1. Chaitanyam Aatmaa
The individual spirit which is no other than the innermost self of man is essentially of the nature of Pure Consciousness or the Reality.
2. Jnaanam bandhah
Apparent knowledge vitiated by the illusions of mind is the cause of bondage of the Jiva in the physical world.
3. Yoni-vargah kalaa-sariram.
Maya (as the generating cause of the universe), class, function and vehicle of consciousness (body) determine the nature of mental knowledge (which is the source of bondage).
4. Jnaanaadhisthaanam maatrka
The subtle structural basis of all kinds of knowledge which appear in the mind is the specific power present in the sounds corresponding to the letters of the words, or other modes of motion.
5. Udyamo bhairavah
The tremendous effort and energy required in the manifestation of a universe comes from the Divine Will of Siva, the Universal Consciousness, and appears initially through
akasa as nada or integrated ‘Sound’ from which all forms of vibration and modes of motion in the realm of manifestation are derived.
6. Sakti-chakra-samdhaane visvasamhaarah
By contemplation on the Centre through which Divine Power manifests the universe, (physical) consciousness reverts to its original pure state, Pure Consciousness, and the universe as a separate mental phenomenon disappears
7. Jaagrat-svapna-susupti-bhede turyaabhoga-(samvit)-sambhavah
Supreme Consciousness is the turiya (fourth) state of consciousness beyond the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep. This state is eternal and the other three
states come and go in it. As the turiya state alone exists and as the three preceding states merge into it and disappear, the turiya state transcends itself and becomes the
turiyatita. The Self is the turiyatita, beyond the fourth, state of consciousness.
8. Jnaanam jaagrat
The waking state of consciousness comprises, in its widest sense, all knowledge derived by the subjective self in direct contact with the objective world on any plane.
9. Svapno vikalpaah
The dream state of consciousness comprises, in its widest sense, all knowledge present in the mind when the subjective self is engaged in mental activity unrelated to the physical world of waking consciousness.
10. Aviveko maayaa sausuptam
The deep-sleep state of consciousness comprises, in its widest sense, all knowledge within the realm of the mind unrelated to awareness of the One Reality, caused by
11. Tritaya-bhoktaa viresah
He in whose consciousness all these three physical states have become fused and been transcended into one integrated state can wield all powers within that limited realm of manifestation.
12. Vismayo Yogabhumikaah
The states attained and experiences gained in the different stages of Yogic practice are really astonishing.
13. Icchaa-saktir umaa kumaari
The divine power working through a Yogi, still confined within the realm of manifestation, though astonishing, is still unwedded to the Divine Consciousness of Siva in the
Un-manifest and is, therefore, not truly infinite.
14. Drsyam sariram
The objective world around a Yogi appears as the body of Siva, no different from his own body, owing to transcendence of the three states of physical consciousness.
15. Hrdaye chittasanghattaad drsyasvaapadarsanam
The perception, through the inter-section of consciousness and mind, of the objective world produces in the mind of the Yogi a dream-like state, that is, a purely imaginary
(unreal) phenomenon.
16. Suddha-tattva-samdhaanaad vaa apasu-saktih
By contemplation on the Reality in Its purity is attained the capacity to overcome the power which binds the soul to the unreal world.
17. Vitarka aatma-jnaanam
By stilling and ultimately transcending the individual mind is attained knowledge of the atman or the individual spirit in man.
18. Lokaanandah samaadhisukham
The state of oneness with the Self (samadhi) is the source of eternal bliss.
19. Sakti-samdhaane sarirotpattih
By contemplation on the Divine Power which is the source of the objective world, the Yogi can see how all bodies are created by this Power and, with this knowledge, can
create them.
20. Bhutasamdhaana-bhutaprthaktva-visva-samghattaah
By contemplation on the nature of the five gross elements, the Yogi gains the capacity to analyze and separate them, and thus to find out how the universe and the objects
within have been built or put together through their instrumentality.