Sloka 7: If a girl should attain maturity at such a juncture, she will soon become a widow and will be devoid – of issues, wealth, happiness and clothing. She will be of bad disposition and a bane on her father’s house. These can be averted and she can soon be made to bring happiness and luck, and bear children too, if proper propiti¬ation to Gods, Brahmins and planets be made according to Vedic rites by Japa, Boma and Archana (worship).
Sloka 8: If the birth of a girl or her maturity hap¬pens in a Tyajyakala consisting of 4 Ghatikas, the effect will be (1) demise of the father (2) demise of the mother (3) loss of wealth or (4) one’s own destruction according as the birth or maturity has happened in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th ghatika respectively of the Tyajyakala. To ward off the evils accruing from these, one should perform the (1) worship of God Rudra (2) worship of God Yama (3) worship of Fire or (4) worship of God mrityu respectively. When the birth or maturity happens during a solar or lunar eclipse, the death of the father or the mother will respectively happen.
Sloka 9: A precious and divine medicine should be got prepared or taken in when the Moon is in the Amritaghatika of a star. It will then act like nectar and completely cure the disease one is ailing from. It will also totally remove all troubles arising from the three humours. It will restore perfect health and give vital energy’ to the native and lengthen his life. The sage Dhanvantari, born of the ocean, has thus described in many ways the medical cures to be effected for removing the various diseases. .
Sloka 10: If a person be sonless even at his 60th’ year, or if his horoscope reveals that he is short-lived and that he has not been blessed with any issue, he must make arrangements to adopt a son in the year wished for by him. The boy selected should be endowed with long life, fame, issues, intelligence and prosperity. This func¬tion should be done on an auspicious day in the Uttarayana and in a fore-noon.
Sloka 11: The several Kutas (20) between the person concerned and the boy proposed to be adopted should agree, and the boy should be one of his own Gotra. The Moon should occupy at the time anyone of the following constellations: viz., Swati, Punar¬vasu, Pushya, Rohini, Anuradha, Hasta, Revati, Aswini, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha and Uttara¬bhadra. The Lagna and the 5th house should not be occupied by any malefic planet. The Moon should possess Tarabala and also be strong, and the Lagna should be conjoined with or aspected by benefics.
Sloka 12: The preliminary work leading to a mar¬riage should be got started by Sumangalis when the Moon occupies Punarvasu, Pushya, Aswini, Anuradha, Hasta, Chittra, Swati, Sravana, Dhanishta and Satabhisha, and on weekday other than those of Venus and Mars. The 5th and 9th houses should be unoccupied and the Lagna at the time should be an auspicious one. The several planets should also be propitiated and the whole function should be performed accompanied by music dancing, and the like.
Sloka 13: On a day when the Moon is full, on a day of Mercury when he is free from malefic aspect and conjunction, on the day of Jupiter or of Venus, in Bhadra, Puma or Jaya Tithi, and when the Moon is quartered in moveable asterisms – Swati, Punarvasu, Sravana, Dha¬nishta and Satabhisha, – and in the fast-moving asterisms – Aswini, Hasta and Pushya – in a Lagna aspected or occupied by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, when the 5th house is unoccupied, the auspici¬ous invitation letters should be got written couched in soft and sweet language.
Sloka 14: The number of the Tithis at the time of erecting a stick or a post (for a marriage pandal) should be multiplied by 5. To this product should be added the number of the day’s asterism counted from Krittika. To this sum again should be superadded 12 and the whole sum divided by 9. If the remainder be 7, 4 or 1, the tortoise king will be in water, which means the result ¬will be gain or good. If the said remainder be 8, 2 or 5, the tortoise will be on land, and the effect of the same is loss or destruction. If the remainder in question be 3, 9 or 6, he would be in the sky, and the effect would be death.
Sloka 15: At the time of construction of any new building, write 3 emblems (in the form of vertical cylinders). In each of them draw 4 horizontal lines. Beginning, from the bottom on the left side, write out Aswini and the other asterisms as shown in the figure. The asterisms that are ascending and the three on the tops are productive of good. But if a malefic planet be quartered on any star on the ascending side, it indicates death. If the planet be benefic, the result will be good.
Sloka 16: In the case of any new entry to a house or town or the beginning of an undertaking, count from the star occupied by the Sun till the star occupied by the Moon at the time, Abhijit also being included in the reckoning. If the star happens to be within the first 7 asterisms counted from the Sun, it indicates evil; if within the next 4, good will be the result; in the next 3, the result is bad and in the next 14, it is good. This is known as Vrishabha chakra. In the same way, if the star falls within the first 5 counted from that occupied by the Sun, it is bad; if within the next 8, it is good. It is bad in the succeeding 8, and in the last 6, it is again good. This is called Kalasa chakra. In this manner, the good or bad effect of any undertaking may easily be ascertained.
Slokas 17-18½: is chakra is named Dasa and is of the form of a human being, a male. Count from the natal star of the servant till that of the master. If the number be any of the first 3, it is supposed to be on the head, and the effect will be gain of money; if within the next 3, it is on the face and denotes destruction. The next succeeding 5 denote the chest and signify much accumulation of wealth; if within the next 6, it is on the two feet and the result is poverty or indigence; if any of the next 2, it is on the back and portends danger to life; the next 4 denote the abdomen (pelvis) and the effect is good. The next 2 are allotted to the anus and the result is fear. The last 2 belong respectively to the right and left hand, their respective effects being wealth and death.
The Dasee chaka is also similar to the above, but is of the female sex. In that Chakra, the first 3 stars are on the head and indicate gain. The next 3 are on the face and signify loss; the next 2 are on the two shoulders and indicate the death of the master. The next 5 are on the back and denote growth. The next 7 are on the chest and signify loss. The next: one is on the secret part and fore bodes insult. The next 6 are on the two feet, 3 on each and the effect will be loss of wealth.