worshipper of Nava Grahas.
245. Malefics should be in benefics’ divisions and receive the aspects of such benefics who are themselves in benefics’ Navamsas. Then evils will be destroyed just as a dejected woman brings forth damage to her husband.
246. Rahu placed in the 3rd, 6th or the 11th from the ascendant with benefic aspects will remove evils just as wind takes away a heap of cotton.
247. If all the planets are found in direct motion in Seershodaya signs (the six signs viz. Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius) evils will not exist just as ghee does not exist in fire.
248. If a benefic planet is aspected by another benefic planet and wins a planetary war at birth, evils will opt out as giant trees are felled by strong gale.
249. If an evil planet is conjunct another (good planet) and aspected by a malefic planet, evils will go away just as sins by sea¬ bath on a solar eclipse day.
250. Birlh when Agastya, Vasishta and such others of the Sapta Rish (The Great Bear) rise in the heavens will be free from blemishes just as sun-rise puts an end to darkness.
251. Rahu in the ascendant which is (. Le of Aries, raurus and Cancer will protect the child from all evils just as a pleased ruler forgives a crime.
252. Even Lord Brahma will be surprised at the way evils vanish in comParison to a calf-elephant’s destructive spree of the natural features on plain land, in case planets that do not form part of evil combinations beget their own decanates.
253. If many planets are .strong at birth, evils will vanish just as the evils at the time of a kings journey will vanish if the Moon is in the 5th or the 9th place from the Sun.
254. I have narrated all these Yogas as told by ancient preceptors. The astrologer who knows of all these Yogas will endear himself to the ruler.