1. WHERE in the heavens are ye to-day, Gods, Asvins, rich in constancy?
Hear this, ye excellent as Steers: Atri inviteth you to come.
2. Where are they now? Where are the Twain, the famed Nasatyas, Gods in heaven?
Who is the man ye strive to reach? Who of your suppliants is with you?
3. Whom do ye visit, whom approach? to whom direct your harnessed car?
With whose devotions are ye pleased? We long for you to further us.
4. Ye, Strengtheners, for Paura stir the filler swimming in the flood,
Advancing to be captured like a lion to the ambuscade.
5. Ye from cyavana worn with age removed his skin as ’twere a robe.
So, when ye made him young again, he stirred the longing of a dame.
6. Here is the man who lauds you both: to see your glory are we here.
Now bear me, come with saving help, ye who are rich in store of wealth.
7. Who among many mortal men this day hath won you to himself?
What bard, accepters of the bard? Who, rich in wealth! with sacrifice?
8. O Asvins, may your car approach, most excellent of cars for speed.
Through many regions may our praise pass onward among mortal men.
9. May our laudation of you Twain, lovers of meath! be sweet to you.
Fly hitherward, ye wise of heart, like falcons with your winged steeds.
10. O Asvins, when at any time ye listen to this call of mine,
For you is dainty food prepared: they mix refreshing food for you.
HYMN LXXV. Asvins.
1. To meet your treasure-bringing car, the mighty car most dear to us,
Asvins, the Rsi is prepared, your raiser, with his song of praise. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
2. Pass, O ye Asvins, pass away beyond all tribes of selfish men,
Wonderful, with your golden paths, most gracious, bringers of the flood. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
3. Come to us, O ye Asvin Pair, bringing your precious treasures, come
Ye Rudras, on your paths of gold, rejoicing, rich in store of wealth. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
4. O strong and Good, the voice of him who lauds you well cleaves to your car.
And that great beast, your chariot-steed, fair, wonderful, makes dainty food. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
5. Watchful in spirit, born on cars, impetuous, listing to his cry,
Asvins, with winged steeds ye speed down to cyavana void of guile. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
6. Hither, O Heroes, let your steeds, of dappled hue, yoked at the thought,
Your flying steeds, O Asvins, bring you hitherward, with bliss, to drink. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
7. O Asvins, hither come to us; Nasatyas, be not disinclined.
Through longing for the pious turn out of the way to reach our home. Lovers of sweetness, bear my call.
8. Ye Lords of Splendour, free from guile, come, stand at this our sacrifice.
Beside the singer, Asvins, who longs for your grace and lauds you both. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
9. Dawn with her white herd hath appeared, and in due time hath fire been placed.
Harnessed is your immortal car, O WonderWorkers, strong and kind. Lovers of sweetness, bear my call.
1. AGNI, the bright face of the Dawns, is shining; the singers’ pious voices have ascended.
Borne on your chariot, Asvins, turn you hither and come unto our full and rich libation.
2. Most frequent guests, they scorn not what is ready: even now the lauded Asvins are beside us.
With promptest aid they come at morn and evening, the worshipper’s most blessed guards from trouble.
3. Yea, come at milking-time, at early morning, at noon of day and when the Sun is setting,
By day, by night, with favour most auspicious. Not only now the draught hath drawn the Asvins.
4. For this place, Asvins, was of old your dwelling, these were your houses, this your habitation.
Come to us from high heaven and from the mountain. Come from the waters bringing food and vigour.
5. May we obtain the Asvins’ newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
1. FIRST worship those who come at early morning: let the Twain drink before the giftless niggard.
The Asvins claim the sacrifice at daybreak: the sages yielding the first share extol them.
2. Worship at dawn and instigate the Asvins:nor is the worshipper at eve rejected.
Besides ourselves another craves and worships: each first in worship is most highly favoured.
3. Covered with gold, meath-tinted, dropping fatness, your chariot with its freight of food comes hither,
Swift as thought, Asvins, rapid as the tempest, wherewith ye travel over all obstructions.
4. He who hath served most often the Nasatyas, and gives the sweetest food at distribution,
Furthers with his own holy works his offspring, and ever passes those whose flames ascend not.
5. May we obtain the Asvins’ newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy ildance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
1. YE Asvins, hither come to us: Nasatyas, be not disinclined.
Fly hither like two swans unto the juice we shed.
2. O Asvins, like a pair of deer, like two wild cattle to the mead:
Fly hither like two swans unto the juice we shed.
3. O Asvins rich in gifts, accept our sacrifice to prosper it:
Fly hither like two swans unto the juice we shed.
4. As Atri when descending to the cavem called on you loudly like a wailing woman.
Ye came to him, O Asvins, with the freshest and most auspicious fleetness of a falcon.
5. Tree, part asunder like the side of her who bringeth forth a child.
Ye Asvins, listen to my call: loose Saptavadhri from his bonds.
6. For Saptavadhri, for the seer affrighted when he wept and wafled,
Ye, Asvins, with your magic powers rent up the tree and shattered it.
7. Like as the wind on every side ruffles a pool of lotuses,
So stir in thee the babe unborn, so may the ten-month babe descend.
8. Like as the wind, like as the wood, like as the sea is set astir,
So also, ten-month babe, descend together with the after-birth.
9. The child who hath for ten months’ time been lying in his mother’s side,-
May he come forth alive, unharmed, yea, livingfrorn the living dame.
1. O HEAVENLY Dawn, awaken us to ample opulence to-day
Even as thou hast wakened us with Satyasravas, Vayya’s son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
2. Daughter of Heaven, thou dawnedst on Sunitha Sucadratha’s son,
So dawn thou on one mightier still, on Satyasravas, Vayya’s son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
3. So, bringing treasure, dawn to-day on us thou Daughter of the Sky,
As thou, O mightier yet. didst shine for Satyatravas, Vayya’s son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
4. Here round about thee are the priests who laud thee, Bright One, with their hymns,
And men with gifts, O Bounteous Dame, splendid with wealth and offering much, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
5. Whatever these thy bands perform to please thee or to win them wealth,
E’en fain they gird us round and give rich gifts which ne’er are reft away, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
6. Give to these wealthy patrons fame, O affluent Dawn, with hero sons,
To these our princes who have brought rich gifts ne’er to be reft away, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!
7. Bring lofty and resplendent fame, O thou munificent Dawn, to these
Our wealthy patrons who bestow rich gifts on us of steeds and kine, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
8. Bring us, O Daughter of the Sky, subsistence in our herds of kine,
Together with the sunbeams, with the shine of pure refulgent flames, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!
9. O Daughter of the Sky, shine forth; delay not to perform thy task.
Let not the Sun with fervent heat consume thee like a robber foe, high-born! delightful with the steeds!
10. So much, and more exceedingly, O Dawn, it suits thee to bestow,
Thou Radiant One who ceasest not to shine for those who sing thy praise, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!
1. THE singers welcome with their hymns and praises the Goddess Dawn who bringeth in the sunlight,
Sublime, by Law true to eternal Order, bright on her path, red-tinted, far-refulgent.
2. She comes in front, fair, rousing up the people, making the pathways easy to be travelled.
High, on her lofty chariot, all-impelling, Dawn gives her splendour at the days’ beginning.
3. She, harnessing her car with purple oxen. injuring none, hath brought perpetual riches.
Opening paths to happiness, the Goddess shines, praised by all, giver of every blessing.
4. With changing tints she gleams in double splendour while from the eastward she displays her body.
She travels perfectly the path of Order, nor fails to reach, as one who knows, the quarters.
5. As conscious that her limbs are bright with bathing, she stands, as ’twere, erect that we may see her.
Driving away malignity and darkness, Dawn, Child of Heaven, hath come to us with lustre.
6. The Daughter of the Sky, like some chaste woman, bends, opposite to men, her forehead downward.
The Maid, disclosing boons to him who worships, hath brought again the daylight as aforetime.
HYMN LXXXI. Savitar.
1. THE priests of him the lofty Priest well-skilled in hymns harness their spirit, yea, harness their holy thoughts.
He only knowing works assigns their priestly tasks. Yea, lofty is the praise of Savitar the God.
2. The Sapient One arrays himself in every form: for quadruped and biped he hath brought forth good.
Excellent Savitar hath looked on heaven’s high vault, and shineth after the outgoing of the Dawn.
3. Even he, the God whose going-forth and majesty the other Deities have followed with their might,
He who hath measured the terrestrial regions out by his great power, he is the Courser Savitar.
4. To the three spheres of light thou goest, Savitar, and with the rays of Sidrya thou combinest thee.
Around, on both sides thou encompassest the night: yea, thou, O God, art Mitra through thy righteous laws.
5. Over all generation thou art Lord alone: Pusan art thou, O God, in all thy goings-forth.
Yea, thou hast domination over all this world. Syavasva hath brought praise to thee, O Savitar,
1. WE crave of Savitar the God this treasure much to be enjoyed.
The best, all-yielding, conquering gift of Bhaga we would gladly win.
2. Savitar’s own supremacy, most glorious and beloved of all,
No one diminisheth in aught.
3. For Savitar who is Bhaga shall send riches to his worshipper.
That wondrous portion we implore.
4. Send us this day, God Savitar, prosperity with progeny.
Drive thou the evil dream away.
5. Savitar, God, send far away all sorrows and calamities,
And send us only what is good.
6. Sinless in sight of Aditi through the God Savitar’s influence,
May we obtain all lovely things.
7. We with our hymns this day elect the general God, Lord of the good,
Savitar whose decrees are true.
8. He who for ever vigilant precedes these Twain, the Day and Night,
Is Savitar the thoughtful God.
9. He who gives glory unto all these living creatures with the song,
And brings them forth, is Savitar.
1. SING with these songs thy welcome to the Mighty, with adoration praise and call Parjanya.
The Bull, loud roaring, swift to send his bounty, lays in the plants the seed. for germination.
2. He smites the trees apart, he slays the demons: all life fears him who wields the mighty weapon.
From him exceeding strong fices e’en the guiltless, when thundering Parjanya smites the wicked.
3. Like a car-driver whipping on his horses, he makes the messengers of rain spring forward.
Far off resounds the roaring of the lion, what time Parjanya fills the sky with rain-cloud.
4. Forth burst the winds, down come the lightning-flashes: the plants shoot up, the realm of light is streaming.
Food springs abundant for all living creatures, what time Parjanya quickens earth with moisture.
5. Thou at whose bidding earth bows low before thee, at whose command hoofed cattle fly in terror,
At whose behest the plants assume all colours, even thou Parjanya, yield us great protection.
6. Send down for us the rain of heaven, ye Maruts, and let the Stallion’s flood descend in torrents.
Come hither with this thunder while thou pourest the waters down, our heavenly Lord and Father.
7. Thunder and roar: the germ of life deposit. Fly round us on thy chariot waterladen.
Thine opened water-skin draw with thee downward, and let the hollows and the heights be level.
8. Lift up the mighty vessel, pour down water, and let the liberated streams rush forward.
Saturate both the earth and heaven with fatness, and for the cows let there be drink abundant.
9. When thou, with thunder and with roar, Parjanya, smitest sinners down,
This universe exults thereat, yea, all that is upon the earth.
10. Thou hast poured down the rain-flood now withhold it. Thou hast made desert places fit for travel.
Thou hast made herbs to grow for our enjoyment: yea, thou hast won thee praise from living creatures.
1. THOU, of a truth,O Prthivi, bearest the tool that rends the hills:
Thou rich in torrents, who with might quickenest earth, O Mighty One.
2. To thee, O wanderer at will, ring out the lauds with beams of day,
Who drivest, like a neighing steed, the swelling cloud, O bright of hue.
3. Who graspest with thy might on earth. e’en the strong sovrans of the wood,
When from the lightning of thy cloud the rain-floods of the heaven descend.
1. SING forth a hymn sublime and solemn, grateful to glorious. Varuna, imperial Ruler,
Who hath struck out, like one who slays the victim, earth as a skin to spread in front of Surya.
2. In the tree-tops the air he hath extended, put milk in kine and vigorous speed in horses,
Set intellect in hearts, fire in the waters, Siurya in heaven and Soma on the mountain.
3. Varuna lets the big cask, opening downward, flow through the heaven and earth and air’s mid-region.
Therewith the universe’s Sovran waters earth as the shower of rain bedews the barley.
4. When Varuna is fain for milk he moistens the sky, the land, and earth to her foundation.
Then straight the mountains clothe them in the rain-cloud: the Heroes, putting forth their vigour, loose them.
5. I will declare this mighty deed of magic, of glorious Varuna the Lord Immortal,
Who standing in the firmament hath meted the earth out with the Sun as with a measure.
6. None, verily, hath ever let or hindered this the most wise God’s mighty deed of magic,
Whereby with all their flood, the lucid rivers fill not one sea wherein they pour their waters.
7. If we have sinned against the man who loves us, have ever wronged a brother, friend, or comrade,
The neighbour ever with us, or a stranger, O Varuna, remove from us the trespass.
8. If we, as gamesters cheat at play, have cheated, done wrong unwittingly or sinned of purpose,
Cast all these sins away like loosened fetters, and, Varuna let us be thine own beloved.
HYMN LXXXVI. Indra-Agni.
1. THE mortal man whom ye, the Twain, Indra and Agni, help in fight,
Breaks through e’en strongly-guarded wealth as Trta burst his way through reeds.
2. The Twain invincible in war, worthy to be renowned in frays,
Lords of the Fivefold. People, these, Indra and Agni, we invoke.
3. Impetuous is their strength, and keen the lightning of the mighty Pair,
Which from their arms speeds with the car to Vrtra’s slayer for the kine.
4. Indra and Agni, we invoke you both, as such, to send your cars:
Lords of quick-coming bounty, ye who know, chief lovers of the song.
5. These who give increase day by day, Gods without guile for mortal man,
Worthy themselves, I honour most, Two Gods as partners, for my horse.
6. The strength-bestowing offering thus to Indra-Agni hath been paid, as butter, purified by stones.
Deal to our princes high renown, deal wealth to those who sing your praise, deal food to those who sing your praise.
1. To Visnu, to the Mighty whom the Maruts follow let your hymns born in song go forth, Evayamarut;
To the impetuous, strong band, adorned with bracelets, that rushes on in joy and ever roars for vigour.
2. They who with might were manifest, and who willingly by their own knowledge told it forth, Evayamarut.
Maruts, this strength of yours no wisdom comprehendeth: through their gifts’ greatness they are moveless as the mountains.
3. Who by the psalm they sing are heard, from lofty heaven, the strong, the brightly shining Ones, Evayamarut;
In whose abode there is no mightier one to move them, whose lightnings are as fires, who urge the roaring rivers.
4. He of the Mighty Stride forth strode, Evayamarut, out of the spacious dwelling-place, their home in common.
When he, himself, hath yoked his emulous strong horses on heights, he cometh forth, joy-giving, with the Heroes.
5. Like your tremendous roar, the rainer with light flashing, strong, speeding, hath made all tremble, Evayamarut,
Wherewith victorious ye, self-luminous, press onward, with strong reins, decked with gold, impetuous and well-weaponed.
6. Unbounded is your greatness, ye of mighty power: may your bright vigour be our aid, Evayamarut;
For ye are visible helpers in the time of trouble: like fires, aglow with light, save us from shame and insult.
7. So may the Rudras, mighty warriors, Evayamarut, with splendid brilliancy, like fires, be our protectors;
They whose terrestrial dwelling-place is wide-extended, whom none suspect of sin, whose bands have lofty courage.
8. Come in a friendly spirit, come to us, O Maruts, and hear his call who praises you, Evayamarut.
Like car-borne men, one-minded with the mighty Visnu, keep enmity far from us with your deeds of wonder.
9. Come to our sacrifice, ye Hnly Ones, to bless it, and, free from demons, hear our call, Evayamarut.
Most excellent, like mountains in the air’s raid-region, be irresistible, ye, Wise, to this man’a hater.