The Exposition of the Daksina and other Offerings
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The sacrifices with the gifts are offered for the world of heaven. He offers with two (verses) on the Garhapatya; the sacrificer has two feet; (verily it serves) for support. He offers in the Agnidh’s altar; verily he ascends the atmosphere. He approaches the Sadas; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. He offers in the Garhapatya with verses addressed to Surya; verily he makes him mount yonder world. He offers in the Agnidh’s altar with a verse containing the word ‘Lead’, for leading to the world of heaven. ‘Go to the sky, fly to heaven’, (with these words) he takes out the gold after the offering [1]; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. ‘With my form I approach your form’, he says; for by his form he approaches their form, in that (he approaches) with gold. ‘May Tutha, all knowing, allot to you’, he says; Tutha, all knowing, was wont to allot the gifts of the gods; verily thereby he divides them. ‘This gift of thine, O Agni [2], cometh, impelled by the Soma’, he says, for his gift comes impelled by the Soma. ‘Lead it by the path of Mitra’, he says, for atonement. ‘Go ye on by the path of holy order, of brilliant gifts’, he says; holy order is truth; verily with truth, with holy order, he divides them. ‘Leading prosperity by the path of the sacrifice’, he says, for the gifts go by the path of the sacrifice. ‘May I win a Brahman to-day [3], a seer and sprung from seers’, he says; the learned man is a Brahman, a seer and sprung from seers; therefore he says thus. ‘Gaze on the heaven, gaze on the atmosphere’, he says; verily he makes him go to the world of’ heaven. ‘Join those in the seat’, he says, for friendship. ‘Given by us, go to the gods, full of sweetness; enter the giver’, he says; ‘we here are givers; do ye there enter us, full of sweetness’ [4], he says in effect. He gives gold; gold is light; verily he places light before, to light up the world of heaven. He gives to the Agnidh; verily he delights the seasons headed by Agni; he gives to the Brahman priest, for instigation; he gives to the Hotr; the Hotr is the self of the sacrifice; verily he unites the self of the sacrifice with the gifts.
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He offers the Samistayajuses, for the completion of the sacrifice. Whatever is harsh or injured in the sacrifice, what he passes over, what he does not pass over, what he does redundantly, what he does not do, all that he propitiates with them. He offers nine; nine are the breaths in man, the sacrifice is commensurate with man; all the sacrifice he delights thus. He offers six with Rcs; the seasons are six; verily he delights the seasons; he offers three with Yajuses [1]; these worlds are three; verily he delights these worlds. ‘O sacrifice, go to the sacrifice; go to the lord of the sacrifice’, he says; verily he makes it go to the lord of the sacrifice. ‘Go to thine own birthplace’, he says; verily be makes it go to his own birthplace. ‘This is thy sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice, with its, utterance of hymns and producing noble heroes’, he says; verily he confers strength upon the sacrificer. Vasistha Satyahavya asked Devabhaga, ‘When thou didst cause to sacrifice the Srñjayas, with many sacrificers, didst thou cause the sacrifice to rest upon the sacrifice [2] or on the lord of the sacrifice? He replied, ‘On the lord of the sacrifice.’ ‘But in truth Srñjayas have been defeated’, he said, ‘the sacrifice should have been made to rest on the sacrifice, to prevent the defeat of the sacrificer.’ ‘Ye gods, that find the way, finding the way, go on the way’, he says; verily he makes the sacrifice to rest upon the sacrifice, to prevent the defeat of the sacrificer.
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He offers the Avabhrthayajuses; whatever sin he has committed in the year before, verily that thereby he propitiates. He goes to the waters for the final bath; Varuna is in the waters; verily straightway he propitiates Varuna. The Raksases, following along by the path, seek to injure the sacrifice; the Prastotr follows along with the Saman, the slayer of Raksases, is the Saman; (verily it serves) for the smiting away of the Raksases. Thrice he performs the finale; these worlds are three; verily from these worlds [1] he smites away the Raksases. Each one performs the finale; for each one is infested by the Raksases, for the smiting away of the Raksases. ‘King Varuna hath made a broad (path)’, he says, for support. ‘A hundred remedies are thine, O king, a thousand’, he says; verily he makes medicine for him. ‘The noose of Varuna is overcome’, he says verily he overcomes the noose of Varuna. He makes offering over the strew, for the support of the oblations; verily also he offers in what has fire. He offers the fore-offerings omitting that to the strew [2]; the strew is offspring; verily he frees offspring from Varuna’s noose. He offers the two portions of butter; verily he does not obstruct the two eyes of the sacrifice. He sacrifices to Varuna; verily he frees him from Varuna’s noose. He sacrifices to Agni and Varuna; verily straightway he frees him from Varuna’s noose. He offers two after-offerings, omitting that to the strew; the strew is offspring; verily he frees offspring from Varuna’s noose. He offers four fore-offerings and two after-offerings; they make up six, the seasons are six [3]; verily he finds support in the seasons. ‘O bath, O flood’, he says; verily he propitiates by this utterance Varuna. In the sea is thy heart, within the waters’, he says, for Varuna is in the sea. ‘Let the plants and the waters enter thee” he says; verily he unites him with the waters and the plants. ‘Ye divine waters, this is thy foetus’, he says; that is according to the text. The Soma is cattle [4]; if he were to partake of the drops, he would be possessed of cattle, but Varuna would seize him; if he were not to partake, he would have no cattle, but Varuna would not seize him; he should touch them only, he becomes possessed of cattle, Varuna seizes him not. ‘The noose of Varuna is loosed’, he says; verily is he freed from Varuna’s noose. They advance without looking round, for concealment from Varuna. ‘Thou art fuel may we prosper’, he says; verily with the kindling-stick they approach the fire in reverence. ‘Thou art brilliance; grant me brilliance’, he says; verily he bestows brilliance upon himself.
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With the wooden sword he digs up the altar, with the axle of a chariot he measures. He sets up the sacrificial post; verily gathering together a threefold bolt he hurls it at his foe, to lay him low. If he were to set it up within the altar, he would win the world of the gods; if outside the altar, the world of men; he sets it up in the place where the altar and the edge (outside) meet, for the winning of both worlds. He should set (the set) up with the lower parts alike for one who desires the world of the Pitrs, with the girdle part alike for one who desires the world of men, with the top pieces alike for one who desires power, and all alike for one who desires support; the three in the middle alike for one who desires cattle; for through them [1] cattle attend (on him); verily he becomes possessed of cattle. He should interlock the others; verily he interlocks him with offspring and cattle. If he desire of a man, ‘May he be liable to die’, he should set it up for him in grave fashion, the northern half the higher, then (the southern) the lower; this is the grave fashion; he for whom he sets it up thus swiftly dies. For him who desires the heaven he should set it up with the southern half the higher, then the (northern) half the lower; verily the sacrificer makes it a ladder and a bridge to attain the world of heaven [2]. In that on one post he twines round two girdles, therefore one man wins two wives; in that he does not wind one girdle round two posts, therefore one wife does not find two husbands. If he desire of a man, ‘Be a girl born to him’, he should intertwine (the girdles) near the ends; verily a girl is born to him; if he desire of a man, ‘Be a son born to him’, he should cover it round right up to the end; verily a son is born to him [3]. The Asuras drove the gods to the south, the gods repelled them by the Upaçaya (post); that is why the Upaçaya has its name. In that the Upaçaya lies near (upaçáye) on the south, (it serves) to drive away the foe. All the other posts have victims (attached), the Upaçaya has none, its victim is the sacrificer; if he were not to indicate (a victim), the sacrificer would be ruined. ‘N.N. is thy victim’, (with these words) he should indicate whomsoever he hates; whom he hates [4], him he indicates as a victim to it. If he hates not, ‘The mole is thy victim’, he should say; he harms not domestic nor wild animals. Prajapati created offspring; he was destitute of proper food, he saw this set of eleven, and therewith he won proper food. In that there are ten posts, the Viraj has ten syllables, and the Viraj is food, he wins proper food by the Viraj [5]; thereby he milks the eleventh breast of her. In that the set of eleven (is set up), a thunderbolt is set up; it is liable to crush the sacrifice face to face; in that he sets up (the stake) (for Tvastr) with the wives, (it serves) to establish the sacrifice and to bind.
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Prajapati created offspring; he thought himself emptied, he saw this set of eleven (victims), with it he bestowed life, power, and strength upon himself; he who sacrifices creates as it were offspring; then he is as it were emptied; in that this set of eleven is (offered), with it the sacrificer bestows life, power, and strength upon himself. With (the victim) for Agni he scatters, with that for Sarasvati he makes a pairing, with that for Soma he impregnates seed [1], with that for Pusan he propagates. There is one for Brhaspati; Brhaspati is the holy power (Brahman) of the gods; verily with the holy power (Brahman) he produces offspring for him. There is one for the All-gods; offspring are connected with the All-gods; verily he produces offspring, for him. By that for Indra he wins power, by that for the Maruts the people, by that for Indra and Agni force and might. That for Savitr is for instigation, that for Varuna to free oneself from Varuna’s (noose). In the middle he offers that for Indra; verily in the middle he bestows power on the sacrificer [2]. In front of that for Indra he offers that for the All-gods; food is connected with the All-gods; verily he puts food in front; therefore food is eaten in front. Having offered that for Indra he offers that for the Maruts; the Maruts are the people; verily he fastens the people to him. If he desire, ‘May he who has attained (power) be banished; may he who is banished return (to power)’, in the place of that for Indra he should offer that for Varuna, in the place of that for Varuna that for Indra [3]. He who has attained (power) is banished, he who is banished returns (to power). If he desire, ‘May the people fall into confusion’, he should interchange the animals; verily he causes the people to fall into confusion. If he should offer that to Varuna along the stream of the waters, Varuna would seize his offspring; he offers (the victim) facing north on the south side against the stream of the waters, to prevent Varuna seizing his offspring.