The Offerings to Rudra
iv. 5. 1.
a. Homage to thy wrath, O Rudra,
To thine arrow homage also;
Homage to thy bow,
And homage to thine arms.
b. With thy most kindly arrow,
And kindly bow,
With thy kindly missile,
Be gentle to us, O Rudra.
c. That body of thine, O Rudra, which is kindly,
Not dread, with auspicious look,
With that body, most potent to heal,
O haunter of the mountains, do thou look on us.
d. The arrow which, O haunter of mountains,
In thy hand [1] thou bearest to shoot,
That make thou kindly, O guardian of mountains;
Harm not the world of men.
e. With kindly utterance thee
We address, O liver on the mountains,
That all our folk
Be free from sickness and of good cheer.
f. The advocate hath spoken in advocacy,
The first divine leech,
Confounding all the serpents
And all sorceries.
g The dusky, the ruddy,
The brown, the auspicious,
And the Rudras which in thousands
Lie around this (earth) in the quarters [2],
Their wrath do we deprecate.
h. He who creepeth away,
Blue-necked and ruddy,
Him the cowherds have seen,
Have seen the bearers of water
And him all creatures;
May be, seen, be gentle unto us.
i Homage to the blue-necked,
Thousand-eyed one, the bountiful
And to those that are his warriors
I have paid my homage.
k. Unfasten from the two notches
Of thy bow the bowstring,
And cast thou down
The arrows in thy hand [3].
l Unstringing thy bow,
Do thou of a thousand eyes and a hundred quivers,
Destroying the points of thine arrows,
Be gentle and kindly to us.
m. Unstrung is the bow of him of the braided hair
And arrowless his quiver;
His arrows have departed,
Empty is his quiver.
n O most bountiful one, the missile
That is in thy hand, thy bow,
With it on all sides do thou guard us,
Free from sickness.
o. Homage to thy weapon,
Unstrung, dread;
And homage to thy two hands,
To thy bow.
p. May the missile from thy bow
Avoid us on every side,
And do thou lay far from us
This quiver that is thine.
iv. 5. 2.
a. Homage to the golden-armed leader of hosts, and to the lord of the quarters homage!
b. Homage to the trees with green tresses, to the lord of cattle homage!
c. Homage to the one who is yellowish-red like young grass, to the radiant, to the lord of paths homage!
d. Homage to the brown one, to the piercer, to the lord of food homage!
e. Homage to the green-haired, wearer of the cord, to the lord of prosperity homage!
f. Homage to the dart of Bhava, to the lord of the moving world homage!
g. Homage to Rudra, with bent bow, to the lord of fields homage!
h. Homage to the minstrel, the inviolate, to the lord of the woods homage!
i. Homage [1] to the ruddy one, the ruler, to the lord of woods homage!
k. Homage to the minister, the trader, to the lord of thickets homage!
l. Homage to the extender of the world, the offspring of the maker of room, to the lord of plants homage!
m. Homage to the loud calling, the screaming, to the lord of footmen homage!
n. Homage to the wholly covered, to the running, to the lord of warriors homage!
iv. 5. 3.
a. Homage to the strong, the piercing, to the lord of assailers homage!
b. Homage to the leader, the holder of the quiver, to the lord of thieves homage!
c Homage to the holder of the quiver, to the owner of the quiver, to the lord of robbers homage!
d. Homage to the cheater, the swindler, to the lord of burglars homage!
c. Homage to the glider, to the wanderer around, to the lord of the forests homage!
f Homage to the bolt-armed destructive ones, to the lord of pilferers homage!
g. Homage to the bearers of the sword, the night wanderers, to the lord of cut-purses homage!
h. Homage to the turbaned wanderer on the mountains, to the lord of pluckers homage!
i Homage [1] to you, bearers of arrows, and to you, bowmen, homage!
k. Homage to you that string (the bow), and to you that place (on the arrow), homage!
l. Homage to you that bend (the bow), and to you that let go the arrow) homage!
m. Homage to you that hurl, and to you that pierce homage!
n. Homage to you that art seated, and to you that lie homage!
o. Homage to you that sleep, and to you that wake homage!
P. Homage to you that stand, and to you that run homage!
q. Homage to you assemblies, and to you, lords of assemblies, homage!
r. Homage to you horses, and to you, lords of horses, homage!
iv. 5. 4.
a. Homage to you that wound, and to you that pierce homage!
b. Homage to you that are in bands, and to you that are destructive homage!
c. Homage to you sharpers, and to you, lords of sharpers, homage!
d. Homage to you hosts, and to you, lord of hosts, homage!
e. Homage to you troops, and to you, lords of troops, homage
f. Homage to you of misshapen form, and to you of all forms homage!
g. Homage to you that are great, and to you that are small homage!
h. Homage to you that have chariots, and to you that are chariotless homage!
i. Homage to you chariots [1], and to you, lords of chariots, homage!
k. Homage to you hosts, and to you, lords of hosts, homage!
I. Homage to you, doorkeepers, and to you, charioteers, homage!
m. Homage to you, carpenters, and to you, makers of chariots, homage!
n. Homage to you, potters, and to you, smiths, homage!
o. Homage to you, Puñjistas, and to you, Nisadas, homage!
p. Homage to you, makers of arrows, and to you, makers of bows, homage!
q. Homage to you, hunters, and to you, dog-leaders, homage!
r. Homage to you dogs, and to you, lords of dogs, homage!
iv. 5. 5.
a. Homage to Bhava and to Rudra.
b. Homage to Çarva and to the lord of cattle.
c. Homage to the blue-necked one, and to the white-throated.
d. Homage to the wearer of braids, and to him of shaven hair.
e. Homage to him of a thousand eyes, and to him of a hundred bows.
f. Homage to him who haunteth the mountains, and to Çipivista.
g. Homage to the most bountiful, and to the bearer of the arrow.
h. Homage to the short, and to the dwarf.
i. Homage to the great, and to the stronger.
k. Homage to him who hath waxed, and to the waxing.
I. Homage to the chief, and to the first.
m. Homage to the swift, and to the active.
n. Homage to the rapid, and to the hasty.
o. Homage to him of the wave, and to the roaring.
p. Homage to him of the stream, and to him of the island.