8. He represents thick red colour, fire, bricks, power, thorny trees, wild animals, mosquitoes, bugs, sheep, bones, brothers, lands, houses, anger, war, instruments, thieves, marrow of the bone, bitter taste, energy, prowess, sin, wounds, battles, enemies, daring acts, cruelty and torture, roaming in forests, bronze, golden waist-string, pomp and show and a house on fire.
9. Strength: He is strong during the night and during the dark lunar half.
4. Mercury
1′. Mercury is green in colour like the blade of a Durva grass. He is rajasic by nature. He is rather lean. He is talkative. He is fond of fun and humour. He has long reddish eyes. He wears green dress. He is eight yojanas high. He is of the vaisya caste. He becomes a malefic if he becomes associated with malefics.
2. Temperament: He is highly intelligent He is very learned. He is a mixture of the three humours wind (qra), phlegm (aro) and bile.
3. Guna: He is rajasic.
4. Direction: North.
5. Rays: He has six rays.
6. Grain: Green gram.
7. He rules over green colour, blue stones, glass bangles, Neelotpala flowers, (blue lillies), betel leaves, fruits having seeds, centipedes and creatures having many legs, uncle. Mathematics, speech, trade, wisdom, wit and humour, pearls, village administration, birds, smoke, coloured dress, decorated houses, fruits with seeds inside, bitter fruits, black paddy, bdipeds, pupils and vaisya caste.
5. Jupiter
1. Jupiter possesses a big body. He is yellow in colour. He is noble by nature. He is fat He has big belly. He is a Brahmin by caste. His eyes are slightly brown (honey coloured). He is about thirty years of age.
2. Temperament-‘He is exceedingly intelligent. He is very noble and generous. His speech is clear and pure.
3. Guna: Satva
4. Direction: -North-east.
5. Rays: Jupiter has seven rays.
6. Grain: Bengal gram (^orb) is assigned to Jupiter.
7. He rules over Vedas, devotion, legal affairs, elliptical shape, bankers/charity, religiousness, honours, children, reputation, gold, fine flowers, sugarcane, coconut trees, betel-nut trees, trees bearing sweet fruits (like mango etc.), beautiful houses in which much wood work is displayed.
6. Venus
Venus possesses 3 beautiful form. His limbs are well proportioned and charming. His hair is dark and curly. He has fine lovely eyes. His speech is soft and pleading. He is pleasure-loving. Venus is a feminine planet. He is sixteen years of age. He is considered to be a watery planet
1. Temperament- He is very passionate by nature and is given to enjoyments. He is a mixture of the two humours wind and phlegm.
2. Caste: Venus ?s a Brahmin by caste.
2. Direction: Venus governs the south-east direction.
4. Rays: Venus has eight rays.
5. Significations ‘ He rules over white colour, vehicles, fine clothes, beauty, wife, love affairs, fine arts, marriage, vitality, fame, sexual enjoyment, good qualities of character, jasmine, houses with much artistic beauty, pcarts, silver, bees, trees growing in watery places.
6. Grain: cowgram.
7. Strength: He is strong during the night and in the bright fortnight.
9. Saturn
1. Form: Saturn is dark in colour. He had deep set eyes and a lean and tall body covered with veins. He is dull and has large nails, teeth and coarse hair. He looks downward. He is cruel and pitiless. His height is eight yojanas.
2. Temperament: Saturn is a tamasic planet He is cruel and pitiless. He is idle and slow.
3. Caste: Soodra caste.
4. Direction: Saturn governs the west
5.Rays: Saturn has five rays.
6. Significations : Saturn indicates evil nature, cunningness, impediments, wickedness, servants, mean acts, thieves, old dilapidated houses, bitter fruits, forests, fruits with thick skin, wild flowers, trees full of thorns, bamboos, palmyra trees, margosa trees and wild animals.
7. Grain: Til
10. Rahu and Ketu
1.Satyacharya has stated that Rahu resembles Saturn and Ketu resembles Mars in their significations. We give below some more information collected from other standard works.
2. Form: Rahu is black in colour and is tall in stature. He suffers from skin diseases. He is a heretic. He speaks falsehood and ill of others.
3. Direction: South-west.
4. Significations: Paternal grand-father, serpents, scars, cheating, skin diseases, accidents, violence, worship of Durga, fever, snakes and other reptiles having poison in the mouth, jugglery, danger from poison, hands, twenty yojanas, hysteria, imprisonment, foreign languages, backbiting, quarrels, deception, amputation, excessive speech, stealing, theft, robbery, deeds and occupations considered low for one’s caste etc.
5. Stone: Agate
6. Grain: Black gram.
12. Ketu
1. Form: Ketu has reddish eyes and a fierce look. His speech is venomous. He has a
big body and holds weapons in his hands. His colour is smoky. He always inhales smoke. His limbs are covered with wounds. He is very cruel by nature.
2. Significations: Knowledge (an), salvation, worship of Ganesh, religion, maternal grandfather, sinful habits, ulcers, imprisonment, skin diseases, dacoity, murder, insects having poison in the tail like scorpion, proficiency in foreign languages, low and mean acts, occupations too low for one’s caste, accidents by fire, haughtiness, unhappiness and imprisonment.
3. Stone: Vaidoorya (turquoise).