27. EFFECTS OF THE 8th HOUSE. Malefics in the 8th will cause widowhood. This will occur in the Dasa periods of the Lord of the Navāńśa occupied by the 8th Lord. A benefic in the 2nd will, however, cause the female’s death in this Yoga, instead of widowhood.
28. LIMITED PROGENY. If the 5th House be one of Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo receiving the aspect of a benefic, there will be limited number of children Alternatively, the said 5th House may be conjunct a benefic, or the Moon.
29. FEMALE WITH MASCULINE DISPOSITION. Should Mercury, Venus and the Moon be in the Ascendant and be weak, while Saturn has moderate strength, as the rest are strong, the female concerned will be akin to a male in appearance and in acts. The Ascendant should in this case necessarily be an odd Sign.
30. TAKING TO RELIGIOUS ORDER. A female will be initiated into a religious order, if a malefic is in the 7th House, while the 9th House is occupied by any planet. The order will relate to the planet in the 7th House.
31. VEDIC EXPONENT. If strong Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon be in the Ascendant identical with an even Sign, the female will be a teacher/exponent of Vedas (or be a follower of Vedanta Philosophy). And she will be an expert in interpretation of various Shastras.
32. APPLICATION. Whatever has been stated in this Ch. should be wisely applied to females relating to their births, selection of grooms, marriage and query. These effects are applicable to their husbands also.
Thus ends the 46th Ch. entitled ‘ FEMALE HOROSCOPY” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.
Ch. 47. Aphorisms of Death
1. REASONS OF DEATH. If the 8th House is occupied by any planet from the Sun to Saturn, the reason for death in the same order will be fire, water, weapon, fever, indigestion (or constipation), thirst and hunger. According to the 8th House being a Movable, Fixed, or Dual Sign, the place of death will be a foreign place, own place, or on the way.
2. Death may be due to the imbalance of that humour belonging to the planet aspecting the 8th House. If there is no planet in the 8th House, the aspecting one may indicate the kind of death. If many are thus related, the strongest one will prevail.
3. DEATH BY DROWNING, FALL ETC. If the 10th and 4th are occupied by the Sun and Mars, the native will die due to fall from hills. If the 10th, 7th and 4th Houses are occupied by Mars, Mercury and Saturn, it may be due to fall in a well. Death due to imprisonment will follow, if the Luminaries are placed in Virgo in aspect to malefics. The end will be by drowning, if Pisces is occupied by the Sun and the Moon.
4-5. DEATH BY FIRE ETC. If the Moon and Saturn, respectively, are in Capricorn and Cancer, death will be due to affliction of stomach. If the Moon be hemmed between malefics and occupies a Sign of Mars, fire/weapons will cause death. Death will be certainly inflicted by dryness of blood, if the Moon is in Virgo hemmed between malefics.
6-7. DEATH BY HANGING ETC. If the Moon in Capricorn, or Aquarius be hemmed between benefics, death will be due to hanging, fire, or fall, which is doubtless according to Chanakya. The same effect will come to pass, if the 5th and 9th Houses are occupied by malefics in aspect to malefics. If the drekkana of the 8th House be one of Pasa, Sarpa and Nigala, death will be reticent.
8. DEATH DUE TO A FEMALE. If the Sun be in Pisces Ascendant, while the Moon is in the 7th (in Virgo), or in the 2nd in Aries, or in the 5th in Cancer, a female will be reason for the native’s end.
9. DEATH DUE TO A TRIDENT’S HIT. If the 4th House is occupied by Mars, or the Sun, while Saturn is conjunct weak Moon in the 10th House and malefics are in the Ascendant and its Trines, hit of a trident will cause the end.
10. DEATH BY HIT OF WOOD. If the Sun is in the 4th, while the Moon devoid of strength is in the 10th along with Mars, or in aspect to Saturn, the native will be hit by a log.
11. DEATH BY HIT OF A CLUB etc. If weak Moon, Mars, Sun and Mercury along with Saturn are in the 10th, 8th, 4th and Ascendant (in any way), the subject will have his end due to a club beat. If these planets fill the 10th, 9th, 5th and Ascendant, death will be by smoke, fire, confinement, or a blow of fist.
12. DEATH DUE TO ROYAL WRATH. If the 4th, 7th and 10th Houses are occupied by Mars, the Sun and Saturn, death will be due to weapon, fire, or royal wrath.
13-14. DEATH DUE TO INSECTS, INTOXICANTS AND MACHINERY. One’s end will be due to insects, if the 10th, 4th and 2nd Houses at his birth are occupied by Mars, the Moon and Saturn. If the 10th House is constellated by the Luminaries and Mars, the native will end his life on account of intoxicants, or fall from height. Machinery will be the source of one’s death, if the 7th House is occupied by Mars, as the trio of weak Moon, Saturn and the Sun afflict Ascendant by occupation.
15-16. DEATH IN FILTHY SURROUNDINGS. One will die amidst ordure, if Mars is in Libra, the Sun in Aries/Scorpio and the Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. The Sun, weak Moon and Mars in the 8th, 10th and 4th Houses, will kill one amidst excrement. So says Siddhasena.
17-18. DEATH BY THIRST, WEAPONS AND BIRDS. If the 8th House contains both the weak Moon and Saturn in aspect to strong Mars, the subject will die due to spleenary disorders, colics, thirst, or weapons. The Sun and Mars in the 7th, while Saturn occupies the 8th and the Moon the 4th, one’s death will be caused by birds.
19. If the Ascendant, 8th, 5th and 9th Houses are occupied by the Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon, death will be due to fall from a hill, hit of a weapon, or fall of a wall etc.
20. Yavanas indicate, that the place of death will correspond to the Navāńśa Lagna Lord. The aphorisms stated in this Ch. should be suitably interpreted according to other aspects and other conjunctions.