1. THE Maruts of resistless might who love the rain, resplendent, terrible like wild beasts in their strength,
Glowing like flames of fire, impetuous in career, blowing the wandering raincloud, have disclosed the kine.
2. They gleam with armlets as the heavens are decked with stars, like cloud-born lightnings shine the torrents of their rain.
Since the strong Rudra, O Maruts with brilliant chests, sprang into life for you in Prsni’s radiant lap.
3. They drip like horses in the racings of swift steeds; with the stream’s rapid cars they hasten on their way.
Maruts with helms of gold, ye who make all things shake, con e with your spotted deer, one-minded, to our food.
4. They have bestowed of Mitra all that live, to feed, they who for evermore cause their swift drops to flow;
Whose steeds are spotted deer, whose riches never fail, like horses in full speed, bound to the pole in work.
5. With brightly-flarning kine whose udders swell with milk, idth glittering lances on your unobstructed paths,
O Maruts, of one mind, like swans who seek their nests, come to the rapturous enjoyment of the meath.
6. To these our prayers, O Maruts, come unanimous, come ye to our libations like the praise of men.
Make it swell like a mare, in udder like a cow, and for the singer grace the song with plenteous strength.
7. Give us a steed, O Maruts migbty in the car; prevailing prayer that brings remembrance day by day;
Food to your praisers, to your bard in deeds of might give winning wisdom, power uninjured, unsurpassed.
8. When the bright-chested Maruts, lavish of their gifts, bind at the time bliss their horses to the cars,
Then, as the milch-cow feeds her calf within the stalls, they pour forth food for all oblation-bringing men.
9. Save us, O Maruts, Vasus, from the injurer, the mortal foe who makes us looked upon as wolves.
With chariot all aflame compass him round about: O Rudras, cast away the foeman’s deadly bolt.
10. Well-known, ye Maruts, is that wondrous course of yours, when they milked Prsni’s udder, close akin to her.
Or when to shame the bard who lauded, Rudra’s Sons, ye O infallible brought Trita to decay.
11. We call youi such, great Maruts, following wonted ways, to the oblation paid to Visnu Speeder-on.
With ladles lifted up, with prayer, we seek of them preeminent, golden-hued, the wealth which all extol.
12. They, the Dasagvas, first of all brought sacrifice: they at the break of mornings shall inspirit us.
Dawn with her purple beams uncovereth the nights, with great light glowing like a billowy sea of milk.
13. The Rudras have rejoiced thern in the gathered bands at seats of worship as in purple ornaments.
They with impetuous vigour sending down the rain have taken to themselves a bright and lovely hue.
14. Soliciting their high protection for our help, with this our adoration we sing praise to them,
Whom, for assistance, like the five terrestrial priests. Trita hath brought to aid us hither on his car.
15. So may your favouring help be turned to us-ward, your kindness like a Iowing cow approach us,
Wherewith ye bear your servant over trouble, and free your worshipper from scoff and scorning.
HYMN XXXV. Son of Waters.
1. EAGER for spoil my flow of speech I utter: may the Floods’ Child accept my songs with favour.
Will not the rapid Son of Waters make them lovely, for he it is who shall enjoy them?
2. To him let us address the song well-fashioned, forth from the heart. Shall he not understand it’
The friendly Son of Waters by the greatness of Godhead hath produced all things existing.
3. Some floods unite themselves and others join them: die sounding rivers fill one common storehouse.
On every side the bright Floods have encompassed the bright resplendent Offspring of the Waters.
4. The never-sullen waters, youthful Maidens, carefully decking, wait on him the youthful.
He with bright rays shines forth in splendid beauty, unfed with wood. in waters, oil-enveloped.
5. To him three Dames are oftering food to feed him, Goddesses to the God whom none may injure.
Within the waters hath he pressed, as hollows, and drinks their milk who now are first made mothers.
6. Here was the horse’s birth; his was the sunlight. Save thou our princes from the oppressor’s onslaught.
Him, indestructible, dwelling at a distance in forts unwrought lies and ill spirits reach not.
7. He, in whose mansion is the teeming Milch-cow, swells the Gods’ nectar and cats noble viands.
lle Son of Waters, gathering strength in waters, shines for his worshipper to give him treasures.
8. He who in waters with his own pure Godhead shines widely, law-abiding, everlasting-
The other worlds are verily his branches, and plants are born of him with all their offspring.
9. The Waters’ Son hath risen, and clothed in lightning ascended up unto the curled cloud’s bosom;
And bearing with them his supremest glory the Youthful Ones, gold-coloured, move around him.
10. Golden in form is he, like gold to look on, his colour is like gold, the Son of Waters.
When he is seated fresh from golden birthplace those who present their gold give food to feed him.
11. This the fair name and this the lovely aspect of him the Waters’ Son increase in secret.
Whom here the youthful Maids together kindle, his food is sacred oil of golden colour.
12. Him, nearest Friend of many, will we worship with sacrifice. and reverence and oblation.
I make his back to shine, with chips provide him; t offer food and with my songs exalt him.
13. The Bull hath laid his own life-germ Within them. He sucks them as an infant, and they kiss him.
He, Son of Waters, of unfading colour, hadi entered here as in another’s body.
14. While here he dwelleth in sublimest station, resplendent with the rays that never perish,
The Waters, bearing oil to feed their ofispring, flow, Youthful Ones, in wanderings about him.
15. Agni, I gave good shelter to the people, and to the princes goodly preparation.
Blessed is all that Gods regard with favour. Loud may we speak, with heroes, in assembly.
HYMN XXXVI Various Gods.
1. WATER and milk hath he endued, sent forth to thee: the men have drained him with the filters and the stones.
Drink, Indra, from the Hotar’s bowlfirst right is thine-Soma hallowed and poured with Vasat and Svaha.
2. Busied with sacrifice, with spotted deer and spears, gleaming upon your way with ornaments, yea, our Friends,
Sitting on sacred grass, ye Sons of Bharata, drink Soma from the Potar’s bowl, O Men of heaven.
3. Come unto us, ye swift to listen: as at home upon the sacred grass sit and enjoy yourselves.
And, Tvastar, well-content be joyful in the juice with Gods and Goddesses in gladsome company.
4. Bring the Gods hither, Sage, and offer sacrifice: at the three altars seat thee willingly, O Priest.
Accept for thy delight the proffered Soma meath: drink from the Kindler’s bowl and fill thee with thy share.
5. This is the strengthener of thy body’s manly might: strength, victory for all time are placed within thine arms.
Pressed for thee, Maghavan, it is offered unto thee: drink from the chalice of this Brahman, drink thy fill.
6. Accept the sacrifice; mark both of you, my call: the Priest hath seated him after the ancient texts.
My prayer that bids them come goes forth to both the Kings: drink ye the Soma meath from the Director’s bowl.
HYMN XXXVII. Various Gods.
1. Enjoy thy fill of meath out of the Hotar’s cup: Adhvaryus he desires a full draught poured for him.
Bring it him: seeking this he gives. Granter of Wealth, drink Sorna with the Rtus from the Hotar’s cup.
2. He whom of old I called on, him I call on now. He is to be invoked; his name is He who Gives,
Here brought by priests is Soma meath. Granter of Wealth, drink Soma with the Rtus from the Potar’s cup.
3. Fat may the horses be wherewith thou specdest on: Lord of the Wood, unharming, strengthen thou thyself.
Drawing and seizing, Bold One, thou who grantest wealth, drink Soma with the Rtus from the Nestar’s cup.
4. From Hotar’s cup and Potar’s he hath drunk and joyed: the proffered food hath pleased him from the Nestar’s bowl.
The fourth cup undisturbed, immortal, let him drink who giveth wealth, the cup of the wealth-giving God.
5. Yoke, O ye Twain, to-day your hero-bearing car, swift-moving hitherward: your loosing-place is here.
Mix the oblations, then come hither with the meath, and drink the Soma, ye rich in abundant strength.
6. Agni, accept the fuel and our offered gift: accept the prayer of man, accept our eulogy,
Do thou with all, with Rtu, O thou Excellent, fain, make the great Gods all fain taste the gift we bring.
1. UPRISEN is Savitar, this God, to quicken, Priest who neglects not this most constant duty.
To the Gods, verily, he gives rich treasure, and blesses him who calls them to the banquet.
2. Having gone up on high, the God broadhanded spreads his arms widely forth that all may mark him.
Even the waters bend them to his service: even this wind rests in the circling region.
3. Though borne by swift steeds he will yet unyoke them: e’en the fleet chariot hath he stayed from going.
He hath checked e’en their haste who glide like serpents. Night closely followed Savitar’s dominion.
4. What was spread out she weaves afresh, re-weaving: the skilful leaves his labour half-completed.
He hath arisen from rest, and parted seasons: Savitar hath approached, God, holy-minded.
5. Tlirough various dwellings, through entire existence, spreads, manifest, the household light of Agni.
The Mother gives her Son the goodliest portion, and Savitar hath sped to meet his summons.
6. He comes again, unfolded, fain for conquest: at home was he, the love of all things moving.
Each man hath come leaving his evil doings, after the Godlike Savitar’s commandment.
7. The wild beasts spread through desert places seeking their watery share which thou hast set in waters.
The woods are given to the birds. These statutes of the God Savitar none disobeyeth.
8. With utmost speed, in restless haste at sunset Varuna seeks his watery habitation.
Then seeks each bird his nest, each beast his lodging. In due place Savitar hath set each creature.
9. Him whose high law not Varuna nor Indra, not Mitra, Aryaman, nor Rudra breaketh,
Nor evil-hearted fiends, here for my welfare him I invoke, God Savitar, with worship.
10. May they who strengthen bliss, and thought and wisdom, and the Dames’ Lord and Narasamsa aid us.
That good may come to us and wealth be gathered, may we be Savitar the God’s beloved.
11. So come to us our hearts’ desire, the bounty bestowed by thee, from heaven and earth and waters,
That it be well with friends and those who praise thee, and, Savitar, with the loud-lauding singer.
HYMN XX Asvins.
1. SING like the two press-stones for this same purpose; come like two misers to the tree of treasure;
Like two laud-singing Brahmans in the assembly, like the folk’s envoys called in many places.
2. Moving at morning like two chr-borne heroes, like to a pair of goats ye come electing;
Like two fair dames embellishing their bodies, like a wise married pair among the people.
3. Like to a pair of horns come first to usward, like to a pair of hoofs with rapid motion;
Come like two Cakavas in the grey of morning, come like two chariot wheels at dawn, ye Mighty.
4. Bear us across the rivers like two vessels, save us as ye were yokes, naves, spokes and fellies.
Be like two dogs that injure not our bodies; preserve us, like two crutches, that we fall not.
5. Like two winds ageing not, two confluent rivers, come with quick vision like two eyes before us.
Come like two hands most helpful to the body, and guide us like two feet to what is precious.
6. Even as two lips that with the mouth speak honey, even as two breasts that nourish our existence,
Like the two nostrils that protect our being, be to us as our ears that hear distinctly.
7. Like two hands give ye us increasing vigour; like heaven and earth constrain the airy regions.
Asvins, these hymns that struggle to approach you, sharpen ye like an axe upon a whetstone.
8. These prayers of ours exalting you, O Asvins, have the GrtSamadas, for a laud, made ready.
Welcome them, O ye Heroes, and come bither. Loud may we speak. with brave men, in assembly.