21. Suddhavidyodayaacchakresatva-siddhih
On the dawning of the pure integrated knowledge (consciousness) pertaining to the principle underlying all kinds of manifestation, the Yogi acquires mastery over the Great Centre (Source) through which Divine Power descends into manifestation in order to perform its multifarious functions.
22. Mahaahradaanusamdhaanaat mantraviryanubhavah
By contemplation on the infinite reservoir of Divine Energy hidden within the Centre (Source) of Divine Consciousness is gained awareness of the integrated power of Sound present in all mantras through which they achieve their respective aims.
1. Chittam mantrah
The mind is based on mantra; the basis of mind in its objective and structural aspect is the power inherent in different combinations of Sounds.
2. Prayatnah saadhakah
Success in knowing the relation of mind and mantra, and by utilizing this relation to attain Self-realization, can be attained only by persevering and intelligent effort based
upon pure knowledge.
3. Vidyaasarira-satta mantra-rahasyam
Pure knowledge and its acquisition are based upon sound vibrations. Therefore, the secret of acquiring Pure Knowledge concerning the inner-most Self is hidden in the
science of mantras.
4. Garbhe chittavikaaso visishta-vidyaa-svapnah
The lower kind of knowledge that develops through mind in the realm of Maya or Prakrti is of the nature of a dream, that is, purely imaginary and un-real.
5. Vidyaasamutthaane svaabhaavike khechari sivaavasthaa
The Supreme Knowledge that arises in the turyatita consciousness, with the adoption of proper means, is not vitiated by the limitations of individuality (physical states of
consciousness), and can exist only in the Supreme State of Reality known as Siva.
6. Gurur upaayah
The means of obtaining this Supreme Knowledge is one’s Guru (spiritual preceptor) who has already attained Self-realization.
7. Maatrka-chakra-sambodhah
The spiritual preceptor, who initiates the disciple, does this by uniting the consciousness of the disciple with his own, and giving him direct knowledge of maatrka-chakra
(mantra-yoga) through which the power of ‘Sound’ descends into manifestation.
8. Sariram havih
On the practice of the methods imparted by the spiritual preceptor, the body (the vehicle of consciousness) of the disciple is burnt up in the fire of Knowledge of Reality, and ceases to confine itself to physical consciousness.
9. Jnaanam annam
Realization of the Self is the true oblation to the sacrificial fire of Supreme Reality.
10. Vidyaasamhaare taduttha-svapna-darsanam
While transcending the three states of consciousness, one realizes the dream-like nature of the physical world.
1. Atma chittam
Mind is nothing but a derivative and differentiated form of Consciousness, and essentially of the same nature as Consciousness.
2. Jnanam bandhah
It is mind (mental knowledge) that is vitiated by the illusion of duality, and is the source and instrument of bondage of the spirit in man which is inherently free, and
essentially an expression of the Reality.
3. Kalaadinaam tattvaanaam aviveko maya
The inability to realize that the phenomena in the realm of the mind are due to the differentiation of principles inherent in Consciousness is the essential nature of Maya.
4. Sarire samhaarah kalaanaam
When the vehicles of consciousness (bodies) are burnt up in the Fire of Knowledge, the differentiated functions of the principles of Consciousness that find expression
through the said vehicles also disappear simultaneously.
5. Naadisamhaara-bhutajaya-bhutakaivalya-bhutaprthaktvani
By the withdrawal of consciousness from the pulse of a living being is attained mastery over the Gross Elements, and the capacity to isolate and separate them from one another.
6. Mohaavaranaat siddhih
In the siddhis or accomplishments (other than final Liberation), there is still moha or delusion of mind caused by attachment that prevents complete freedom or Liberation
from the world of manifestation.
7. Mohajayaad anantaabhogaat sahajavidyaa-jayah
Only on overcoming delusion of mind caused by attachment even to the subtlest objects on the highest planes of manifestation, there is attainment of that Knowledge,
inherent in Reality, all-embracing and through which anything can be accomplished.