10.3 Results of Sukra in the twelve houses
Sukra in 2 – great wealth, skilful works, dependent, appearances of grandeur, love of charity, good nature, respectable deeds and sweet speech.
Sukra in 3 – poverty. defeated relations, great sorrow, pride and speech in low tones.
Sukra in 4 – great happiness and wealth, jolly tempera ment, Iove of charitable deeds, control over passions, an ornament to her family.
Sukra in 5 – wealth in coins and kind, many daughters, grand dress, good company, and leader in her family.
Sukra in 6 – meanness, irritable, cruel temperament, con quest over enemies, rejected by children and husband.
Sukra in 7 – greatness through wealth, love of husband, fond of scientific knowledge, general proficiency and cleverness, fond of Brahmins, helping people.
Sukra in 8 – pride, sorrow, want of comforts, unsympathetic, cheating others, ill-selected clothing, un-righteous conduct.
Sukra in 9 – fondness for meritorious work. leader among females, varieties of wealth and clothes, luxurious food contentment. agreeable to husband.
Sukra in 10 – respect and reputation, great wealth, body worthy of respect by good deeds, great power, beauty, truthful.
Sukra in 11 – great gains, fond of scientific knowledge, great influence, many houses and furniture.
Sukra in 12 – expenditure on evil deeds, sorrow, hard bodily organs, deceitful, dissimulative talk, disease, dull.
10.4 Results of Sani in the twelve houses.
Sani in 1 – ugly and deformed body, great discomforts, insignificant, stout bones, teeth and hairs, uninviting eyes, windy complaints, constipation and piles, fiery temperament, stubborn.
Sani in 2 – poverty, insignificant among the females, rejected by others, unsympathetic, cruel temper, unrighteous, irritable, harsh language.
Sani in 3 – great capacity, leader among ladies, grateful, many issues, charitable and protective temperament, friendship among good people.
Sani in 5 – want of children, unkind, very proud, prostitute behaviour, friendship with wicked people, perverse views.
Sani in 6 – dull, leader among women, many issues, many jewels and clothes, good character, love for children.
Sani in 7 – widowhood, insignificant, many diseases, fond of drinking, evil company, many sins and un-desirable associates.
Sani in 8 – committing sinful acts, cruel temper, untruthful and unrighteous, thievish habits, deceitful nature, early dangers and ‘accidents’.
Sani in 9 – mean acts, extravagant, friendship with misers, uneducated, rough, bereft of polite manners.
Sani in 10 – fond of evil deeds, feminine temper, love for filthy literature, poverty and bad conduct.
Sani in 11 – good issues, great wealth, handsome personality; luxurious food, great gains, bold.
Sani in 12 – bloody complaints, excess of wind and phlegm, diseases from these sources, stupidity, perverse nature, sorrowful and rejected by many. Results have been explained from the constellations, lunar influences, sign peculiarities and influences of planets in the different Bhavas. These are specially applicable to females. In astrology as well as in other sciences right judgement is a great factor and weighing of evidence is important. Great patience and labour are wanted. Chandra enters Mesha twelve times a year.
Each month has its own peculiar influence, and the various angles he forms both with reference to himself and also for other planets are factors which have to be taken into consideration in delineating the character of women. So also for other planets.