45. For warding off evil influence of Sun the native should attentively and with devotion listen to the recitation of Harivamsa Purana. If the childlessness is due to evil influence of all the plailets in equal degree, it should be removed by the recitation of “Santana Gopal Mantra”. If fasts are observed properly for Sun and Mars, there would be progeny; the same would be assured if the Kamavrata observed properly (that is, according to procedure prescribed for it).
46. The author now describes some good combinations. If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury be placed in Ascendant, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer or Virgo, or if they be posited separately each in a single sign (e.g. Venus in Pisces or Libra, Jupiter in Pisces, Sagittarius or Cancer, Mercury in Gemini or Virgo and if these planets be free from (a) association with or aspect by malefics, (b) association with debilitated or eclipsed planets, they would produce auspicious or favourabie results. If Mars be in 10th house, Saturn and Moon be in Ascendant, Jupiter and Sun occupy two trims the native would become a king. For such combination Aries should be taken as Ascendant.
47. If Ascendant falls in a moveable sign, there be a planet in it, and other planets be in 3rd house and quadrants in their signs of exaltation, such a combination would bestow the native kingship. If the four quadrants be occupied by benefics and malefics be posited in 6th and 12th houses, the native would become a king with all the royal paraphernelia and fame.
48. If Ascendant or Moon be in vargottama (that is, if they occupy the
same sign both in the birth chart and Navamsa) and receive aspects from four or more planets other than Moon, such a disposition would lead to Rajayogas (bestowing of kingship or honour). Again if Ascendant be in vargottama and bcnefics be placed in second house from Moon, if quadrants be occupied by strong planets, the native would become a king.
49. If Saturn be in Aquarius, Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus and one of these signs be Ascendant, this combination would give birth to a king. If Mercury, Mars and Jupiter respectively bein Gemini, Scorpio and Leo, another rajayoga occurs, a third rajayoga would be formed when Moon is associated with Mars in an auspicious sign as Ascendant (suc as Peisces or Aries).
50. Four kinds of Rajayogas, combinations conferring kingship of the native, are described in this sloka: 1) If Moon be exalted and occupies Ascendant and if Mercury and Sun be in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Cancer. (This can happen with Taurus as Ascendant). 2) If Saturn be exalted and occupies Ascendant and if Mercury and Sun be in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Cancer. (Ascendants in this case would be Libra). 3) Ascendant be Taurus, Sun and Moon be in Sagittarius and Mars be in exaltation that is in Capricorn. (4) Five or more planets be in their exaltation signs and strong. (The Sun and Mercury cannot be in their exaltation signs simultaneously).
51. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant be Aries with Sun in it (i.e. in exaltation), Moon with Saturn be in 7th house (here Saturn would be exalted conjoined with full Moon and Jupiter be in Sagittarius. 2) Moon be in third, mars in 6th, Mercury in 9th, Jupiter in 12th houses and Saturn be in Capricorn which is the Ascendant also.
52. Three Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant be Taurus with Moon in it (in exaltation), Sun be in 4th (in Leo), Jupiter in 7th and Saturn in 10th, house (Aquarius). 2) Pisces Ascendant and Venus be posited in it (in exaltation) and Jupiter be in conjunction with Moon in Sagittarius (10th house) and Mars be in the first portion of its exaltation sign (Capricorn). 3) Virgo be Ascendant and Mercury be posited third (in exaltation), Jupiter be in conjunction with Moon in Sagittarius and Mars be in first portion of Capricorn (its sign of exaltation).
53. Four Rajayogas we described in this sloka. 1) Virgo Ascendant, Mercury in the Ascendant (in exaltation), Jupiter, Venus and Moon in 4th (Sagittarius) and Mars and Saturn in 5th house (Capricorn). 2) Ascendant Pisces, Moon in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, Sun in Leo and Mars in Capricorn (its sign of exaltation). 3) Ascendant Aries, Mars in Ascendant and Jupiter in Cancer (its sign of exaltation). (4) Ascendant Cancer, Jupiter in Ascendant (in its sign of exaltation) and Mars in Aries (in 10th house in its own sign).
54. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant Cancer, Jupiter in Ascendant (in exaltation), Moon, Venus and Mercury in 11th house (Moon in exaltation and Venus in its own house), and Sun in Aries (in exaltation). 2) Ascendant in 1st half of Capricorn, Saturn in Ascendant (own sign), Mars in Aries (own sign), Moon in Cancer (own sign) Sun in Leo (own sign), Mercury in Gemini (own sign) and Venus in Libra (own sign).
55. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: The first Yoga has the power to confer kingship upon the native and the other makes the native wealthy: 1) Ascendant Virgo, lvfercury in Ascendant (in exaltation), Venus in 10th house, Moon and Jupiter in 7th (Sagittarius) and Saturn arid Mars in 5th house (Capricorn). 2) Moon in 10th, Saturn in 11th, Jupiter in 1st, Mercury and Mars in 2nd and Sun and Venus in 4th house.
56. Four auspicious combinations have been described in this sloka: 1) If there be a planet in its sign of exaltation but not combust, the native would become equal to king. 2) If Sun and Jupiter occupy 5th house from Ascendant the native nould become wealthy and well-versed in Shastras. 3) If a strong Mercury (that is, not in proximity to Sun and also otherwise strong) be posited in Ascendant and lord of second house occupies a quadrant, the native would perform good and meritorious deeds. 4) If there be a malelic planet in 6th house and a benefic in a quadrant, the person concerned would become wealthy and learned.
57. Two good combinations have been described in this sloka: 1) When Rahu together with Mars, Saturn and Venus be placed in Virgo, the native would become wealthy. 2) If debilitated planets (i.e. planets posited in their signs of debilitation) be placed in 11th, 10th, 2nd and 3rd houses from Ascendant, the native would become a king.
58. When two planets-one lord of a quadrant: one lord of a quadrant and the other lord of a trine unafllicted by association or aspect of malefics become mutually related, then they prove very auspicious and make the native prosperous. The mutual relationship takes place as under: 1) Each occupying the others house (exchange of houses). 2) Being together in a quadrant or trine. trine. 3) One being posited in a quadrant while the other in a 4) Being together in a single house. 5) Mutual aspect. 6) One aspecting the other. The effect of this combination would be at its best if the planets involved be lords of 9th and 10th houses.