81-83(a).Then by this constant practice is gained the Parichaya state (the third state). Vayu (or breath) through arduous practice pierces along with Agni the Kundalini through thought and enters the Susumna uninterrupted. When one’s Chitta enters Susumna along with Prana, it reaches the high seat (of the head probably) along with Prana.
83(b). There are the five elements: Prithvi, Apas, Agni, Vayu and Akasa.
84-87(a). To the body of the five elements, there is the fivefold Dharana. From the feet to the knees is said to be the region of Prithvi, is four-sided in shape, is yellow in colour and has the Varna (or letter) ‘La’. Carrying the breath with the letter ‘La’ along the region of earth (viz., from the foot to the knees) and contemplating upon Brahma with four faces and four mouths and of a golden colour, one should perform Dharana there for a period of two hours. He then attains mastery over the earth. Death does not trouble him, since he has obtained mastery over the earth element.
87(b)-90. The region of Apas is said to extend from the knees to the anus. Apas is semi-lunar in shape and white in colour and has ‘Va’ for its Bija (seed) letter. Carrying up the breath with the letter ‘Va’ along the regions of Apas, he should contemplate on the God Narayana having four arms and a crowned head, as being of the colour of pure crystal, as dressed in orange clothes and as decayless; and practising Dharana there for a period of two hours, he is freed from all sins. Then there is no fear for him from water and he does not meet his death in water.
91. From the anus to the heart is said to be the region of Agni. Agni is triangular in shape, of red colour and has the letter ‘Ra’ for its (Bija) seed.
92-93(a). Raising the breath made resplendent through the letter ‘Ra’ along the region of fire, he should contemplate on Rudra, who has three eyes, who grants all wishes, who is of the colour of the midday sun, who is daubed all over with holy ashes and who is of a pleased countenance.
93(b)-94(a). Practising Dharana there for a period of two hours, he is not burnt by fire even though his body enters the fire-pit.
94(b)-96. From the heart to the middle of the eyebrows is said to the region of Vayu. Vayu is hexangular in shape, black in colour and shines with the letter ‘Ya’. Carrying the breath along the region of Vayu, he should contemplate on Ishvara, the Omniscient, as possessing faces on all sides; and practising Dharana there for two hours, he enters Vayu and then Akasa.
97-98(a). The Yogin does not meet his death through the fear of Vayu. From the centre of the eyebrows to the top of the head is said to be the region of Akasa, is circular in the shape, smoky in colour and shining with letter ‘Ha’.
98(b)-101(a). Raising the breath along the region of Akasa, he should contemplate on Sadashiva in the following manner, as producing happiness, as of the shape of Bindu, as the great Deva, as having the shape of Akasa, as shining like pure crystal, as
wearing the rising crescent of moon on his head, as having five faces, ten hands and three eyes, as being of a pleased countenance, as armed with all weapons, as adorned with all ornaments, as having Uma (the goddess) in one-half of his body, as
ready to grant favours and as the cause of all the causes.
101(b). By practising Dharana in the region of Akasa, he obtains certainly the power of levitating in the Akasa (ether).
102. Wherever he stays, he enjoys supreme bliss. The proficient in Yoga should practise these five Dharanas.
103. Then his body becomes strong and he does not know death. That great-minded man does not die even during the deluge of Brahma.
104-105. Then he should practise Dharana for a period of six Ghatikas (2 hours, 24 minutes). Restraining the breath in (the region of) Akasa and contemplating on the deity who grants his wishes – this is said to be Saguna Dhyana capable of giving (the Siddhis) Anima, etc. One who is engaged in Nirguna Dhyana attains the stage of Samadhi.
106. Within twelve days at least, he attains the stage of Samadhi. Restraining his breath, the wise one becomes an emancipated person.
107. Samadhi is that state in which the Jivatman (lower self) and the Paramatman (higher Self) are differenceless (or of equal state). If he desires to lay aside his body, he can do so.
108-109(a). He will become absorbed in Parabrahman and does not require Utkranti (going out or up). But if he does not so desire and if his body is dear to him, he lives in all the worlds possessing the Siddhis of Anima, etc.
109(b)-110. Sometimes he becomes a Deva and lives honoured in Svarga; or he becomes a man or an Yaksha through his will. He can also take the form of a lion, tiger, elephant, or horse through his own will.
111. The Yogin becoming the great Lord can live as long as he likes. There is difference only in the modes of procedure but the result is the same.
112-115(a). Place the left heel pressed on the Anus, stretch the right leg and hold it firmly with both hands. Place the head on the breast and inhale the air slowly. Restrain the breath as long as you can and then slowly breathe out. After practising it with the left foot, practise it with the right. Place the foot that was stretched before on the thigh. This is Maha-Bandha and should be practised on both sides.
115(b)-117(a). The Yogin sitting in Maha-Bandha and having inhaled the air with intent mind, should stop the course of Vayu (inside) by means of the throat Mudra and occupying the two sides (of the throat) with speed. This is called Mahavedha and is frequently practised by the Siddhas.
117(b)-118(a). With the tongue thrust into the interior cavity of the head (or throat) and with the eyes intent on the spot between the eyebrows, this is called Khechari-Mudra.
118(b)-119(a). Contracting the muscles of the neck and placing the head with a firm will on the breast, this is called the Jalandhara (Bandha); and is a lion to the elephant of death.
119(b)-120(a). That Bandha by which Prana flies through Susumna is called Uddiyana Bandha by the Yogins.
120(b)-121(a). Pressing the heal firmly against the anus, contracting the anus and drawing up the Apana, this is said to be Yoni-Bandha.
121(b)-122(a). Through Mula-Bandha, Prana and Apana as well as nada and Bindu are united and gives success in Yoga; there is no doubt about this.
122(b)-124(a). The one practising in a reversed manner (or on both sides) which destroys all diseases, the gastric fire is increased. Therefore a practitioner should collect a large quantity of provisions, (for) if he takes a small quantity of food, the fire (within) will consume his body in a moment.
124(b)-125. On the first day, he should stand on his head with the feet raised up for a moment. He should increase this period gradually every day. Wrinkles and greyness of hair will disappear within three months.
126. He who practises only for a period of a Yama (twenty-four minutes) every day conquers time. He who practises Vajroli becomes a Yogin and the repository of all Siddhis.
127-128. If the Yoga Siddhis are ever to be attained, he only has them within his reach. He knows the past and the future and certainly moves in the air. He who drinks of the nectar thus is rendered immortal day by day. He should daily practise Vajroli. Then it is called Amaroli.
129-131(a). Then he obtains the Raja-Yoga and certainly he does not meet with obstacles. When a Yogin fulfils his action by Raja-Yoga, then he certainly obtains discrimination and indifference to objects. Vishnu, the great Yogin, the grand one of great austerities and the most excellent Purusha is seen as a lamp in the path of truth.
131(b)-134(a). That breast from which one suckled before (in his previous birth) he now presses (in love) and obtains pleasure. He enjoys the same genital organ from which he was born before. She who was once his other will now be wife and she who is now
wife is (or will be) verily mother. He who is now father will be again son and he who is now son will be again father. Thus are the egos of this world wandering in the womb of birth and death like a bucket in the wheel of a well and enjoying the worlds.
134(b)-136(a). There are the three worlds, three Vedas, three Sandhyas (morning, noon and evening), three Svaras (sounds), three Agnis and Gunas, and all these are placed in the three letters (OM). He who understands that which is indestructible and is the meaning of the three (OM) – by him are all these worlds strung. This is the Truth, the supreme seat.
136(b)-138(a). As the smell in the flower, as the ghee in the milk, as the oil in the gingelly seed and as the gold in the quartz, so is the lotus situated in the heart. Its face is downwards and its stem upwards. Its Bindu is downwards and in its centre is situated Manas.
138(b)-139(a). By the letter ‘A’, the lotus becomes expanded; by the letter ‘U’, it becomes split (or opened). By the letter ‘M’, it obtains Nada; and the Ardha-Matra (half-metre) is silence.
139(b)-140(a). The person engaged in Yoga obtains the supreme seat, which is like a pure crystal, which is without parts and which destroys all sins.
140(b)-141. As a tortoise draws its hands and head within itself, so drawing in air thus and expelling it through the nine holes of the body, he breathes upwards and forwards.
142. Like a lamp in an air-tight jar which is motionless, so that which is seen motionless through the process of Yoga in the heart and which is free from turmoil, after having been drawn from the nine holes, is said to be Atman alone.”
Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Here ends the Yogatattva Upanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.