21. He is bald-headed and gat-toothed. Impassioned, he touches the genitals of a man or a woman. Together with the robbers of his band he shouts terribly and shrilly in the desert.
22. The first Hora in the sixth sign is a black and white woman who is charming and wise. She is wet with her menstruation and has filthy garments. She thinks of fine clothes, and, desiring a son, has intercourse with the man she loves.
23. She cries in the forest among the serving-girls of Brahma(?), leaning on a branch that is in full fruit and leaf. She is without wealth like one in distress, and her body is stretched out. She has attained beauty.
24. The second Hora in Virgo is said to be a man pale as moon-beams who knows how to write. He wears a beautiful and spotless garland of blossoming lotuses. He is handsome with teeth as bright as the rays of the Moon.
25. He is remembered… He adores his beloved. A pleasing man, he is eloquent and clever in crafts, dances, and the weaving of garlands, as well as in the use of a needle.
26. The first Hora in Libra is a man who is black and white. He is clever and knows spells… He carries a pair of scales, and is steadfast in the five duties.
27. Standing within the market-place, he wears bright and graceful clothes. He is in control of grain, etc., and of all sorts of coins. He carries a dart, a sword, and an arrow in his fist. He follows the vow of one who has renounced liquor.
28. The second Hora in Libra is one who is accustomed to pitiless and manly deeds. He has prominent teeth. Hating the accomplishment of protection, he carries bright-colored arrows, a knife, and a drawn sword (with which to assail his enemies).
29. He is a smasher of houses who strikes others with his fist. His hair is erect, and he is wearing a woolen cover. Crying aloud in the market-place, he jingles a bell and causes fright among the people.
30. The first Hora in the eighth sign is a man of terrible form-blazing, fierce, and most dreadful. He delights in injury, and wears a garland of gold. Yearning for battle, he dons his armor which is bound with serpents.
31. He has prominent teeth and is violent like Death. His limbs and his eyes are red, his hair like numerous swords. He slays living creatures with poison and a sword like Maheshvara angry at Doomsday.
32. The second Hora in the eighth sign is a level-standing(?) woman with a black body who has poisonous mouth and hands. She is the cause of (the use of) weapons, battles, diseases, and dangers, as she makes her snakes swell, writhe, and sway.
33. Her neck is clung to by great serpents proud of their poisonous breath. Her girdle consists of strings of jewels. She is filled with anger, and her teeth are flashing and fearful. Biting her lower lip, she creates tumult and quarrels.
34. The first Hora in Sagittarius is a man whose bow of bone is drawn. He wears the Moon in his diadem, and is moon-faced. His hair is bound with gold. He races with his horse, this protector of the sacrifice.
35. He stands in penance in the forest of asceticism and on the peaks of mountains, slaying the race of the Dasyus. He knows the proper use of each element of the Vedas and the sacrifice, and accomplishes all his desires. His eyes are as wide as lotuses.
36. The second Hora in Sagittarius is a woman of handsome brilliance who is full of motion, pride, and playfulness, and who shims like gold. She understands magic, is artful in (the use of) poison and weapons, and gives clever advice.
37. Seated on an auspicious throne she looks at an excellent casket filled with jewels and other riches. With spotless ointment on her body as she gazes at the jewels from the sea, she shines, smiling like Lakshmi.
38. The first Hora in Capricorn is a man with jagged teeth who is hideous, and fierce, armed with a club like Death at Doomsday. He breaks the peace, this wearer of a deer-skin.
39. He guards his iron, his slaves, and his buffaloes, and, standing in the water, defends his black grain. He keeps fierce thieves who are devoted to him, Mlecchas and the chiefs of the Candalas, sending them out (on raids).
40. The second Hora in Capricorn is a woman with loose hair who has a red face and red arms and who stands on one foot; they say that the rest of her is black. Her belly hangs down, and her teeth arc dreadful like a crocodile’s.
41. She shines with blue unguents, and her body is covered with a garment the color of collyrium. She is adorned with ornaments made of the metal of the Pishacas. Entering the water and standing at the Mare’s Mouth (the Entrance to Hell), she raises her voice again and again.
42. The first Hora in Aquarius is a man who is as black as collyrium. His teeth are dreadful. He is black, and wears a graceful leather garment. He makes juice from the succulent sugar-cane.
43. He knows many desired arts, and his hands are employed in many crafts. A pot is on his shoulders. His thoughts are covetous; he is a friend of those whose emblem is a pot, but is not subordinate (to them). His hands hold dice for gambling. He is beloved as one who desires to defend (his friends).
44. The second Hora in Aquarius is remembered to be a woman adorned with silken garments. Her robes are black, and her hand grasps a noose. Her eyes are as wide as a lotus. She is learned in the sacred texts.
45. Her body is tall and black, her hair reddish and wild. She is by nature clever. Being in the final stage of intoxication, and surrounded by throngs of Water-Raksasis, she commands Fate together with the Night of Doom.
46. The first Hora in Pisces is an excellent lady who is loved by one who has crossed over (the ocean). Standing on a path beside the Great Sea, she is shining and moon-faced. Her laughter causes a trembling and a graceful movement of her arms and breasts.
47. Having risen up from the shore of the Great Sea and surrounded by women who are pleasing in every way, she shines forth, her limbs adorned with red garments. She accomplishes all her objectives, and is without misfortune.
48. The second Hora in Pisces is said to be a woman wearing ear-rings made of the superior metal of the Pishacas. Her body is adorned with a blue necklace and with girdle-strings having (all) the colors in the world( ?).
49. Her upper-garment was made in the land of the Abhiras. She shines forth, dreadful, in blue robes. While carrying her metals in wagons and by foot, she is robbed in the woods by blazing thieves.
50. These Horas, whose purpose resides in (the determination of) the thoughts, places of origin, and qualities (of natives), are described by the Greeks by means of illustrations wherein their forms, insignia, and ornaments are successively given. They have names in accordance with their natures.
The second chapter in the Yavanajataka: the forms of the Horas.