8. Jagrad dvitiya-karah
The waking state of consciousness in an individual is only the secondary level radiated by the effulgence of the Supreme Light of Consciousness of Siva, the primary level
radiated being the consciousness of the Logos.
9. Nartaka Aatmaa
Every individual who is aware of his spiritual nature being Atman realizes of his being an actor on the world stage; and he is, therefore, not affected or deluded by the
particular role he is enacting.
10. Rango antaraatmaa
The manifested world is the stage on which the manifested Jiva play their limited roles.
11. Prekshakaanindriyaani
The sense organs and the organs of action, and their activity, are the objects of perception in the sordid play.
12. Dhivasaat sattvasiddhih
By complete mastery (transcendence) of intellect, it is possible to make consciousness turn inward, and centred in the atman, the individualized centre of Reality.
13. Siddhah svatantra-bhaavah
On attaining mastery (transcendence) of mind and intellect, the Yogi attains a state of being beyond the confines of embodied consciousness in varying conditions of time
and space.
14. Yathaa tatra tathaanyatra
The yogi behaves the same way everywhere and anywhere he is.
15. Bijaavadhaanam
The consciousness of the Yogi is centered in the source of the manifested world, the Supreme Brahman.
16. Aasanastho sukham hrade nimajjati
Established in the consciousness of the Atman, the Yogi is immersed in the ocean of bliss and knowledge of the source of the manifested world.
17. Svamaatraa-nirmaanam aapaadayati
Such a Yogi has the power to create or bring about results, according to the measure of his capacity, which, though tremendous, may still be limited.
18. Vidyaa-vinaase janmavinaasah
The cycle of birth and death comes to an end only on transcendence of the physical illusory knowledge of the mind.
19. Kavargaadishu maahesvaryaadyaah pasumaatarah
The Yogi should beware of the divine powers of Mahesvara, the differentiated forms of Adi Sakti, inherent, in their elementary form, in the sounds of letters that perform the
functions of creation, producing illusions, etc.
20. Trishu chaturtham tailavad aasechyam
Supreme Consciousness is the turiya (fourth) state of consciousness beyond the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep. This state is eternal and the other three
states come and go in it. As the turiya state alone exists and as the three preceding states merge into it and disappear, the turiya state transcends itself and becomes the
turiyatita. The yogi is to strive to be in this state of consciousness without interruption like the flow of oil.
21. Magnah svachittena praviset
The yogi enters the turiya (fourth) state of consciousness by way of diving into it from any of the physical states of consciousness.
22. Praanasamaachaare samadarsanam
The attainment of the fourth (turiya) state of consciousness transcending the three states of physical consciousness requires the regulation of the currents of prana and
kundalini in their respective channels within the body.
23. Madhye varah prasavah
The attainment of the fourth (turiya) state of consciousness transcending the physical states of consciousness, lower in nature, arises owing to samskaras (impressions)
resulting from the karma of the lives in the past.
24. Maatraasvapratyayasamdhaane nastasya punar utthaanam.
A state of consciousness is a manifestation of patterned interaction of physical, biological, psychological and social-cultural factors. Consciousness is related to human nature as we normally understand, and also to the nature of Reality. This leads to the postulation of the levels of consciousness, some being in a normal state and a few others in a higher state of consciousness. Human beings in their ordinary waking conscious state can become aware of themselves (ego), of others (interpersonal), about human nature in general (realities of human nature), universe (aesthetic) and about the external world as such (reality). Transcendent awareness is available to those who are able to go beyond the confines of space–time frame work. But when one experiences transcendence, one is open to other realities. This experience will have profound influence on other aspects of awareness. The interrelatedness of different aspects of consciousness leads to the breakdown of compartmentalized outlook for one experiencing transcendent awareness resulting in the awareness of the Self.
25. Sivatulyo jaayate
In the fourth (turiya) state of consciousness, the consciousness of the Yogi becomes one with the Constant Integrated Awareness of Siva, the Brahman.
26. Sarira-vrttir vratam
Such a Self-realized yogi, although free from the compulsion of reincarnation, may take on human body in the manifest world to help humanity in the process of
Self-realization as an act of austerity.
27. Kathaa japah
In his case, whatever he does or says is in the nature of a rite in the worship or meditation of the Supreme Self.