1. This chapter describes in short the effects of different houses in a chart. These effects may be due to occupation, ownership, aspect etc., of various planets in the said house whether reckoned from Ascendant or from Moon. The contents in this chapter have been taken from other existing works on Astrology. If all the planets aspect the Ascendant or Moon, a powerful Rajayoga is formed.
2. The following matters should be judged from 1st house or Ascendant appearance of the native, his complexion, vitality, proportion of different parts of his body, spots, caste, rank, happiness, misery, head, body, mothers father, fathers mother.
3. If in a nativity benefics be in 6th, 7th and 8th houses from Ascendant or Moon, and there be no association with or aspect of malefics on them, the native would be long-lived and ruler of a mighty kingdom. Benefics in Ascendant are always beneficial to the native while malefics in that house cause untoward effects.
4. If there be a strong benefic in Ascendant the native would be of heavy build. If Moon be in Ascendant and be associated with or aspected by a malefic, the native would suffer from cold, indigestion etc. If a malefic planet occupies first half of Ascendant, the native would have some trouble in the left side of the forehead. If a malefic be posited in the other half, the trouble would be in that part.
5. A malefic in Ascendant gives a wound. in the head. If Moon be in Ascendant, the native is likely to get some trouble from water. If Mars be the owner of Ascendant, the native would look youngish even in old age. If there is Mercury in Ascendant, the native would be of childish (also witty) nature.
6-7. If Sun and Mars are posited in Ascendant, there would be a red spot or mark in the part of the body signified by the sign of Ascendent. Similarly if Rahu and Saturn are posited in Ascendant there would be black spot in that part of the body signified by, the sign of Ascendant. If Jupiter be posited in his own sign in Ascendant, the mode of speaking would be sweet and soft and he would eat sumptuous meals. If Mercury be occupying Ascendant in its own sign, the native would like food of astringent flavour. If Venus be placed similarly together with Moon, the native would have taste for pungent and acidy foods. If similar position be occupied by Rahu and Saturn or Ketu and Saturn, the native would be fond of very pungent things like black pepper. If Ascendant be occupied by Sun and Mars or by Mars and Saturn, the native would be arrogant, proud, of nasty nature and fond of acrid things.
8. The native would be long-lived if the lord of Ascendant be a benefic and strong and benefics be placed in Ascendant. He would be short-lived if there be malefics in Ascendant. If Mars and Sun be posited in Ascendant, the native would be greedy. If Ascendant be in a malefic sign (i.e. sign owned by a malefic) and Moon and Jupiter are also associated with malefics, the native would become a victim of diseases of the head.
9. The second house is called Dhana bhava or the house of wealth. The other objects that concern this house are family (it is also called Kutumba bhava), treasury, eyes, face, speech, selling and buying, gold, pearls, silver etc.
10. If the lords of Ascendant and 2nd house be placed in the 2nd house along with benefics, the native would derive all good effects of this house. If the second house be associated with or aspected by powerful benefics, the native would get lot of wealth and would be sweet and soft in speech. If Mercury aspected by Moon be in the 2nd house the native would be poor.
11. If there be waning Moon in the 2nd house and be aspected by Mercury, there would be destruction or loss of wealth. If there be Venus in the 2nd house and be aspected by Mercury there would be gain or acquisition of wealth. If Sun he posited in the 2nd house, the native would get marks or signs of diseases on his body. If Sun in the second house be aspected by a female planet (Moon or Venus), the native would possess harsh speech and would not be rich.
12. If Sun with Mercury be in the 2nd house, the native would be clever in serving others. His wealth would not be stable and would remain in control of the relative or person indicated by house of the planet associated with Sun in the second house (i.e. Mercury), for example, if Taurus be Ascendant, Mercury being lord of 5th house which is in a female sign Virgo, native would be controlled by his daughter.
13. If the planet so associated be a female planet happening to be the lord of third house, the wealth would be in control of the natives sister. If the associating planet be the lord of 4th the wealth should he in control of the mother, while if the associating planet be the lord of 6th, the wealth should he in control of the maternal uncle. If Rahu be in second house, the native would suffer from dental troubler. If Moon occupies the second house the native would suffer from high fever affecting the brain.
14. If a malefic along with Venus be posited in second house, the native would either be without sight in one of his eyes or his eyes would have some other defect (like squint etc.). This disposition would also cause defect in his speech (stammering). If Venus or Mars be in 2nd or 12th house, the native would suffer from ear troubles. If Moon be in such position, the native would have eye-troubles.
15. If a powerful Jupiter or a powerful Mercury be posited in 2nd house, the native would be a great orator and his speech would be sweet and soft. If Ketu is in 2nd, the native would have a long face. If a planet alongwith his enemy planet occupies 2nd house, the Person concerned would die on account of some disease of the mouth.
16. If Moon be in 2nd, the native would have to face danger from water. If Saturn and Rahu be in 2nd alongwith female planets, the native would squander away all his wealth through his association with low-caste people, prostitutes, singers and the like.