30. If at the time of query, the lords of 5th house and Ascendant be posited in even signs, the issue would be a girl. If they occupy odd signs, the child would be a boy. If the lords of Ascendant and the sign occupied by Moon be in 5th house, it is to be predicted that the foetus is safe in the womb.
31. If there be a query from a personas to when his wife would conceive, the position of Mars and Venus should be considered as Mars is blood and Venus is semen. The answer should be that conception would take place in the year when Mars and Venus with adequate strength are conjoined in 1st or 5th house. If Mars and Saturn be together in Ascendant, the foetus would be destroyed. The same would be the result if Moon be posited in the sign of Mars or Saturn and aspected by Mars or Saturn.
32. If there be a query whether the child to be born would be male or female, the answer that a male issue would be born can be given if Saturn occupies Navamsa of a biped sign. It would not be so if Saturn be in this disposition in Ascendant. A male issue would be born if Saturn be in a biped sign and aspected by a male planet. In all other cases the issue would be female. A male issue would be born if Jupiter and Sun be posited in an odd house from Prasna Lagna. If Mars, Moon and Venus with adequate strength be posited in an even house, the issue to be born would be female.
33. Another method of finding out whether the child to be born would be male or female is by ascertaing the number indicated by letters constituting the name of the pregnant woman. The number of Tithi on the date of query may be added to the name number. 15 may be added to this sum and the result devided by 9. If the remainder be even, the issue would be female; if odd, male.
34. If there be a query whether a journey would be undertaken or not, and if so when, the answer would be that the journey would be performed soon if the Prasna Lagna falls in a moveable sign owned by a benefic. Similar prediction should be made if the query be about someone coming. If Ascendant falls in a fixed sign, there would neither be a journey nor a return. If Ascendant falls in a dual sign the indication would be that there may be a journey and return. However, in all cases the answer should be in the affirmative, if a strong Moon aspects Prasna Lagna.
35. If at the time of query a malefic planet occupies 1st, 7th or 10th the results would not be favourable. If the query be as to when a person who has gone abroad would return home, his safe return may be predicted if Jupiter and Venus be in 2nd and 3rd houses. He would return very soon if Jupiter and Venus be in 2nd or 3rd. If Jupiter and Venus be in 4th and aspected by a strong Moon, the safe return of the traveller may be predicted.
36-37. Prasna Lagna falls in a moveable sign and one of the four planets-Saturn, Mercury, Venus (all in direct motion) and Sun be in Ascendant, the querist would set out on his journey soon. If Prasna Lagna falls in a fixed sign and Saturn and Jupiter occupy or aspect Ascendant, the querist would not start on his journey. The same would be the result if in the first mentioned disposition, Saturn, Mercury or Venus be retrograde in motion.
38. If there be no malefics in quadrants and no other malefic inffuence on them, the houses 11, 10 and 1 be occupied by benefics, and Moon be in 8th, the traveller who has gone abroad would safely return home and with some gain.
39. If 7th or 6th house be occupied by a planet and Jupiter posited in a quadrant, the traveller who has gone abroad, would return home. If Venus and Mercury be in 9th or 5th and Moon in 7th in a moveable sign,
it should be predicted that the traveller is on his way home.
40. The traveller should be said to be ill if Saturn associated or aspected by maletics be in 9th house. The same a would be the result if Sun and Moon aspected by Saturn be in 8th. There should not be much cause for anxiety if 8th house be aspected by powerful benefics. The presence of Mercury and Venus in 8th is auspicious for the traveller but Mars and Saturn in 8th give unfavourable results.
41. The return of the person who has gone away from his home, should
be predicted if the lord of 7th house from Prasna lagna be retrograde in motion. The return would be in a month in which the retrograde motion begins. Another method to determine the time of return is to take into account the distance between the strongest planet in the query chart and Ascendant.
The return would be in as many months as there be signs between Ascendant and the strongest planet. The actual number of days that may elapse before the return of the traveller would be indicated by the product of the number denoting the house (counted from Ascendant) occupied by the strongest planet and 12.
42. If at the time of query Sun and Moon be in 4th, neither the traveller nor his rival would return. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be 4th, both the traveller and his rival would return. If Prasna Lagna falls in a fixed sign and the Moon be posited in a dual sign, the rival would return. If Ascendant be in a fixed sign and Moon in a moveable sign, it should be predicted that ill-rival would come back.
43. If at the time of query, all the planets be placed in 2nd, 3rd and 5th houses, it should be declared that the person, who has been away for a long time would return home. If benefics be posited in these houses, the lost or stolen property would be recovered. If Jupiter and Venus be posited in any of the above houses it should be concluded that traveller and his rival would come back soon. The same should be predicted if strong planets be posited in Panaphara houses (2,5,8,11).
44. If Saturn occupies 9th from Prasna Lagnn together with malefics, the traveller should be declared to be ill. If Saturn associated with or aspected by malefics be placed in 8th, the illness would prove fatal. If Sun associated or aspected by benefics be posited in 8th, the traveller should be said to have gone to other countries.